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Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 1: the father of the man. (search)
f his wife and family and the legal and moral responsibilities of husband and father. Bitter days now followed and Fanny Garrison became acquainted with grief and want. She had the mouths of three children to fill — the youngest an infant at her o Lynn, and he, wee mite of a man, remaining in Newburyport. It was during the War of 1812, and pinching times, when Fanny Garrison was at her wit's end to keep the wolf from devouring her three little ones and herself into the bargain. With what tainly not lacking in the bump of approbativeness, or the quality of self-assertiveness. The quick mother instinct of Fanny Garrison took alarm at the tone of her boy's letter. Possibly there was something in Lloyd's florid sentences, in his facilithe calls the Free Press. The paper was independent in politics and proved worthy of its name during the six months that Garrison sat in the managerial chair. Here is the tone which the initial number of the paper holds to the public: As to the poli
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 2: the man hears a voice: Samuel, Samuel! (search)
t Lundy. This meeting of the two men, was to Garrison what the fourth call of God was to Samuel, thy to expose to them the barbarism of slavery, Garrison sat in the room, and as Lundy himself recordamper to his feelings. There is no doubt that Garrison was one of the very few present, who were forcond visit in July, 1828, where again he met Garrison. His experience with the ministers did not dnization Society as an abolition instrument. Garrison was present, and treasured up in his heart thn hope of the Abolition movement. Trained as Garrison was in the orthodox creed and sound in that c second meeting of the friends of the slave. Garrison was one of the twenty gentlemen who were appoptly and powerfully as shall shortly appear. Garrison had gone to Bennington to edit the Journal ofgitation of the slavery question in Congress, Garrison was unconsciously preparing a countercheck byd by Lundy. To reassure his doubting leader, Garrison took upon himself publicly a vow of perpetual[16 more...]
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 3: the man begins his ministry. (search)
s his ministry. Some time in August, 1829, Garrison landed in Baltimore, and began with Lundy themasculate itself of its most virile quality. Garrison, consequently rejected gradualism as a weapon their settlement in that country. So he and Garrison advertised this fact in the Genius, but they no new horror to Lundy, but it was doubtless Garrison's first lesson in that line, and it sank manytention upon particular words and sentences, Garrison made skillful use of in his articles — from t, 1830. On the first day of March following, Garrison was tried. He was ably and eloquently defendearly one hundred dollars. The fine and costs Garrison could not pay, and he was therefore committedhey seem to be enamored with amalgamation, Garrison's pen was particularly busy during the term o have. The prosecution and imprisonment of Garrison was without doubt designed to terrorize him ieckoned without a knowledge of their victim. Garrison had the martyr's temperament and invincibilit[7 more...]