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John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
litters, as the political clubs of the Republicans were called, and so came in for a share of the abuse showered upon the followers of the new President. As fresh deeds of violence or new aggressions against the government were reported from the daily papers in the shop where I was then employed, some one who was not a Lincolnite would exclaim, in an angry tone; I hope you fellows are satisfied now. I don't blame the South an atom. They have been driven to desperation by such lunatics as Garrison and Phillips, and these men ought to be hung for it. ... If there is a war, I hope you and every other Black Republican will be made to go and fight for the niggers all you want to. . . . You like the niggers so well you'll marry one of them yet. .. .And, I want to see those hot-headed Abolitionists put into the front rank, and shot first. These are mild quotations from the daily conversations, had not only where I was employed, but in every other shop and factory in the North. Such wordy
Executions, 157-63 Faneuil Hall, 31,45 First Bull Run, 27, 251-53,298, 340,356 Flags, 338-40 Foraging, 231-49 Ford, M. F., 264 Fort Hell, 59,385 Fort Independence, 44 Fort Lyon, 255 Fort McAllister, 406 Fort Monroe, 120, 162 Fort Moultrie, 22 Fort Sedgewick, 385 Fort Sumter, 22 Fort Warren, 44-45 Fort Welch, Va., 162 Fredericksburg, 100,237,308, 391 Fremont, John C., 46 French, William H., 307,353 Fresh Pond, Mass., 45 Games, 65-66 Garrison, William L., 20 Geary, John W., 295 Georgetown, 298 Germanna Ford, Va., 317 Gettysburg, 54, 72,239, 259,273, 378,406 Goldsboro, N. C., 264 Grand Army of the Republic, 98, 228,268 Grant, Ulysses S., 115, 121, 240, 263,286,317,340, 350,362,370, 405; his Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, 279, 291, 317,359-62, 370-71 Griffin, Charles S., 329 Hampton, Wade, 295,321 Hancock, Winfield S., 208,254, 266-67,327,363,384 Hardtack, 96-97,110,113-19 Harpers Ferry, 287 Harriso
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Whittier, John Greenleaf 1807-1892 (search)
d read Governor Trumbull's description of the tarring and feathering of his hero MacFingal, when, after the application of the melted tar, the feather bed was ripped open and shaken over him, until Not Maia's son, with wings for ears, Such plumes about his visage wears, Nor Milton's six-winged angel gathers Such superfluity of feathers ; and, I confess, I was quite unwilling to undergo a martyrdom which my best friends could scarcely refrain from laughing at. But a summons like that of Garrison's bugle-blast could scarcely be unheeded by one who, from birth and education, held fast the traditions of that earlier abolitionism which, under the lead of Benezet and Woolman, had effaced from the Society of Friends every vestige of slave-holding. I had thrown myself, with a young man's fervid enthusiasm, into a movement which commended itself to my reason and conscience, to my love of country and my sense of duty to God and my fellow-men. My first venture in authorship was the publica
the two races and the two sections may be lifted from the ruts and grooves in which they are now fastened, and, instead of irritating antagonism without end, there shall be sympathetic co-operation. The existing differences ought to be ended. His health did not allow him to take an active part in the canvass; but returning to Boston, where he was branded by some of his old political companions as an apostate, and deserted by many of his former anti-slavery coadjutors,--especially by Mr. Garrison, who addressed to him a trenchant letter on his defection from his party,--he spent some days with H. W. Longfellow at Lynn, and on the 5th of September left for Europe. On his arrival in Liverpool, he received the news of his nomination by the Liberals and Democrats as governor of Massachusetts. This honor he declined. He met with a cordial reception both in England and in France, and had interviews with Thiers and Gambetta; but his health was so much impaired, that his time was mostl
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 1: the Boston mob (second stage).—1835. (search)
C. Amory and myself aided in the rescue of Mr. Garrison from the crowd, and in placing him within tr with the flight of steps is that by which Mr. Garrison was taken in. From Smith's Map of Boston, 1d at the north so as to fill the lower hall. Garrison was, however, carried up stairs. I took my sioter. The usual law paper was made out, and Garrison agreed to go to jail, on the condition (as I ( Garrison Mob, p. 23). As to his consent, Mr. Garrison says (Lib. 5.197): It is true, I made no ob some pride and pleasure, the part he took in Garrison's rescue. He said that when Garrison approacGarrison approached the carriage, he was supported on one side by Sheriff Parkman, and on the other by himself. For young Mason was struck by the composure of Mr. Garrison's countenance. The mob, he remembers, was l by officers, and, on the door being opened, Garrison seemed to bound from the carriage to the jailFeb. 7, 1861, and elicited this denial from Mr. Garrison: It is needless for us to say that no such [7 more...]
