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Gen, Fremont and the Administration. Washington, Oct. 25.--Gen. Fremont gives the Administration much trouble. The Cabinet had a meeting on the 23d inst., and some favored depriving him of his command immediately, and ordering him to Washington, to be tried by a court-martial. The matter was left with the President to decide, who finds it a very difficult question to settle, as it involves not only great pecuniary interests to the Government, but perhaps immediate and important military results.
ace, intending to occupy it, when word reached the place that a Mississippi regiment were marching upon it, and the cavalry incontinently fled, carrying the infantry back with them to Paducah, so May field is still in our hands. Movements of Gen, Jeff. Thompson. The following particulars of the movements of Gen. Jeff. Thompson we find in the Memphis Appeal of the 2th October. Our readers will find it interesting: We have seen a private letter from Gen'l Thompson, to a gentleman nto camp to visit her husband, who is a prisoner) reports the number of the Lincolnites killed and wounded at 130. She is said to be an intelligent and well-informed woman, and her statement is believed to be correct. Thus, with the prisoners in Gen, Zollicoffer's hands, (about 40,) the arms and munitions captured, and the killed and wounded of the enemy, the engagement near Rockcastle seems to have been as brilliant a victory as many that have crowned the Confederate arms, and have been more
Professor James P. Boyes, D. D.50.00 Georgia Baptist Association400.00 Rev. J. W. D. great of Texas, per J. G. Powell, Esq30.00 James A David, Greenville, S. O., per Rev J. P-Boyes, D. D25.00 Rev. A. Eubank, Bedford county7.68 Mat. Wilson, of Tennessee17.00 Mrs. Nannie L. Elsorn Howardsville, Virginia8.50 T. A. & J. W. Foushee, Culpeper C. H.10.00 Rev. J. D. Hufham, Raleigh, N. C.11.33 Rev. S. Boykin, Macon, Georgia5.00 Some friends in Fredericksburg, Va.23.00 R. R. Booker, Charlotte, Virginia5.00 Professor A McDowell, for Mrs. Hill, of North Carolina1.00 Mrs James Vest, Louisa county, Va.2.00 We earnestly appeal to the friends of the soldier to aid us in the work of supplying the army in this State with a picks, evangelical literature. There are now on Virginia soil 11,000 soldiers destitute of a copy of the new Testament. All ums set apart for this prise should be for warded Rev. M. Gen Superintendent of per of to George, Sumner, Tr Virginia.
he cause of the delay and mismanagement that boded so much ill, I have heard no two persons agree. How much longer the delay would have been, had not General Wool, in the most energetic manner, fairly kicked it in end, and fairly out of the harbor, it is difficult to say, if with the final sailing, we have seen the last of the blunders and dissensions, all may yet be well with this nevertheless grand pedition. Within the last few weeks, Gen. Wool's forces, though he has twice reinforced Gen.. McClellan, on the Potomac, have been increased, so that we now have a force quite as great as at any period since the war commenced; and yet, to enable him to undertake aggressive operations, he must have more men, and especially more artillery. The drill and discipline of the troops are thorough and rigid, and if it is possible to make good soldiers of the men, the fact is in process of ascertainment. A correspondent of the New York Times writing under date of "Fortress Monroe, O
I must give you a little anecdote of Gen. Bragg. Before the commencement of hostilities last spring, on the occasion of a visit to Fort Pickens by Gen. B., Major Vogdes did the honors, by showing the General about the fort, and on board the flag-ship, then in the harbor. Among other things of interest, Major V. introduced the General to a very fine and well stocked "liquor case," at the same time remarking, "When you take me prisoner, Gen. Bragg, I suppose you will allow me the possession of my liquor case"--Gen. Bragg replied, "Certainly, sir." Well, you are aware that Major V. was taken prisoner by our troops on their recent visit to the island. On the occasion of the Major being presented to Gen B. as a prisoner of war, the General jocularly remarked to him that "he could now send for his liquor case." At was a good joke, and seemed to be enjoyed as much by the Major as by any one of the party. If anything worthy of note transpires here, you may hear further from Xenia.
