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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 924 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 682 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 410 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 380 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 26 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 10 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 10 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 8 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 8 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 6 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 12: the negro as a soldier. (search)
gle instant. I never heard one speak of the masters except as natural enemies. Yet they were perfectly discriminating as to individuals; many of them claimed to have had kind owners, and some expressed great gratitude to them for particular favors received. It was not the individuals, but the ownership, of which they complained. That they saw to be a wrong which no special kindnesses could right. On this, as on all points connected with slavery, they understood the matter as clearly as Garrison or Phillips; the wisest philosophy could teach them nothing as to that, nor could any false philosophy befog them. After all, personal experience is the best logician. Certainly this indifference did not proceed from any want of personal affection, for they were the most affectionate people among whom I had ever lived. They attached themselves to every officer who deserved love, and to some who did not; and if they failed to show it to their masters, it proved the wrongfulness of the
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Index. (search)
., Lt., 272. Davis, W. W. H., Gen., 168. Dewhurst, G. W., Adj't., 270. Dewhurst, Mrs., 242. Dolly, George, Capt., 179, 270. Doolittle, J. R., Hon., 285. Duncan, Lt. Comr., 160, 103. Dupont, S. F., Admiral, 67,78, 89,100, 135. Dutch, Capt., 170. Fessenden, W. P., Hon., 285, 287. Finnegan, Gen., 108. Fisher, J., Lt., 271. Fowler, J. H., Chap.,40, 113, 231, 270. Fremont, J. C., Gen., 23, 42. French, J., Rev., 40, 118. Furman, J. T., Lt., 272. Gage, F. D., Mrs., 41. Garrison, W. L., 249. Gaston, William, Lt., 271. Gillmore, Q. A., Gen., 167, 168, 183, 235,237, 240. Goldsborough, Commodore, 243, 274. Goodell, J. B., Lt., 2. Goodrich, F. S., Lt., 271, 272. Gould, E., Corp., 274. Gould, F. M., Lt., 272. Greene, Sergt., 121. Hallett, Capt., 65, 66, 274. Hallowell, E. N., Gen., 225, 242, 244 Hartwell A. S., Gen., 286. Hawks, J. M., Surg., 269. Hawley, J. R., Gen., 81, 93, 107. Hayne, H. E., Sergt., 265. Hazard, Miles, 275. Heasley, A., Capt., 230, 270
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 3: Holmes (search)
tion, but did not seem a man of strong convictions, and was essentially conservative in attitude. The accounts of slave insurrections and of the imaginary New York negro plot had left upon his mind, as he himself said, impressions which it took Garrison years to root out ; he was easily moved to wrath at phrenology, homoeopathy, and all the pseudosciences as he called them; but almost equally disapproved the prevailing taste for German literature, calling Jean Paul, in one poem, a German-Silvert of cultivated men, but none of the more strenuous reformers of its day, however brilliant, except Emerson and occasionally Sumner and Howe. Edmund Quincy and James Freeman Clarke were not admitted until 1875, after the abolition of slavery. Garrison, Parker, Phillips, Alcott, Wasson, Weiss, and William Henry Channing were never members of the Saturday Club and probably never could have been elected to it; but they were to be looked for every month at the Radical Club,afterward called the Ch
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 5: Lowell (search)
ent of Governor Letcher in the same energetic way would have saved the disasters of Harper's Ferry and Norfolk. And he was one of the first to proclaim publicly, while Mr. Seward was still trying to keep the question of slavery wholly out of the affair: We cannot think that the war we are entering on can end without some radical change in the system of African slavery. . . . The fiery tongues of the batteries in Charleston harbor accomplished in one day a conversion which the constancy of Garrison and the eloquence of Phillips had failed to bring about in thirty years. Such words were half battles, at that day. The biographers of Lowell all agree that he was a good editor. This is of course true as to taste, judgment, and a steadily widening sympathy. On the business side of editorship, however, it was a great relief when Fields took the helm; and the following two letters will indicate the point where Lowell was deficient. Theodore Parker had died on May Io, 1860, and I had t
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Index (search)
86, 90, 91, 104, 139, 158, 166, 168, 169. Everett, Pres., Edward, 14, 27, 44, 117, 123. Everett, Dr., William, 17. Fayerweather, Thomas, 150. Felton, Prof. C. C., 44, 69, 123, 124, 128. Fields, J. T., 69, 104, 106, 179. Fiske, Prof., John, 70. Flagg, Wilson, 70. Follen, Prof., Charles, 17. Fox, Thomas, 9. Francis, Prof., Convers, 17. Fuller, Margaret, (Countess Ossoli), 22, 25, 26, 36, 47, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 119, 129, 150, 174, Gage, Gen., 21. Garfield, Pres. J. A., 182. Garrison, W. L., 85, 104, 179. Glover, Rev., Joseph, 5. Glover, Widow, 6. Godwin, Parke, 35, 67. Goethe, J. W., 63, 116. Goldsmith, Oliver, 11, 95. Goodale, Prof. G. L., 12. Granville, Lord, 192. Green, Samuel, 6. Greenwood, Isaac, 13. Griswold, R. W., 35, 160. Hale, Rev. Dr. E. E., 156. Hancock, John, 20. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 34, 112, 113, 119, 135, 170. Hayes, Pres. R. B., 181. Hedge, Rev. Dr. F. H., 17, 25, 26, 54, 57, 59, 60, 63, 113. Hedge, J. D., 23, 24. Hedge, Prof., Levi,
