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Your search returned 14 results in 6 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1864., [Electronic resource], Remarkable Gunshot wound. (search)
Remarkable Gunshot wound.
--We noticed about three weeks since the fact that a tooth which had become embedded in the tongue of Mr. James A. Gentry, a young man from this city, by the force of a ball that struck him in his mouth at the battle of the Wilderness, had been extracted, and at the time regarded it as a most remarka accordingly, on Friday last, he called upon Dr. Baylor, of Chimborazo, to perform the job. The doctor at first doubted that there could be anything else in young Gentry's tongue, but believed the inflammation and swelling of that member was caused from the incision which had been made when the tooth was taken out. He, however, in r the roots of his tongue felt some hard substance, which, upon being cut out, proved to be a Minnie bail.
The leaden Missile was much battered from contact with Gentry's teeth (three of which were knocked out by its force) at the time it struck him, about three months since.
He describes the operation as a very painful one, and
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1865., [Electronic resource], President 's message.--General Grant 's report. (search)
We are profoundly grateful to our friends in Manchester for the large lists of subscribers they have sent us, and shall strive to deserve their patronage by promptly delivering to them, early every morning, the best and cheapest daily paper sent from this city.
Mr. James A. Gentry, so long and favorably known to the public as an enterprising news dealer, is our agent for Manchester, and will receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Dispatch. Mr. Benjamin Mamone, our active and successful canvasser, will continue to call upon the people, and we commend him and his work to their favorable consideration.
Remember that the Dispatch. always the favorite of the citizens of Manchester, is only two Cents Per Copy, or Twelve Cents Per Week.
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1865., [Electronic resource], Re-organization of a Fire Company in Manchester . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], General Assembly of Virginia . (search)
We are profoundly grateful to our friends in Manchester for the large lists of subscribers they have sent us, and shall strive to deserve their patronage by promptly delivering to them, early every morning, the beat and cheapest daily paper sent from this city.
Mr. James A. Gentry, so long and favorably known to the public as an enterprising news dealer, is our agent for Manchester, and will receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Dispatch. Mr. Benjamin Mahone, our active and successful canvasser, will continue to call upon the people, and we commend him and his work to their favorable consideration.
Remember that the Dispatch, always the favorite of the citizens of Manchester, is only two Cents Per Copy, or Twelve Cents Per Week.
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], Christmas and Christmas presents. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1865., [Electronic resource], The Richmond Medical Journal . (search)
We are profoundly grateful to our friends in Manchester for the large lists of subscribers they have sent us, and shall strive to deserve their patronage by promptly delivering to them, early every morning, the best and cheapest daily-paper sent from this city.
Mr. James A. Gentry, so long and favorably known to the public as an entertaining news dealer, is our agent for Manchester, and will receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Dispatch. Mr. Benjamin Mahone our active and successful canvasser, will continue to call upon the people, and we commend him and his work to their favorable consideration.
Remember that the Dispatch, always the favorite of the citizens of Manchester, is only two cents per copy, or twelve cents per week.