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Statement of a Confederate prisoner — a Correction. (search)
of fifteen mounted men) at the enemy's pickets, I was permitted to go in with Mrs. T. to the first camp, when she was escorted directly on home, but I was retained and introduced by the General to one of his Colonels (Scammon) who politely requested me to say I would not absent myself from their encampment, and treated me in the kindest manner, as did his Lieutenant Colonel and Surgeon, and entertained me for a day, each indulging in free speech and our own "peculiar" views. In this time Gen. R. was conferred with about me by this General, when he informed me Gen. R. had sent a squad of his body guard for me and I proceeded to his headquarters, and in a few minutes satisfied him we would not harm each other, or his cause by my giving information that would be detrimental to it, and I was escorted to Mrs. T. 's house. In a day or two I could and was about to leave under an escort and flag of truce, when the firing of several days along the lines, chiefly cannonading, and prom
bacca to the effect that a privateer carrying one long gun amidships, and put into Abacca for wood and water on the of November. She was supplied and sailed on the 4th. The war in Western Virginia. The Wheeling Press states that on Friday night of last week a party of secessionists went to the residence of Robert and Isaac Car and a Mr. Balley, all Union men, in Hampshire co., and arrested and took them off. It is supposed they started with their prisoners Moorefield. Subsequently Gen. arrested Joshua and James H. Johnson, and Samuel Davis, and sent them to Wheeling, to be held as hostiles for the return of Messrs Carskadon and Received News from Port Royal. A Washington dispatch, dated November 26th, says: The War Department is hourly expecting the announcement from General Sherman possession of the rebel for commanding the entrance to St. Sound about fifteen miles north of and commanding the outlet of and Combative rivers, thus se entire control of
e.--Eds. Drs.] Gen. Bragg's congratulatory order. The Barrancas correspondent of the Mobile (Aia.) Evening News furnishes that paper with the following general order, complimentary to the troops on their signal victory over the enemy at Fort Pickens, after a two days bombardment. It puts to blush the boastful threats of Col. Brown that he could annihilate the works and defences of Pensacola in a few hours. Its style and language is in the vein which characterizes all the papers of Gen, Bragg, and it met with the warmest reception by the different corps of his command: Headquarters Army of Pensacola, Near Pensacola, Fts., 25th Nov. 1861. General Order, No. 130. The signal success which has crowned our forty hours conflict with the arrogant and confident enemy -- whose Government, it seems, is hourly looking for an announcement of his success in capturing our position --should fill our hearts with gratitude to a merciful Providence. This terrific bombardme
thority of the United States Government, nor hold any correspondence whatever with persons residing in those States, without permission from the Secretary of State; and also that he will not do anything hostile to the United States during the present insurrection. Marshal Murray was also instructed by the Department to cause' a police examination to be made of Mr Converse's baggage, in order that no correspondence or other improper papers should be conveyed outside the fort. Address of Gen, Lane, of Kansas. Gen. James H. Lane, of Kansas, delivered an address on Saturday at Tremont Temple, Boston, on the war. He took strong antislavery grounds, saying that his later experience had completely dissipated his old reverence for the institution of slavery. He briefly sketched the troubles in Kansas, in which he was an actor, and described the cause and common cement of the rebellion, asserting that Gen. Halleck's army was fighting to crush treason, but at the same time to preser
Confed'te States of America,Quartermaster Gen's Department,Richmond, November, 1861. Circular.--The following additional instructions, in reference to impressments of private property for military purposes, are issued for the information and guidance of officers and agents of this Department: 1. An officer appointing agents to make impressments will, in all cases, furnish to such agents written evidence of their authority to act; and agents, whenever required by parties interested, will exhibit the orders or authority under which they are acting. 2. Agents who make impressments will, in all cases, give to the owner of the property impressed, or his agent, a certificate stating the character and value thereof; and they will, moreover, return to the officer of this Department, from whom they derive their authority, a statement of all property impressed by them, with the names of the owners. An abstract of these statements will be forwarded to this office by the office
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