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ew State. Fourteen members, in all, from the Free States The names of the fourteen members from the Free States, thus voting with the Anti-Restrictionists, are as follows: Massachusetts.--Mark Langdon Hill, John Holmes, Jonathan Mason, Henry Shaw--4. Rhode Island.--Samuel Eddy--1. Connecticut.--Samuel A. Foot, James Stephens--2. New York.--Henry Meigs, Henry R. Storrs 2. New Jersey.--Joseph Bloomfield, Charles Kinsey, Bernard Smith--3. Pennsylvania.--Henry Baldwin, David Fullerton--2. voted to adopt this Compromise, with 76 from the Slave States, making 90 in all; while 87 members from the Free States, and none from the Slave States, voted against the Compromise. So the bill passed both Houses, as did that for the admission of Maine on the same day. This virtually ended the Missouri struggle; Some idea of the state of feeling in Missouri, as well as of that in some of the original States, at this period of the Missouri struggle, may be gathered from the fo