Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Richard V. Gaines or search for Richard V. Gaines in all documents.

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Sale of negroes, Crop, stock and Plantation Utensils at public auction. --Will be sold, on Monday, November 14th, 1864, at Wardsfork, two-miles from Charlotte Court-House, thirty-three negroes, including some good mechanics; twenty-five head Cattle; seventy Sheep; sixty-one Hogs; eleven Horses and Mules; seventeen stacks Fodder; thirty stacks Oats; about two hundred and fifty hansels of Corn; Plantation Utensils; Kitchen Furniture; also, one Carriage and Buggy. Terms: Credit of six months except for sums of one hundred dollars and less; purchaser giving bond with approved security, bearing interest from date. Richard V. Gaines, Robert H. Gaines. Executors of R. I. Gaines, deceased. Whig and Examiner copy. no 1--12t