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The Daily Dispatch: February 16, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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, worth $800, from Wm. Forbes. The evidence implicating these boys with the theft, the Mayor remanded them for examination before the Hustings Court. The charge against Henry, slave of Wright & Ford, of trespassing on the premises of Mrs. Gwathmey, being without a pass, and carrying unlawful weapons, was examined into, and the accused ordered to receive thirty lashes. Emma Slaughter, a free negress, made her appearance to answer the charge of aiding and abetting Robert, slave of Wm. Gibbes, of Lynchburg, to escape to the Yankees.--The Mayor, after patiently listening to a mass of testimony, adjourned further investigation till Wednesday. Albert Bailey, also free, appeared to answer the charge of enticing a slave belonging to William Stagg, of Petersburg, to run away. Ordered to be whipped. Merriweather Quarles, Frederick Miller, and Moses Kaufman, white, being idle, dissolute persons, and with no visible means of support, appeared to answer the complaint. Quarles