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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The causes of the war [from the Sunday News, Charleston, S. C., November 28, 1897.] (search)
o reunite herself with Great Britain has now been almost forgotten, having been studiously kept in the background for the better part of a century, but in 1809 it was so well known that the Governor-General of Canada sent an agent into New England with a view of a co-operation with England and a union with Canada. Says the Federal Republican. One step more and the union of these States is severed All this was a matter of general notoriety at the time. Thomas Jefferson writes to Elbridge Gerry, of Massachusetts: What, then, does this English faction with you mean? They count on British aid. They would separate from their friends, who alone furnish employments for their navigation, to unite with their only rival for that employment. A great deal of mouthy patriotism for the Union has emanated from New England for many years past, and their genuine enthusiasm for The Old Flag and an Appropriation has never been doubted; but how can they explain away the fact that they were o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.45 (search)
ducted—and it may not be amiss to draw a parallel. On the 12th of April, 1776, North Carolina, through her representatives then assembled at Halifax, first of all the thirteen colonies, authorized her delegates to the Continental Congress to unite in any measure looking to a separation of the colonies from the mother country and to the establishment of independence, thus, as it were, assuming and ratifying the declaration and resolves of Mecklenburg, made in May of the year previous. Elbridge Gerry, of Massachusetts, in that Congress—afterwards Governor and Vice-President—as may be seen in his letter in the American Archives—did not call that action treasonable, but approved it warmly, and wrote his people urging like action on their part. So in May, 1861, North Carolina in convention assembled at Raleigh, by solemn ordinance, without one opposing vote, revoked the ordinance of 1789, withdrew from the association of States and by the same authority that had conferred, in like man