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out an order for my detail, and also for eight men to accompany me, and sent it to — the commanding officer of the battalion Sixth Kansas cavalry. We were directed to report at headquarters at nine o'clock for more definite instructions. Captain Gallagher then stated that he had important dispatches which he wanted taken to Colonel Harrison, at Cassville, Missouri,--a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles by the route we would be obliged to travel. He also said that we might conside cartridge-boxes with ammunition for our carbines and revolvers, and our haversacks with hard bread and bacon for five days, and put some shelled corn in the nose-bags for our horses, and reported at headquarters as directed, to the second. Captain Gallagher delivered to me the packages, gave us a few words of caution, and suggested that it would be safest to follow the road along the east side of Grand River until we came to Lewis Ross's place near Grand Saline, some thirty miles above Fort Gi
Winchester he would be notified by four discharges from the large guns at the main fort at Winchester. The whole forces under my command at this time were: First brigade, Brigadier-General Elliott commanding: One Hundred and Tenth regiment O. V. I., Col. Keifer; One Hundred and Sixteenth regiment O. V. I., Colonel Washburn; One Hundred and Twenty-second regiment O. V. I., Col. Ball; One Hundred and Twenty-third regiment O. V. I., Col. Wilson; Thirteenth regiment Pennsylvania cavalry, Col. Gallagher; Twelfth regiment Pennsylvania cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Moss; battery L, Fifth regiment artillery, First Lieut. Randolph. Second brigade, Colonel Ely, Eighteenth Connecticut, commanding: Eighty-seventh regiment Pa. V. I., Colonel Shawl; Twelfth regiment Va. V. I., Col. Klunk; Eighteenth regiment Conn. V. I., Lieut.-Col. Nichols; Fifth regiment Md. V. I., Capt. Holton; battery D, First Virginia artillery, Capt. Carlin; company K, First Virginia cavalry, Lieut. Dawson; companies D and E, Third
nt, had gone to Wellsville and established his headquarters in the Cleveland and Pittsburgh depot, where he was assisted by the managing officers of the road, who had placed the transportation and telegraphic resources of the road at his disposal. Finding that there was a probability that Morgan would cross the road in the vicinity of Salineville, a train of cars was sent up the road about six o'clock Sunday morning with a regiment of six months Pennsylvania infantry, under command of Colonel Gallagher. These were disembarked at Salineville and marched to a point about two miles distant, where the rebels were expected to cross. The infantry were posted on some rising ground commanding the road, with orders to prevent Morgan's passage. At this time the utmost, alarm existed among the people of Salineville. The houses were closed, doors and windows locked and barred, and women and children stampeding into the country with whatever portable property could be carried along. The me
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
e, was killed in an open field in front of a thick wood while watching the movements of his foe. He died almost at the moment of victory, for at that time the position was fairly within the grasp of his friends. His command devolved on General Cox. Meade had followed Hooker from the Kittoctan Creek, and went into action with great gallantry on the right of Doubleday (Hatch's division) and fought heavily, his brigades being skillfully managed by General Seymour and Colonels Magilton and Gallagher. General Duryee, with his fine brigade of Ricketts' division, which had performed signal service under its gallant commander during the later struggles of Pope with Lee, was just coming up to the support of Meade, when the contest of that point ceased. Meanwhile the brigade of Gibbons and Hartsuff had pushed steadily lap the turnpike along the Gap, fighting bravely and winning steadily, until almost nine o'clock in the evening, when, having reached a point near the summit of the Pass, the
ithdrawn, unmolested, across the Chickahominy, losing three guns, that were run off a bridge into the stream. in addition to 19 that they l}ad left on the battle-field. Our loss in this action, though not specifically reported, probably exceeded 6,000 killed and wounded: among the former were Cols. Samuel W. Black, 62d Pa., McLean, of the 8:)d, Gove, of the 22d Mass., Maj. N. B. Rossell, 3d regular infantry, and many other brave and valuable officers. The 11th Pennsylvania Reserves, Col. Gallagher, and 4th N. J., Col. Simpson, while enveloped III the smoke of battle, having too long maintained their position in the farthest front, found themselves at last completely enveloped by overwhelming forces of the enemy, and compelled to surrender; and Gen. John F. Reynolds, of the 1st brigade of Reserves, will his Adjutant, Capt. Charles Kingsbury, were taken prisoners just at dark, riding into a Rebel regiment, which they supposed to be one of their own. Altogether, our losses in this de
