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rigades, coolly closing up the fearful chasms torn in their ranks by the canister. Up to the fence held by Hays' brigade dashed the first gray line, only to be swept into confusion by a cruel enfilading fire. Then the brigades of Armistead and Garnett moved forward, driving Hays' brigade back through the batteries on the crest. Despite the death-dealing bolts on all sides, Pickett determined to capture the guns; and, at the order, Armistead, leaping the fence and waving his cap on his sword-ge, saw through the smoke the shattered remnants drift sullenly down the slope and knew that Pickett's glorious but costly charge was ended. wall, waving it in triumph. Almost instantly he fell among the Federal troops, mortally wounded. General Garnett, leading his brigade, fell dead close to the Federal line. General Kemper sank, wounded, into the arms of one of his men. Pickett had entered a death-trap. Troops from all directions rushed upon him. Clubbed muskets and barrel-staves no
five battalions, with twenty batteries, were assigned to the Second Corps; five battalions, with twenty batteries, were assigned to the Third Corps. The equipment was as follows: 31 rifles,42 Napoleons,10 howitzers= 83in the 1st Corps 38 rifles,32 Napoleons,12 howitzers= 82in the 2d Corps 41 rifles,26 Napoleons,15 howitzers= 82in the 3d Corps Total247  The particular equipment in the battalions of the Third Corps was as follows: Cutts:10 rifles,3 Napoleons,4 howitzers= 17 Garnett:11 rifles,4 Napoleons,2 howitzers= 17 McIntosh:10 rifles,6 Napoleons, = 16 Pegram:8 rifles,9 Napoleons,24 howitzers = 19 Cutshaw:2 rifles,5 Napoleons,74 howitzers= 14 After the battle of Chattanooga-captured Confederate guns The Confederate artillery was never equal in number or weight to that of the Union armies. In the West these ancient 12-pounder howitzers were mounted on rough wooden carriages, those above, for instance. These guns are aligned in front of General Thomas' he
ng grandly down, To rush against the roaring crown Of those dread heights of destiny. Far heard above the angry guns A cry across the tumult runs,— The voice that rang through Shiloh's woods And Chickamauga's solitudes, The fierce South cheering on her sons! Ah, how the withering tempest blew Against the front of Pettigrew! A Khamsin wind that scorched and singed Like that infernal flame that fringed The British squares at Waterloo! A thousand fell where Kemper led; A thousand died where Garnett bled: In blinding flame and strangling smoke The remnant through the batteries broke And crossed the works with Armistead. ‘Once more in Glory's van with me!’ Virginia cried to Tennessee; ‘We two together, come what may, Shall stand upon these works to-day!’ (The reddest day in history.) ‘With Pickett leading grandly down’ Thompson's description of Pickett's charge, with this martial portrait, calls for little explanation. A few words from an English army officer who was
infant son, William Howell, lay at the point of death. The harassed statesman and devoted father wrote Mrs. Davis: . . . My heart sunk within me at the news of the suffering of my angel baby. Your telegram of the 12th gives assurance of the subsidence of disease. But the look of pain and exhaustion, the gentle complaint, I am tired, which has for so many years oppressed me, seems to have been revived; and unless God spares me another such trial, what is to become of me, I don't know. Dr. Garnett will, I hope, reach you this morning. He carried with him what he regarded as a specific remedy. . . . My ease, my health, my property, my life, I can give to the cause of my country. The heroism which could lay my wife and children on any sacrificial altar is not mine. Spare us, good Lord. Yet he was subjected to peculiar trials. During the war a four-year-old son fell from a balcony and was instantly killed. Only two of his children survived him—Margaret, who married J. A. Hayes o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. (search)
driven back with heavy loss. The troops were rallied and reformed, but the enemy did not pursue. A large number of brave officers and men fell or were captured on this occasion. Of Pickett's three brigade commanders, Generals Armistead and Garnett were killed, and General Kemper dangerously wounded. Major General Trimble, and Brigadier General Pettigrew were also wounded, the former severely. The movements of the army preceding the battle of Gettysburg had been much embarrassed by the never left his command in action until he received the injury that resulted in his death. His promise and usefulness as an officer were only equalled by the purity and excellence of his private life. Brigadier-Generals Armistead, Barksdale, Garnett and Semmes died as they had lived, discharging the highest duty of patriots with devotion that never faltered and courage that shrank from no danger. I earnestly commend to the attention of the Government those gallant officers and men whose