t of, 145; writings for papers, 147; Uncle Tom's Cabin appears as a serial, 156; in book form, 159; its wonderful success, 160; praise from Longfellow, Whittier, Garrison, Higginson, 161; letters from English nobility, 164, et seq.; writes Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, 174, 188; visits Henry Ward in Brooklyn, 178; raises money to freeSwitzerland, 243; Geneva and Chillon, 244; Grindelwald to Meyringen, 245; London, en route for America, 247; work for slaves in America, 250; correspondence with Garrison, 261, et. seq.; Dred, 266; second visit to Europe, 268; meeting with Queen Victoria, 270; visits Inverary Castle, 271; Dunrobin Castle, 275 ; Oxford and London,l in National era, 156; price paid by Era, 158; publisher's offer, 158; first copy of books sold, 159; wonderful success. 160; praise from Longfellow, Whittier, Garrison, and Higginson, 161, 162; threatening letters, 163; Eastman's, Mrs., rejoinder to, 163; reception in England, Times, on, 168; political effect of, 168, 169; book
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 8: conversations in Boston. (search)
anti-slavery movement in Boston and vicinity from its earliest to its latest phase; such names as Channing, Clarke, Hooper, Hoar, Lee, Peabody, Quincy, Russell, Shaw, Sturgis. These names form, indeed, the great majority of the list, while not a person appears on it who was conspicuously opposed to the anti-slavery agitation. Miss Martineau's extraordinary mistake simply calls attention to the fact that it was not upon pedants or dreamers, but upon the women who led the philanthropic thought and action of Boston, that Margaret Fuller's influence was brought to bear. She did not at this time appreciate Garrison; she afterwards lamented in Italy that she had not appreciated him better; but she helped to train many of the women who learned his lessons and stood by his side. That these conversations served as a moral — even more than as a mental — tonic is the uniform testimony of all who took part in them; and the later career of these participants shows how well the work was do
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 18: literary traits. (search)
ter, but the light use of a trivial phrase is not to be set against her distinct disclaimer, as just quoted. She was indeed too omnivorous a reader, too ardent and fertile a thinker, to go through the successive bondages by which many fine minds — especially the minds of women — work their way to freedom. Miss Martineau, for instance, with all her native vigor, was always following with implicit confidence some particular guide or model; in early life her brother James, then Malthus, then Garrison, then Comte, then even Atkinson; but in Margaret Fuller's case, though there were many friendships, there was no personal and controlling ruler. Emerson came the nearest to this, and yet we see by her letters how frankly she could criticise even him. Her danger lay in the direction of originality, not of imitation ; of too much divergence, not too much concentration. Coming in contact, as she did, with some of the strongest men of her time; first the Boston Transcendentalists; then Horace
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
er references, 3, 22, 58, 105, 203. Fuller Edith, 248. Fuller, Ellen. See Channing. Fuller, Eugene, letters to, 202, 208; other references, 51, 52. Fuller, Hiram, 79, 80, 87. Fuller, Hon., Timothy, 12, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, 28, 32, 48, addresses of, 18, 16; oration of, 15; letter to 51. Fuller, Margaret (Crane), 17, 20. Fuller, Rev., Timothy, 9, 10. Fuller, Richard F., letters to, 59, 106, 106, 273; other references, 17, 21, 220. Fuller, Thomas, poem by, 8. G. Garrison, W. L., 129. Gibbon, E., 45, 50. Giovanni, Ser, 256-258, 260, 264. Goethe, J. W. von, 45 47 63 68, 69 91, 101, 135, 158, 18-191, 283, 284. Gould, B. A., 134. Graham, S., 175. Grater, Friedrich, 33. Greeley, Horace, Recollections quoted, 80, 213; Life by Parton quoted, 213, 218; other references 3 80, 201, 206, 207, 209-214, 284, 93, 309. Greeley, Mrs., Horace, 207 Greene, A. G., 3, 163. Greene, W. B., 163. Greenough, Harriet (Fay), 36. Gregory, 0., 223. Greys, The, 225. G
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 1: the Boston mob (second stage).—1835. (search)
abolitionists, and especially of Thompson and Garrison, and the ladies who dared to hold a meeting iiberator. Remember me affectionately to Mrs. Garrison and her father and his family, with whom Iilgrim descent. Mrs. Chapman's services to Mr. Garrison were inestimable, her co-operation with himously been assaulted publicly (Lib. 5: 27). Mr. Garrison came to his support by reprinting the articight (Lib. 6.3). It was reviewed in turn by Mr. Garrison in Lib. 6.11. said to be from the pen of Jae against my will, and kindly insisted that Mr. Garrison should call on me at home. At ten o'clock whole of society for a series of years; that Garrison could bear what he met with from street to stnot pretend to like or to approve the tone of Garrison's Retrospect of Western Travel, 2.219. print others. But it is only fair to mention that Garrison adopts it warily; and that I am persuaded thaccordingly; and my answer was, that I thought Garrison the most bewitching personage I had met in th[27 more...]