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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
elly3 Army of Tenn., Gen. Bragg, Sept. 19--20, 1863 corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESBATTERIES Res. Div.JohnsonGregg, McNair, Fulton2 LongstreetMcLawsKershaw, Humphreys, Wofford, Names in italics arrived too late for the battle. Bryan Names in itaaled to Bragg for permission to attack with his entire wing, and, consent being given, had formed Johnson's division with Fulton and McNair in front, with Gregg in the second line, and with Hood's division in a third line. Hindman's division formed series of desperate charges by the brigades of Anderson, Deas and Manigault, Gracie, Trigg and Kelley, Gregg, McNair and Fulton; and the five brigades of Longstreet, Kershaw, Humphreys, Law, Robertson and Benning, about 25,000. Not more than half oorps and DIVISIONBRIGADEKILLEDwoundedMISSINGTOTALstrength Johnson's ReserveGregg113447175771,436 McNair67320544411,291 Fulton2827174373956 Total2081,0381451,3913,683 Longstreet HoodLaw61329390Not giv. Robertson7845735570Not giv. Benning4643664