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by this inhuman treatment, we are still determined to maintain to the Chap. I.} 1774. May. utmost of our abilities the rights of America. The next day, while Gage was sailing into the harbor with the vice-regal powers of commanderin-chief for the continent, as well as the civil authority of governor in the province, Samuel Atreating not to be left to struggle alone, when the very being of every colony, considered as a free people, depended upon the event. On the seventeenth of May, Gage, who had remained four days with Hutchinson at Castle William, landed at Long Wharf amidst salutes from ships and batteries. Received by the council and civil off of musketry and as many cheers. He then partook of a public dinner in Faneuil Hall. A hope still lingered that relief might come through his intercession. But Gage was neither fit to recon- Chap. I.} 1774. May. cile nor to subdue. By his mild temper and love of society, he gained the good — will of his boon companions, and
ice; and also to that which mutilated the charter of Massachusetts, and destroyed the freedom of its town meetings. The law, said Garnier, the French minister, must either lead to the complete reduction of the colonies, or clear the way for their independence. I wish from the bottom of my heart, said the duke of Richmond, during a debate in the house of lords, that the Americans may resist, and get the better of the forces sent against them. While the British parliament was conferring on Gage power to take the lives of Bostonians with impunity, the men of Philadelphia were asking each. other, if there remained a hope that the danger would pass by. The Presbyterians, true to their traditions, held it right to war against tyranny; the merchants refused to sacrifice their trade; the Quakers in any event scrupled to use arms; a numerous class, like Reed, cherished the most passionate desire for a Chap. II.} 1774. May. reconciliation with the mother country. In the chaos of opinio
appointment by the crown. Copies of letters from Franklin and from Arthur Lee had been obtained; Gage was secretly ordered to procure, if possible, the originals, as the means of arraigning their, au correction their ill conduct has brought upon them; but in case they should not prove so docile, Gage was required to bid the troops fire upon them at his discretion; and for his encouragement, he wattered their hope, that his administration would be a happy contrast to that of his predecessors, Gage interrupted their chairman, and refused to receive the address; because the conduct of those prede house of commons, however severely it Chap. IV.} 1774. June. may reflect on a minister. When Gage treated the censure on Bernard and Hutchinson as a personal conflict with the sovereign, his petuation to the crowd on the stairs. I could not get a worse council, or a worse assembly, reported Gage; with exceptions, they appear little more than echoes to the contrivers of all the mischief in th
its wharfs, its warehouses, and of all necessary personal attendance in lading and unlading goods. Forty-eight persons were found in Salem, willing to entreat of Gage his patronage for the trade of that place; but a hundred and twenty-five of its merchants and freeholders addressed him in a spirit of disinterestedness, repellingof official favor, the confidence that the king must prevail, disposed a considerable body of men to seek the recovery of prosperity by concession. The act, wrote Gage on the twenty-sixth, must certainly sooner or later work its own way; a congress of some sort may be obtained; but, after all, Boston may get little more than fairoston the report prevailed that as soon as more soldiers should be landed, six or seven of the leading patriots would be seized; and it was in truth the project of Gage to fasten charges of rebellion on individuals as a pretext for sending them to jail. On Friday, the first of July, July. Admiral Graves arrived in the Preston, o
tocks of money, contributed by the several towns to defray the expenses of a representation in congress. The inhabitants of that province also solemnized their action by keeping a day of fasting and public prayer. Massachusetts did the same; and Gage, who looked with stupid indifference on the spectacle of thirteen colonies organizing themselves as one people, on occasion of the fast, issued a proclamation against hypocrisy and sedition. Meantime New York had grown weary of dissensions. Thch at their head for the relief of Boston. The resolves and instructions of Virginia corresponded to his spirit. They demanded that the restrictions on navigation should themselves be restrained. Especially were they incensed at the threat of Gage to use the deadly weapon of constructive treason against such inhabitants of Massachusetts as should assemble to consider of their grievances, and form associations for their common conduct; and they voted that the attempt to execute this illegal
