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James Redpath, The Roving Editor: or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States. 2 0 Browse Search
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Who has not heard of Colonel Emory--a man notorious — the husband of a woman who once offered to a company of South Carolina ruffians, to marry any one who would bring her the scalp of a Yankee! Rich as she was, and poor and ruffianly as they were, not one of them accepted the offer. Emory was Secretary of State in General Walker's ragamuffin State of Southern California. In Kansas, after his appointment as mail contractor, he signalized his devotion to Democracy by ordering a quiet Free-State German to be shot down, like a dog, in the streets, for expressing his disapprobation of the murder of Phillips, that noble and heroic martyr whom, also, he had so brutally massacred. For these services, and for loaning his horses — for he kept a livery stable — to the South Carolina ruffians, he was appointed the comptroller of the Land Office at Ogden. Thus: the murderer of Phillips, as well as every man who had outraged his person a year before, has been rewarded with government offices.<