Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for A. A. Generals or search for A. A. Generals in all documents.

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om May 10 to June 20; therefore, the present for duty equipped cannot be given. Adjutant-General's office; Washington, D. C., November 11, 1871. E. D. Townsend, Adjutant-General. Field return of army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Robert E. Lee. command.present.absent.Aggregate Present and Absent.Aggregate Present Last Return. for duty.sick.extra C. S. hands of enemy. Generals.Lieutenant-Generals.Major-Generals.Brigadier-Generals.A. A. Generals.A. I. Generals.Quartemasters.Commiisaries.Chief Surgeons.Ordnance Officers.Engineer Officers.Signal Officers.Aides-de-Camp.Officers.Enlisted MenOfficers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Aggregate.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men. General Staff1331111112121212 Lt-General J. Longstreet commanding. Staff112313111141441814 Pickett's Divisi'n13419612133044,7611840012895151218806,1776,5571032,0311016509,4426,520 Field's Divisi'n2511