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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 106 0 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 84 0 Browse Search
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 47 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 46 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 42 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 35 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 13 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 13 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 10 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 10 2 Browse Search
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Chapter 26: battle of Fishing Creek. Situation in January. Western Kentucky. Eastern Kentucky. Humphrey Marshall. his strength. James A. Garfield. his attack at Prestonburg. subsequent operations. sketch of Felix K. Zollicoffer. his character. his movements in the autumn. Mill Springs. General Johnston's wae Jacksboro or the Jamestown routes, on the one hand, and to Nashville on the other. At the northeastern corner of Kentucky there was a Federal force, under Colonel Garfield, of Ohio, opposed to Humphrey Marshall's command. Here it was that the fighting first began again. General Johnston had requested Marshall to send him a before the engagement with the enemy. About the same time that Marshall advanced into Kentucky, Buell organized an expedition up the Big Sandy, under Colonel J. A. Garfield. This officer moved up that river, on December 22d, with the Forty-second Ohio Regiment, the Fourteenth Kentucky, and McLaughlin's battalion of Ohio Cava
t-martial. Detail for the court. General James A. Garfield. Colonel Jacob Ammen. Colonel Curr Returned to Huntsville this afternoon; General Garfield with me. He will visit our quarters tomoreen communicated to the court. July, 23 Garfield and Ammen are our guests. They are sitting lt absolutely sure that he would recover. Garfield had a very impressionable relative. The nigher Scott were the weakest of men. With General Garfield I called on General Rousseau this morning that he does most of the talking. To-day Garfield and Keifer, who of course entertain the kindllow him to edge in even a word. After supper Garfield was to commence with the earliest incidents ortook to thrust in a word here and there, but Garfield was too much absorbed to notice him, and so p one word right there, and so persisted until Garfield was compelled either to yield or be absolutel break your head! Get out of the way! General Garfield is lying on the lounge unwell. He has an[1 more...]
regularly. February, 11 Called at Colonel Wilder's quarters, and while there met General J. J. Reynolds. He made a brief allusion to the Stalnaker times. On my return to camp, I stopped for a few minutes at Department Headquarters to see Garfield. General Rosecrans came into the room; but, as I was dressed in citizens' clothes, did not at first recognize me. Garfield said: General Rosecrans, Colonel Beatty. The General took me by the hand, turned my face to the light, and said he did nGarfield said: General Rosecrans, Colonel Beatty. The General took me by the hand, turned my face to the light, and said he did not have a fair view of me before. Well, he continued, you are a general now, are you? I told him I was not sure yet, and he said: Is it uncertainty or modesty that makes you doubt? Uncertainty. Well, he replied, you and Sam Beatty have both been recommended. I guess it will be all right. He invited me to remain for supper, but I declined. February, 16 To-day I rode over the battle-field, starting at the river and following the enemy's line off to their left, then crossing over on to
The fortifications are progressing. The men work four hours each day in the trenches. The remainder of the time they spend pretty much as they see fit. General Garfield is now chief of staff. It is the first instance in the West of an officer of his rank being assigned to that position. It is an important place, however, aen held not merely by officers of inferior rank, but of decidedly inferior ability. General Buell had a colonel as chief of staff, and, until the appointment of Garfield, General Rosecrans had a lieutenant-colonel or major. To-night an ugly and most singular specimen of the negro called to obtain employment. He was not over . My native modesty led me to conclude that the letter so highly honored stood for Bragg, and not for the commander of the Seventeenth Brigade, U. S. A. General Garfield introduced Mr. Reid by a short speech, not delivered in his usual happy style. I was impressed with the idea all the time, that he had too many buttons on
e were two officers of the same name and rank in the army, and had so told the parties reporting; but he would not listen to me. His face was inflamed with anger, his rage uncontrollable, his language most ungentlemanly, abusive, and insulting. Garfield and many officers, commissioned and non-commissioned, and possibly not a few civilians, were present to witness my humiliation. For an instant I was tempted to strike him; but my better sense checked me. I turned on my heel and left the room. aid, in conclusion: I am your friend. Some men I like to scold, for I don't like them; but I have always entertained the best of feeling for you. Taking me, at the close of our interview, from his private office into the public room, where General Garfield and others were, he turned and asked if it was all rightif I was satisfied. I expressed my thanks, shook hands with him, and left, feeling a thousand times more attached to him, and more respect for him than I had ever felt before. He had
