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The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1864., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Chas Gentry or search for Chas Gentry in all documents.

Your search returned 4 results in 1 document section:

Hotel thieves caught. --Two hotel named respectively Meriwether Quarles and Chas Gentry, were caught at the Linwood House on Wednesday night under the following circumstances. For several days past the parties named have been putting up at tkley quiet thinking the thief would next pay him a visit, but the light passed without much an occurrence. Quarles and Gentry being waked by the servants early in the morning, got up and began to dress, when Mr. Coakley also arose, and rousing Mr.g to sixty two dollars, had been stolen Mr. Coakley then roused the clerk of the hotel and insisted on having Quarles and Gentry searched, an operation which was about being carried into effect when Quarles confessed that he had the money, and pullins to go to Petersburg. Officer Davis being sent for took both the parties into custody. On the approach of the officer, Gentry attempted to destroy a passport, on which it is presumed he intended to travel. It was filled up with some other name.