ain was won. Here fell, about sunset, Maj.-Gen. Jesse L. Reno, mortally wounded by a musket-ball, while, at the head of his division, he was watching through a glass the enemy's movements. Gen. Meade, with the Pennsylvania Reserves, had followed Hooker from Catoctin creek up the old Hagerstown road, so far as Mount Tabor church. He went into action on the right of Hatch's division, and was soon heavily engaged; his brigades being admirably handled by Gen. Seymour and Cols. Magilton and Gallagher, the last of whom was wounded. It had not fully reached the summit in its front, when darkness arrested the conflict. Gen. Duryea's brigade of Ricketts's division, which had been ordered to its support, was just then coming into action. Our advance up the turnpike in the center, being contingent on success at either side, was made last, by Gibbon's brigade of Hatch's, and Hartsuff's of Ricketts's division; the artillery fighting its way up the road, with the infantry supporting on eit
were finished and occupied in time to give them a warm reception; but, as they have done in every skirmish along our lines, they finished their work, and left before the reinforcements arrived. We remained in our position until about nine o'clock A. M., and no one being observed on the other side it was supposed that quite a number had taken refuge in an old church, when the cannon was placed in position and threw a ball into the building, but no one was there. About eleven o'clock Lieut. Gallagher crossed the river, under cover of our guns, to see if he could learn any thing relative to Capt. Williams and his party, and learned that they were safe, though prisoners, and on their way to Martinsburg. Captain Williams was much beloved by the entire regiment, and his vacancy will be hard to fill, and all that were with him were picked men. That they fought hard for their freedom was plainly seen and sensibly felt, as they killed five and wounded quite a number during their capture.
lin, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y.: dear brother: To relieve my friends of all apprehension about my safety, I write to say that I am now here a prisoner of war, with a large portion of my regiment, and in good health and spirits. My regiment was posted in the wood to sustain the centre in the battle near Gaines's Hill, on Friday, June twenty-seventh, and nobly did it hold its ground till about an hour after the right and left wings of the army had fallen back. Mine (Fourth New-Jersey) and Colonel Gallagher's Eleventh Connecticut reserve, were the last to leave the front, and only did so, when we found that the rest of the army had given way, and we were literally surrounded by the infantry and batteries of the confederate forces. Being in the woods, and trusting to our superior officers to inform us when to retreat, and not being able to see on account of the woods what was going on towards our right and left, we continued fighting probably an hour after every other regiment had left
of the old Hagerstown road, Ricketts's division being held in reserve. Seymour's brigade was sent up to the top of the slope, on the right of the ravine through which the road runs, and then moved along the summit parallel to the road, while Col. Gallagher's and Col. Magilton's brigades moved in the same direction along the slope and in the ravine. The ground was of the most difficult character for the movement of troops, the hillside being very steep and rocky, and obstructed by stone walls in a short time the action became general along the whole front of the division. The line advanced steadily up the mountain-side, where the enemy was posted behind trees and rocks, from which he was gradually dislodged. During this advance Col. Gallagher, commanding 3d brigade, was severely wounded, and the command devolved upon Lieut.-Col. Robert Anderson. Gen. Meade, having reason to believe that the enemy was attempting to outflank him on his right, applied to Gen. Hooker for reinforcem
9-517, 529, 532, 536. In Maryland campaign, 554 ; Crampton's Gap, 558-565 ; South Mountain, 574, 575 ; Antietam, 584. 589, 590, 598, 600; after Antietam, 621, 624, 629, 633, 659, 660. Monograph on McClellan, 608. Frederick, Md., 553. 554, 557, 571, 572,574 575. Fremont, den. J. C., 202, 225, 270. French, Gen. W. H., at Washington, 1861, 81; Fair Oaks, 382-384; Gaines's Mill, 418 ; Savage's Station, 427, 428 ; Antietam, 594-598, 600. Gaines's Mill, Va., battle of, 410-421. Gallagher, Col., 580. Gantt, Col. T. T., 123, 124. Garnett, Gen. R. S., 61, 62 ; death, 63. Gauley river, Va., 54. Gentry, Capt. W. T., 133. Getty, Gen. G. W., 46, 116. Gibbon, Gen. J., 579, 581, 582. Gibson, Capt., at Williamsburg, 320, 321 ; South Mountain, 576 ; Antietam, 601, 602. Gill. Samuel. visit to McClellan, 48. Glendale, Va., battle of. 430-433. Gloucester, Va., 263, 264, 267, 275, 286, 288, 291, 292, 296. Goldsborough. Com. L. M., in Peninsula, 177, 246, 257, 264, 267, 30
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