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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. 2 0 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., What the women of Medford are doing in the present War crisis. (search)
ord square, the pockets on his attractive blanket marked with the Red Cross drew many dollars from cheerful givers while passing by. The graduating class of the Lorin L. Dame school donated money which had been collected for their refreshments of ice-cream. A group of young tennis players arranged a tournament and from its proceeds turned $10.00 into the fund. Many incidents of personal effort and self-sacrifice made to aid in the appeal to Medford for the Red Cross War Fund might be related. Treasurer Herman L. Buss of the Campaign Committee reports for the Medford Branch $4,516.30. In telling the story of what the women of Medford are doing in the present war crisis it is safe to say that the half has not been told, for no doubt other local societies, community groups, church circles and individuals in the quiet of their homes are also worthy of record for a liberal share in the great struggle for a democracy embracing the freedom of the world. Ella J. Prescott Fuller.