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ot improved it in any particular. The very looks of the place were repugnant enough in the daytime, but Bold was he who hither came At midnight-man or boy!, I felt that a night in the rain under the pines, with my bag for a pillow, would be endurable; but no mortal with a white skin could dare those bloated and odorous feather-beds, where other things-in the shape of mordants, vivacious, active and gigantic-besides Wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleeper. To mend matters, Gartrell's regiment of Georgians, eight hundred and fifty strong, and three other companies of Georgians from Pensacola, had been left here to meet a way-train, which failing, they bivouacked by the roadside. In all there were over eleven hundred tobacco-and-gin redolences, remarkably quiet for them; shooting at a mark, going through squad drill, drinking bad liquor by the canteen and swearing in a way that would have made the Army in Flanders sick with envy. In the latter amusement I joined i
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 2: Charleston Harbor. (search)
hat will or ought to satisfy the South. We are satisfied the honor, safety, and independence of the Southern people require the organization of a Southern confederacy--a result to be obtained only by separate State secession — that the primary object of each slaveholding State ought to be its speedy and absolute separation from a Union with hostile States. (Signed by: Representatives Pugh, Clopton, Moore, Curry, and Stallworth, of Alabama; Senator Iverson and Representatives Underwood, Gartrell, Jackson, Jones, and Crawford, of Georgia; Representative Hawkins of Florida; Represent- ative Hindman, of Arkansas; Senators Jefferson Davis and A. G. Brown, and Representatives Barksdale, Singleton, and Reuben Davis, of Mississippi; Representatives Craige and Ruffin, of North Carolina; Senators Slidell and Benjamin, and Representative Landrum, of Louisiana; Senators Wigfall and Hemphill, and Representative Reagan, of Texas; Representatives Bon- ham, Miles, McQueen, and Ashmore, of South C
ay like snow beneath a summer's sun. Colonel Gardner was here shot down and taken prisoner, but afterwards retaken by our men later in the day. The Eighth, compelled to retreat with nearly half its number wounded or killed, the attack of the enemy was met by the brigade of General Bee, composed of Mississippians and Alabamians, and one regiment, I think, of Tennesseeans. Later in the day Colonel Bartow was shot near this spot, while leading the Seventh Georgia regiment, commanded by Colonel Gartrell. General Bee's brigade could not withstand the fierce tornado of shot and shell sweeping through its ranks, and slowly retired, fighting bravely all the time. The Fourth Alabama regiment suffered terribly, all of its field officers being shot down, and two (Colonel Jones and Major Scott) left upon the field. Colonel Jones was captured, but afterwards retaken during the rout. Falling back upon the position taken by Hampton's Legion, whose prowess can clearly be shown by the heaps of d
he part taken by particular officers and regiments; for the reason that I desire first to obtain all the facts. Nor have I said any thing of the gallant Seventh and Eighth regiments from Georgia. This part of my duty is most melancholy. It may be enough to say, that they were the only Georgia regiments here at the time, that they were among the earliest in the field, and in the thickest of the fight, and that their praise is upon the lips of the whole army, from Gen. Beauregard down. Col. Gartrell led the Seventh regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel Gardner the Eighth, the whole under the command of Col. Bartow, who led them with a gallantry that was never excelled. It was when the brigade was ordered to take one of the enemy's strongest batteries, that it suffered most. It was a most desperate undertaking, and followed by the bloodiest results. The battery occupied the top of a hill, on the opposite side of Bull Run, with a small piece of woods on the left. Descending the valley
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Major-General Samuel Jones of operations at Charleston, South Carolina, from December 5th to 27th, 1864. (search)
adier-General Chesnut, those at and near Coosawhatchie by Brigadier-General Gartrell. They had arrived but a few days previously, and until me Coosawhatchie river. At ten o'clock the morning of the 6th, General Gartrell telegraphed me that the enemy was landing from twelve barges ad fifty men), interposed between me and Coosawhatchie. Brigadier-General Gartrell has not submitted a report, but I ascertain from a conver The Georgia reserve and a section of artillery were then sent by Gartrell to the support of the Fifth Georgia, but it was too late; the entittack the enemy with that force at day-dawn the next morning. General Gartrell was ordered to make a spirited demonstration of attack from Co directed, or if, instead of sending forward only a battalion, General Gartrell had employed all of his available force to engage the enemy onserves, under Colonel Daniel, the right. It was reported that General Gartrell was .slightly wounded, by a fragment of a shell, before he rea
