Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James A. Gentry or search for James A. Gentry in all documents.

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Manchester. We are profoundly grateful to our friends in Manchester for the large lists of subscribers they have sent us, and shall strive to deserve their patronage by promptly delivering to them, early every morning, the beat and cheapest daily paper sent from this city. Mr. James A. Gentry, so long and favorably known to the public as an enterprising news dealer, is our agent for Manchester, and will receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Dispatch. Mr. Benjamin Mahone, our active and successful canvasser, will continue to call upon the people, and we commend him and his work to their favorable consideration. Remember that the Dispatch, always the favorite of the citizens of Manchester, is only two Cents Per Copy, or Twelve Cents Per Week.
the city, and at a low price. Jesse J. Underhill, Seventh street, between Main and Franklin, agent for Boston paper-collar and cuff manufactory. John Blair, No. 58 Main street, has fine family groceries brandies, wines and whisky. The latter, mixed with eggs and sugar, produce a well-known Christmas beverage. B. Catogni, No. 51 Main street, has figs, raisins, citron, Christmas toys and fire-works. This is the place for Santa Claus to get the worth of his money. Darby & Gentry, north side Main, between Ninth and Tenth streets, has ladies' and misses' boots and shoes of the latest styles.--Ladies, go put your, feet in them. J. B. Wood, Marshall and Fifth streets, has perfumery, and hair tonies that will make the hair grow on an old hair trunk. Charles L. Todd, corner Sixth and Clay, has wine, rum, brandy and whiskies. Good things to have about the house Christmas times. Zimmer & Co., No. 17 Main street, have all kinds of confectionery, foreign and d