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 2: Germs of contention among brethren.—1836. (search)
e honest enthusiasm Lib. 6.53. of Wm. L. Garrison, I should have never felt, thought, or written on this subject. How far this is the case with Doctor Channing, no mortal, not even himself, can tell. In no spirit of jealousy, however, did Mr. Garrison approach his review, which, after all, was less elaborate Lib. 6.35. and extended than he had contemplated. The thing to be noticed in his attitude is the same as in the case of Gerrit Smith: an unyielding purpose to expose and refute the erIt reiterated all the offensive allusions to and unmerited charges against the immediate emancipationists; it withdrew, but without apology, Right and Wrong, 1836, [2] p. 20; ante, p. 4. the endorsement of Kaufman's libel on George Thompson. Mr. Garrison summed up his objections under twenty-five heads, showing that the book is utterly destitute of any redeeming, reforming power—that it is calumnious, contradictory, and unsound—and that it ought not to be approbated by any genuine abolitionis
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 7: the World's Convention.—1840. (search)
decision was the lateness of their arrival. By Mr. Garrison's account: The Convention had but three da we would not go in as a matter of favor. So Mr. Garrison went into the gallery, to the great scandal even Conference on seeing us take the position we did. Garrison was besought to come down. They tried by every mer in consequence. Thus, William H. Ashurst to Mr. Garrison, on June 30: If you have a copy of the pamphlet loving husband. London retained its hold on Mr. Garrison for another fortnight. On the day the above letnds of the host, Samuel Gurney. But let us hear Mr. Garrison's account: W. L. Garrison to his wife.iety, if I can. He says Cresson deceived him. Mr. Garrison's engagements prevented his making the intended logized for any shortcomings in his reception of Mr. Garrison in 1833, and showed both how Cresson had hoodwinuly] 18, 1840, E. Pease to W. L. G.) It is, said Mr. Garrison, one of the results of our mission to England, a
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 8: the Chardon-Street Convention.—1840. (search)
attentive reader of what has gone before. Mr. Garrison resented it not only as a stab in the dark,he form of godliness and the power of it. If Garrison, writes Elizabeth Pease to Collins, Dec. 25, rofessing Reverends. We need not follow Mr. Garrison through all his exposure of Colver's romanc cite here his comment on the allegation that Garrison has just headed an infidel convention: Evds of his present hostility to his old friend Garrison: He is an abolitionist when he can get otherslins, Bowling Bay, Dec. 23, 1840). See, for Mr. Garrison's views of the clerical office, which were tical interest, the close of the year found Mr. Garrison in a cheerful if not exalted state of mind.logist for slavery: New Organization, said Mr. Garrison, had mustered as Lib. 11.11. many clm that foreign philanthropic alliance which Mr. Garrison had established in 1833. A Thompson cominghich gave the finishing-stroke to slavery, Mr. Garrison's opposition to the former has been pronoun[2 more...]
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 4: editorial Experiments.—1826-1828. (search)
the causes for gratitude and thanksgiving, Mr. Garrison adds: Thus much for the favorable side had not been mistaken. Subsequently, when Mr. Garrison (accompanied by a friend) sought out his nese errand was as yet unknown to him. Before Mr. Garrison had spoken more than a few encouraging wordhich led to his own overwhelming defeat. Mr. Garrison's first visit to Boston, when on his way toght boots made the walk a most painful one to Garrison, and so fatiguing was it to the others that hin Gorham, a highly respectable lawyer; but Mr. Garrison, who had lost none of his admiration for Ha brief newspaper controversy ensued between Mr. Garrison and his opponent (who signed himself S.) in4th of March, 1826, the same month in which Mr. Garrison began his editorial career on the Free Presek. In the fifth month of his editorship Mr. Garrison published a series of three editorials on Fents on his letter, however, so exasperated Mr. Garrison that he wrote a second, of which this is th[40 more...]
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 5: Bennington and the Journal of the Times1828-29. (search)
Chapter 5: Bennington and the Journal of the Times—1828-29. Garrison edits this new paper in Bennington, Vt., in advocacy of the reelection of President John Quincy Adams, but also begins in ivery. Lundy visits him and engages him as associate editor of the genius. Returning to Boston, Garrison delivers an anti-slavery Fourth of July address at Park-St. Church, with a perfunctory approvaln removes to Baltimore. The exciting Presidential campaign of 1828 had already begun, when Mr. Garrison received an invitation from a committee of prominent citizens of Bennington, Vermont, who vis a very important town, the need of an Administration paper there was felt to be imperative. Mr. Garrison, while no very warm admirer of Mr. Adams personally, had still a well-founded dread of the elary to the usual habit of giving editorials larger type and better display than other matter, Mr. Garrison set his articles in smaller type than the average, and still found himself cramped for space.