l to it, pushed forward, driving the opposing cavalry before him to the crest of a hill which overlooked the ground between his troops and the opposite hill, along which the enemy's batteries were posted, and opened upon him as soon as he reached the eminence. Early retired his troops under the protection of the hill, and a small battery of ours, in advance of his right, opened. Meantime General Winder with Jackson's brigade was placed on the left of the road, Campbell's brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Garnett commanding, being on the left, Taliaferro's parallel to the road, supporting the batteries, and Winder's own brigade under Colonel Roland in reserve. The battle opened with a fierce fire of artillery, which continued about two hours, during which Brigadier General Charles S. Winder, while directing the positions of his batteries, received a wound, from the effects of which he expired in a few hours. General Jackson thus spoke of him in his report: It is difficult, within the
124-25. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 294-300, 306-07. Freedmen's bureau, 616, 620. Fremont, Gen. John C., 15, 90, 91-92, 93, 94, 96,97, 114, 496. Fremont, Gen. John C., Proclamation in Missouri confiscating private property, 8. French, General, 307. Fry, General, 426. G Gaines, Dr., 115. Gaines' (gunboat), 173. Galena (gunboat), 85. Galveston, Texas, capture and recapture, 196-98. Gardner, General, 333, 352. Garfield, Colonel, 15. Garland, General, 279. Garnett, General, 266, 377. Gary, General, 563. Geary, General, 88. Geddes, Colonel, 52-53. Geneva Conference, settlement of U. S. claims against Great Britain, 236-37. Georgia, reconstruction, 630-32. Georgia (cruiser), 221, 237. Germantown (frigate), 164. Gettysburg, Pa., Battle of, 355, 370-78. Ghent, Treaty of, 1815, 7. Gillmore, General Q. A., 65, 533. Gilmer, Gen. J. F., 25, 175, 428, 534. Extract from letter to Col. W. P. Johnston, 51-52. Gilmore, James R., 515-16. Gist
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 6 (search)
s passing through this city. It is to have a triumphal march through, and be received by all the troops now in the city. As soon after getting here as I could arrange business matters, I went to see Nene Wise, whom I found living with Mrs. Dr. Garnett. At Mrs. Garnett's I saw Mrs. Tully Wise, who was all last summer in Columbia, South Carolina, and there met Mrs. Alfred Huger with Mariamne's Sister of Mrs. Meade and wife of Thomas B. Huger, C. S. A. children. She says the children aMrs. Garnett's I saw Mrs. Tully Wise, who was all last summer in Columbia, South Carolina, and there met Mrs. Alfred Huger with Mariamne's Sister of Mrs. Meade and wife of Thomas B. Huger, C. S. A. children. She says the children are all sweet, and that Mr. and Mrs. Huger are devoted to them, but that Mr. Huger has lost everything, and is now very poor, that he is old and infirm, and will not probably live long. She says Mr. Huger's house in Charleston was burned in the great fire of 1862, and everything in it destroyed, all the old pictures, and all the clothes, jewels and everything belonging to Mariamne's children. Mr. Huger at this time was Postmaster of Charleston, and used to come up and spend Sundays at Columbia.
ec. 11-15, 1862, I, 337, 340, 359-362, 365, 367; II, 314. Fremont, John Charles, I, 231, 246, 258, 262, 352. French, Wm. H., I, 196, 288; II, 9, 13, 34, 103, 105, 113, 114, 119, 123, 147, 182, 185, 320, 362, 363, 365, 366, 373, 375. 387. Fresnel, I, 203. Furness, Frank, I, 376. G Gaines, Gen., I, 115. Gaines's Mill, battle of, June 27, 1862, I, 281. Gamble, Wm., II, 32, 47, 49, 52, 53. Ganard, Col., II, 143. Garcia, Gen., I, 97. Garland, Col., I, 134. Garnett, Mrs. Dr., II, 277, 278. Geary, John W., I, 196; II, 56, 64, 65, 67, 70, 73, 91, 93, 94, 98, 101, 102, 353, 354, 357. Gerhard, Benjamin, II, 145, 196, 197, 199. Gerhard, William, II, 226. Gettysburg, battle of, July, 1863, II, 1-131, 139, 140, 153, 177, 179, 181, 186, 201, 210, 249, 354-361, 365, 366, 378-382, 400-422. Gibbon, John, I, 196, 351; II, 37, 38, 41, 63, 65, 78, 87, 89, 92, 95-97, 100, 105, 109, 153, 160, 161, 176, 181, 183, 188, 190, 209, 241, 256, 388-390, 409, 410,
Geo. W. New, of my regiment, who had proved himself as gallant and courageous in the field, as he is skilful in his profession. Just before we had approached the town, he volunteered to make a reconnoissance of the bridge, and bore my message along the line repeatedly, seemingly unmindful of his own personal safety. Captain G. W. Robinson, of Col. Kelly's command, reports to me that he captured Capt. J. W. Willey, of the rebel army, and upon his person found his commission from Adjutant-General Garnett, of the rebel forces, and other papers of importance which he reports he holds subject to my order. I enclose his report. It perhaps is not my province to speak much of that part of the expedition which marched by way of Evansville, under the command of Colonel Kelly, consisting of Kelly, Milroy, and Irvine and their commands. I know nothing personally of their march prior to arriving before Philippi, and only speak of what I myself saw. The two commands or bodies of troops arriv
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