dealt with. August, 1774. on Saturday, the sixth day of August, Gage received Chap. VIII.} 1774. Aug. an authentic copy of the act of paly acquiesce in thechange of its charter. With the regulating act Gage received copies of two other acts which were to facilitate its enfor4. Aug. mob. No assembly existed in the province to remonstrate; and Gage might delay or wholly omit to send out writs for a new election. Bund the several companies paraded for discipline. One day in August, Gage revoked Hancock's commission in the Boston cadets; and that company rms, cast musket-balls, and provided powder for the occasion; and as Gage meditated employing a part of his army, they threatened openly to fapted dared not give advice. Boston held town meetings as before. Gage reminded the selectmen of the act of parliament, restricting town met is only an adjourned one, said the selectmen. By such means, said Gage, you may keep your meeting alive these ten years. He brought the su
decide whether Massachusetts would submit to the regulating act; and Gage, who thought it might be necessary for a part of his army to escort promulgated with greater formality. To this end, and in contempt of Gage and the act of parliament, they directed special meetings in every ttested as traitors cloaked with a pretext of law. It was known that Gage had orders to make arrests; each individual patriot was therefore plce of the military art was declared to be the duty of the people. Gage began to show alarm. He looked about him for more troops; he recommffice of councillor; those of the lawyers who had sent an address to Gage, atoned for their offence by a written confession. Williams, the tod to be tarred and feathered. The people agreed that the troops, if Gage should march them to Worcester, should be resisted by at least twent.} 1774. Aug. presence of the governor, the judges, and the army. Gage summoned his council, but only to meet new discomfitures. Its membe
, said he to the British admiral; and he warned Gage that sending out troops would be attended with that not a man of them would have been saved. Gage decided to remain inactive; writing, as his jus promote. You know, wrote he of the Indians to Gage, what sort of people they are. It was true: GaGage had himself, in the West and in Canada, grown thoroughly familiar with their method of warfare; ay picture to itself the atrocity of his orders, Gage was unsusceptible of the suggestions of mercy; laimed. Simultaneously with the application of Gage to the province of Quebec, the president of Colh, or the sorrows that he left behind. While Gage was writing for troops from England, from New Ydid not feel safe. By the fifth of September Gage had ordered ground to be broken for fortificaties of self-preservation, but no longer. Should Gage arrest any one for political reasons, they promless of heart, he hastened into the presence of Gage, to protest in the name of Suffolk county again[1 more...]
s little, sleeps little, and thinks much, and is most decisive and indefatigable in the pursuit of his objects. He was the man who, by his superior application managed at once the faction in congress at Philadelphia, and the factions in New England. One express had brought from Massachusetts the proceedings of Middlesex; another having now arrived, on Saturday, the seventeenth of September, the delegates of Massachusetts laid before congress the address of the Suffolk county convention to Gage, on his seizure of the provincial stock of powder and his hostile occupation of the only approach to Boston by land; and the resolutions of the same convention which declared that no obedience was due to the acts of parliament affecting their colony. As the papers were read, expressions of esteem, love and admiration broke forth in generous and manly eloquence. In language which but faintly expressed their spirit, members from all the colonies declared their sympathy with their suffering
Chapter 12: The continental congress Seeks to avert independence. September—October, 1774. Gage, who came flushed with confidence in an easy Chap. XII.} 1774. Sept. victory, at the end of four months was care-worn, disheartened and appaConnecticut would appropriate northern Pennsylvania, and compete with Virginia for the West. Out of Boston the power of Gage was at an end. In the county of Worcester, the male inhabitants from the age of sixteen to seventy, formed themselves intoar a title the mandamus councillors would not dare to claim their places without a larger escort than they could receive. Gage was in a dilemma. On the twenty-eighth of September, by an anomalous proclamation, he neither dissolved nor prorogued theuntil re-established in their rights and liberties. The courage of Gadsden blazed up at the thought, and he proposed that Gage should be attacked and routed before reinforcements could arrive; but the congress was resolved to exhaust every means of
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