ge of a belt of pines bordering the southeastern rim of the plateau, on which the battle was to rage so fiercely. Colonel William Smith's battalion of the 49th Virginia Volunteers, having also come up, by my orders, I placed it on the left of Gartrell's, as my extreme left at the time. Repairing then to the right, I placed Hampton's Legion, which had suffered greatly, on the flank, somewhat to the rear of Harper's regiment, and also the seven companies of the 8th (Hunton's) Virginia regimentnds; in the centre by four regiments of Jackson's brigade, with Imbodens' four 6pound-ers, Walton's five guns (two rifled), two guns (one rifled) of Stanard's, and two 6-pounders of Rogers's batteries, under Lieutenant Heaton; and on the left by Gartrell's reduced ranks and Colonel Smith's battalion, subsequently reinforced by Faulkner's 2d Mississippi, and by another regiment of the Army of the Shenandoah, just arrived upon the field, the 6th (Fisher's) North Carolina. Confronting the enemy at
enant-Colonel Liddell, the 2d Mississippi, Colonel Falkner, and the 4th Alabama, with 7th and 8th Georgia regiments, Colonel Gartrell and Lieutenant-Colonel Gardner, in all twenty-seven hundred and thirty-two bayonets. Bonham's brigade, as before, As General Johnston departed for Portici, Colonel Bartow reported to me with the remains of the 7th Georgia Volunteers, Gartrell's, which I ordered him to post on the left of Jackson's lines, in the edge of the belt of pines bordering the southeastl William Smith's battalion of the 49th Virginia Volunteers having also come up by my orders, I placed it on the left of Gartrell's, as my extreme left at the time. Repairing then to the right, I placed Hampton's Legion, which had suffered greatly, ce rifled—of Stanard's, and two 6-pounders of Rogers's batteries, the latter under Lieutenant Heaton; and on the left by Gartrell's reduced ranks and Colonel Smith's battalion, subsequently reinforced by Faulkner's 2d Mississippi regiment, and by ano
ptured them, but they were soon retaken. To meet this threatened blow on his left, Beauregard took the offensive and ordered a counterstroke from his right to clean off the Henry plateau in his front. The commands of Bee, Bartow, Evans and Hampton, the men who had so bravely and stubbornly held back McDowell's advance in the early morning, now responded with spirit and speed, striking the Federal left; Jackson, with strong and steady blows, pierced its center, while Smith's Virginians and Gartrell's Georgians charged on its right. This bold movement, sweeping over both infantry and artillery, entirely cleared the plateau of Federal troops and captured the batteries of Ricketts and Griffin. The success of this brilliant counterstroke cheered the Confederates and braced them for another struggle. Looking from his commanding position to the northward, Beauregard saw the still constant and steady coming on of Federal reinforcements. Without delay he reorganized his line of battle,
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 1: (search)
to follow the movements of all of these gallant troops who thus stemmed the sweeping advance of strong Federal brigades, and the fire of Mc-Dowell's numerous batteries. He is confined, particularly, to the South Carolina commands. The line of battle as now re-established, south of the Warrenton turnpike, ran at a right angle with the Bull run line, and was composed of the shattered commands of Bee, Bartow and Evans on the right, with Hampton's legion infantry; Jackson in the center, and Gartrell's, Smith's, Faulkner's and Fisher's regiments, with two companies of Stuart's cavalry, on the left. The artillery was massed near the Henry house. With this line the assaults of Heintzelman's division and the brigades of Sherman and Keyes, with their batteries, numbering some 18,000 strong, were resisted with heroic firmness. By 2 o'clock, Kershaw's Second and Cash's Eighth South Carolina, General Holmes' brigade of two regiments, Early's brigade, and Walker's and Latham's batteries, a
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 21: (search)
were posted to protect the railroad from Pocotaligo to the Savannah river and up that river to Sister's ferry, the forces at and near Grahamville under the command of Brigadier-General Chestnut, and those at and near Coosawhatchie under Brigadier-General Gartrell. The latter met the advance under General Potter, on the 6th, sending forward a small battalion of the Fifth Georgia, which was soon pressed back. It was reinforced by a section of artillery and the Georgia reserves, but the entire l troops he could collect, Georgia commands, a company of the First artillery, the cadets, and Bachman's battery, and at dawn on the 7th Colonel Edwards, of Georgia, commanding, made an attack upon the enemy in conjunction with a demonstration by Gartrell, but without success, losing 4 killed and 31 wounded. This attack was participated in by Captain King's company, First regulars, the cadets under Maj. J. B. White, and 130 militia. Gen. B. H. Robertson was put in command of the troops in this
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