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oach; while the negroes, joyfully hailing him as their liberator, speedily filled his camps with crowds of men, women, and children, destitute of food, and fearing to go outside of his lines lest they should be reduced again to Slavery. Gen. Butler, after anxious consideration, felt obliged to subject the whole district to sequestration, in order to secure the cutting and grinding of the cane, so as to save the remaining inhabitants from death by famine. Maj. Bell, Lt.-Col. Kinsman, and Capt. Fuller, were appointed a commission, who were to take charge of all personal property, and either apply it to the use of the army or transport it to New Orleans and there sell it to the highest bidders, dispensing to loyal citizens and neutral foreigners their just share of the proceeds, and applying the residue to the uses of the Federal service in this military department. Thus were the negroes employed, paid, and subsisted, the crops saved, and a large sum turned over to the support of our a
illiams commanding Fort Robinett, which is in front. Had the Rebels taken the latter, the guns of the former would have destroyed them. They were separated by a space riot exceeding one hundred and fifty yards. The Ohio brigade, commanded by Col. Fuller, was formed behind the ridge, on the right of the redoubts. The left of the 63d Ohio rested on Fort Robinett, its right joining the left of the 27th Ohio; the 39th was behind the 27th, supporting it; the right of the 43d joined the left of thuri, Col. Mower (U. S. A.), was formed behind the 63d Ohio, its left in the angle, and the regiment faced obliquely to the right of the 63d. The positions of these gallant regiments should be described, because their actions are memorable. Col. Fuller, perfectly collected, required his brigade to lie flat on their faces when not engaged. While the enemy was steadily approaching, he warned them to wait till they could see the whites of their eyes, then fire coolly. It was at the moment the
Trenton alone), was struck on his return at Parker's Cross-roads, between Huntingdon and Lexington, and thoroughly routed. He first encountered Col. C. L. Dunham, with a small brigade of 1,600; who had, the day before, been pushed forward from Huntingdon by Gen. J. C. Sullivan, and who was getting the worst of the fight — having been nearly surrounded, his train captured, and he summoned to surrender — when Sullivan came up at double-quick, with the two fresh brigades of Gen. Haynie and Col. Fuller, and rushed upon the astonished Rebels, who fled in utter rout, not attempting to make a stand, nor hardly to fire a shot. Forrest himself narrowly escaped capture; losing 4 guns, over 400 prisoners, including his Adjutant, Strange, two Colonels, many horses, arms, &c., &c. He fled eastward to Clifton, where he recrossed the Tennessee, and thence made his way back to Bragg. He lost in the fight about 50 killed and 150 wounded--the latter being included among the prisoners. Dunham repor
g; also at a point nearly two miles below. The Engineer corps had laid the upper pontoon two-thirds of the way, when daylight exposed them to the fire of the enemy's sharp-shooters, which drove them off; and the work was completed by the 7th Michigan, who had 5 killed and 16 wounded, including Lt.-Col. Baxter. Supported and followed by the 19th and 20th Massachusetts, they speedily finished the job, having dashed across the river in boats; Among the volunteers first to cross was Rev. Arthur B. Fuller. Chaplain 16th Mass., who was killed by a rifle-shot. taking 35 prisoners. We lost 300 in all in laying our pontoons and clearing the city of the enemy. Gen. Franklin, on our left, encountered less resistance — the make of the land being there favorable to us — and laid his pontoons without loss. Possession of both banks being thus secured, two other pontoons were laid at either point, and our army mainly pushed across during that and the following days. Dec. 11-12. The next
ht, some of them handling a rifle with the skill of a marksman, while others, unarmed, would move about among their men encouraging them to do their best. Among the Chaplains killed in action, there were: Name. Regiment. Battle. Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, 16th Massachusetts, Fredericksburg. Rev. Orlando N. Benton, 51st New York, New Berne. Rev. John M. Springer, 3d Wisconsin, Resaca. Rev. Francis E. Butler, 25th New Jersey, Siege of Suffolk. Rev. John L. Walther, 43d Illinois,st Maine Cavalry, Cold Harbor. Rev. George W. Densmore, 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, L'Anguille Ferry. In addition, there were several who lost their lives by the diseases incident to the hardship ship and exposure of a soldier's life. Chaplain Fuller, of the Sixteenth Massachusetts, had resigned from the service and had just received his discharge, when he learned that his regiment was about to go into action, at Fredericksburg. Crossing the river in the boats with the forlorn hope, he