esses on the Rappahannock have inspired them with new life, and have, to some extent, dispirited us. We do not, however, build largely on the Eastern army. It is an excellent body of men, in good discipline, but for some reason it has been unfortunate. When we hear, therefore, that the Eastern army is going to fight, we make up our minds that it is going to be defeated, and when the result is announced we feel sad enough, but not disappointed. May, 19 Generals Rosecrans, Negley, and Garfield, with the staffs of the two former, appeared on the field where I was drilling the brigade. General Roseclrans greeted me very cordially. I am satisfied that those who allow themselves to be damned once without remonstrance are very likely to be damned always. I aim becoming quite an early riser; have seen the sun rise every morning for two weeks. Saw the moon over my right shoulder. lucky month ahead. Am devoting a little more time than usual to my military looks. Colonel Moody
lly. He can get sick at a moment's notice. August, 4 Called on General Thomas; then rode over to Winchester. Saw Garfield at department Headquarters. He said he regretted very much being compelled to refuse my application for a leave. Told . I certainly know colonels who could not obtain a recommendation from this Board for a second lieutenancy. Saw General Garfield yesterday; he was in bed sick. I have no fears of his immediate dissolution; in fact, I think he could avail himselat the pontoon bridge which has been thrown across the river. On the way we met Generals Rosecrans, McCook, Negley, and Garfield. The former checked up, shook hands, and said: How d'ye do? Garfield gave us a grip which suggested vote right, vote Garfield gave us a grip which suggested vote right, vote early. Negley smiled affably, and the cavalcade moved on. We crossed the Tennessee on the bridge of boats, and rode a few miles into the country beyond. Not a gun was fired as the bridge was being laid. Davis' division is on the south side of the
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer, September, 1863. (search)
he hill. However much we may say of those who held command, justice compels the acknowledgment that no officer exhibited more courage on that occasion than the humblest private in the ranks. About four o'clock we saw away off to our rear the banners and glittering guns of a division coming toward us, and we became agitated by doubt and hope. Are they friends or foes? The thunder, as of a thousand anvils, still goes on in our front. Men fall around us like leaves in autumn. Thomas, Garfield, Wood, and others are in consultation below the hill just in rear of Harker. The approaching troops are said to be ours, and we feel a throb of exultation. Before they arrive we ascertain that the division is Steedman's; and finally, as they come up, I recognize my old friend, Colonel Mitchell, of the One Hundred and Thirteenth. They go into action on our right, and as they press forward the roar of the musketry redoubles; the battle seems to be working off in that direction. There is n
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., War preparations in the North. (search)
organized opposition to the Federal Government and its policy of coercion could be formidable in the North. Yet the situation hung upon us like a nightmare. Garfield and I were lodging together at the time, our wives being kept at home by family cares, and when we reached our sitting-room, after an evening session of the Senaype taken in 1852. dragging himself to the ordinary labors of life from some terrible and recent bereavement. We talked of our personal duty, and though both Garfield and myself had young families, we were agreed that our activity in the organization and support of the Republican party made the duty of supporting the Governmen high; yet I had confidence in the elasticity of my constitution, and the result justified me, while it also showed how liable one is to mistake in such things. Garfield found that he had a tendency to weakness of the alimentary system, which broke him down on every campaign in which he served, and led to his retiring from the ar
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Holding Kentucky for the Union. (search)
p and Thomas to rejoin Buell's main column, and the East Tennessee expedition, which Nelson had devised and McClellan had strongly urged and Thomas had labored so to put in motion, was definitively abandoned. While Thomas was marching against Zollicoffer, Colonel Garfield was driving Humphrey Marshall from the mountainous region along the Virginia border. With Marshall's retreat the last Confederate force was driven from the State, and Garfield with his brigade joined the army in Tennessee.p and Thomas to rejoin Buell's main column, and the East Tennessee expedition, which Nelson had devised and McClellan had strongly urged and Thomas had labored so to put in motion, was definitively abandoned. While Thomas was marching against Zollicoffer, Colonel Garfield was driving Humphrey Marshall from the mountainous region along the Virginia border. With Marshall's retreat the last Confederate force was driven from the State, and Garfield with his brigade joined the army in Tennessee.
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