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utler's hands, at the Tredegar works, and have it ready for service in six weeks, if the authorities will give him authority to do so. The writer does not hesitate to say it will be a great blunder on the part of the powers that be if they decline his proposition, which, if a failure ensue, can only involve the loss of a few hundred dollars, whilst if successful, it will prove a more effectual peace-maker and better champion of Southern rights than all the diplomatists and small politicians in the land I do not know what a board of scientific officers may say about this gun. It is very certain that sensible, practical men, who are good judges, and have seen it work, are warm and decided in opinion that it is a great success, and that one of these guns is more effective than one thousand men, however armed. The opinions of scientific men have almost always been found against all new discoveries. Witness Galileo, Fulton, &c. Progress. Charlottesville, July 2, 1861.