fought in Hackleman's Brigade of Davies's Division, its loss there amounting to 12 killed, 84 wounded, and 5 missing. Among the killed were Colonel Baker, Lieutenant-Colonel Noah W. Mills and four line officers; General Hackleman was also killed in this engagement. The regiment wintered at Corinth, Miss., and in the fall of 1863 moved to Pulaski, Tenn. It reenlisted in the winter of 1863-64, and upon its return from its veteran furlough entered the Atlanta campaign, during which it was in Fuller's (1st) Brigade, Veatch's (4th) Division, Sixteenth Corps. After the fall of Atlanta it was transferred to Howard's (1st) Brigade, Rice's (4th) Division, Fifteenth Corps, with which it marched to the Sea and through the Carolinas. In November, 1864, the veterans and recruits of the Third Iowa remaining in the field were transferred to this regiment. The Second Iowa was mustered out July 12, 1865. Third Iowa Infantry. Pugh's Brigade — Lauman's Division--Sixteenth Corps. (1) Co
oss at Nickajack, and Ezra Chapel.             12th Wisconsin Leggett's Seventeenth 47 153 21 221 13th Iowa Gresham's Seventeenth 25 188 93 306 27th Ohio Fuller's Sixteenth 29 145 6 180 15th Iowa Gresham's Seventeenth 19 122 79 220 39th Ohio Fuller's Sixteenth 21 144 -- 165 31st Illinois Leggett's Seventeenth 36 Fuller's Sixteenth 21 144 -- 165 31st Illinois Leggett's Seventeenth 36 89 38 163 64th Illinois Fuller's Sixteenth 23 90 9 122 11th Iowa Gresham's Seventeenth 20 92 60 172 32d Ohio Gresham's Seventeenth 19 91 41 151 16th Wisconsin Leggett's Seventeenth 25 83 11 119 78th Ohio Leggett's Seventeenth 25 73 24 122 111th Illinois M. L. Smith's Fifteenth 18 50 86 154 66th Illinois SweenyFuller's Sixteenth 23 90 9 122 11th Iowa Gresham's Seventeenth 20 92 60 172 32d Ohio Gresham's Seventeenth 19 91 41 151 16th Wisconsin Leggett's Seventeenth 25 83 11 119 78th Ohio Leggett's Seventeenth 25 73 24 122 111th Illinois M. L. Smith's Fifteenth 18 50 86 154 66th Illinois Sweeny's Sixteenth 17 57 2 76 Winchester, Va.             July 24-25, 1864.             36th Ohio Duval's Eighth 9 103 24 136 13th West Virginia Duval's Eighth 14 50 15 79 23d Illinois Mulligan's Eighth 14 63 37 114 10th West Virginia Mulligan's Eighth 12 57 43 112 Deep Bottom, Va. Or, First Deep Botto
listed and served through the war. 6 116 122   116 116 238 Newton's Fourth. July, ‘61 27th Ohio Reenlisted and served through the war. 6 80 86 1 122 123 209 Fuller's Sixteenth. July, ‘61 28th Ohio Reenlisted and served through the war. 2 66 68   66 66 134 Kanawha Ninth. Aug., ‘61 29th Ohio Reenlisted and served t0 41 5 262 267 308 A. J. Smith's Thirteenth. Aug., ‘62 24th Wisconsin 8 103 111 3 87 90 201 Newton's Fourth. Sept., ‘62 25th Wisconsin 3 48 51 7 402 409 460 Fuller's Sixteenth. Sept., ‘62 26th Wisconsin 12 176 188   77 77 265 Schurz's Eleventh. Oct., ‘62 27th Wisconsin   22 22 5 232 237 259 Salomon's Seventh, A. F. Rosecrans, Sherman, Griffin, Hunt, McPherson, Mitchel, Gillmore, McDowell, Custer, Weitzel, Kautz, William S. Smith, Crook, Stanley, Brooks, Leggett, the McCooks, Fuller, Steedman, Force, Banning, Ewing, Cox, Willich, Chas. R. Woods, Lytle, Garrard, Van Derveer, Beatty, Tyler, Harker, Opdycke, Carroll, and other noted o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 1: Margaret Fuller Ossoli — Introductory. (search)
le there was yet too little of intimacy to give place for the glamour of affection. This biography may therefore serve as an intermediate step between the original Memoirs --which gave the estimate offered by personal friendship — and that remoter verdict which will be the judgment of an impartial posterity. The sources on which I have chiefly relied are (1) the five bulky volumes in possession of the Fuller family, into which a great variety of written material was transcribed by Rev. A. B. Fuller, after the publication of the Memoirs, --and to which I have referred always as the Fuller Mss. ; (2) Margaret Fuller's letters to Mr. Emerson, kindly lent me by Mr. Emerson's executors; (3) her letters to Dr. F. H. Hedge, lent me by himself; (4) those to the Hon. A. G. Greene, of Providence, R. I., sent me by his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Eastman, of Concord, N. H.; (5) those to the Hon. George T. Davis, shown to me by his son, James C. Davis, Esq.; (6) many letters and papers of different
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Bibliographical Appendix: works of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (search)
with additions, by Mrs. Minna Wesselhoeft. Boston, 1861.] 3. Summer on the Lakes. Boston, 1843. 4. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. New York, 1844. 5. Papers on Literature and Art. New York, 1846. 6. Collected Works, edited by Arthur B. Fuller, with an introduction by Horace Greeley. New York, 1855. I. Woman in the Nineteenth Century, and Kindred Papers, relating to the Sphere, Condition, and Duties of Woman. II. At Home and Abroad. [Including Summer on the Lakes; Tribune. P. Atlantic Monthly, XXVI. 231. Cranch, C. P. At Home and Abroad, p. 456. James, G. P. R. At Home and Abroad, p. 463. Also in International Monthly, i. 165. Landor, Walter Savage. At Home and Abroad, p. 464. Smith, E. Oakes. At Home and Abroad, p. 460. Anonymous. At Home and Abroad, p. 461. Books on the Fuller family. Fuller, R. F. Chaplain Fuller, a Memoir. Boston, 1863. Higginson, T. W. Memoir of Arthur B. Fuller (in Harvard Memorial Biographies). Cambridge, 1866.