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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Officers. (search)
f charity and of kindness, and if incentive is wanting for renewed exertion in this direction, refer to the records of our own Charitable Association for reminder of what earnest men can do. * * * Under their auspices, they also erected the first memorial shaft raised in South Carolina in honor of the dead of the war. Within one year the Easter Fair was held, the most brilliant public entertainment ever seen in Charleston, made so largely by the taste, talent and enegy of the late Major R. C. Gilchrist, and the effective work of the members of the Rifle Club. The net proceeds were over $8,000. In dealing with this handsome result, the Rifle Club created a trust (of five members), separate from the general Treasury of the command. The trustees have, in twenty-eight years, by judicious investments, doubled the original amount of 1875, and as far as is known, this is to-day the only Permanent Confederate Benefaction in the South. The management of this fund has been conducted throu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Complete roster of Trustees, 1875-1903. (search)
I. Greer, F. L. Parker, M. D. General Conner was elected Chairman; Lieutenant Wilkie, Treasurer; Lieutenant Greer, Secretary. On 20th March, 1883, General Conner resigned on account of ill health; died in Richmond, Va., 27th June, 1883. Major R. C. Gilchrist was elected by the company a trustee in his place. Captain Courtenay was elected Chairman of the Trustees 20th March, 1883. Lieutenant Wilkie died 27th September, 1889. Mr. John L. Sheppard was elected a trustee November 12th, 1889. Major Gilchrist resigned on account of ill health March 2d, 1900, and Major W. M. Muckenfuss was elected a trustee in his place March 2d, 1900. Major Muckenfuss died in November, 1901, and Lieutenant H. B. Olney was elected a trustee in his place January 4th, 1902. There are two trustees ex-officio—the President, W. L. I. Veteran Association, of date 1883, Colonel C. H. Simonton, and the commanding officer of the Corps—of the latter, in succession, there have been Major A. W. Marshall
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Battery Nine, 20; Grigg, assault of and its defenders , 60, 370; Haskell, McGilvery, Meikei, Morton, Morris Island, Sedgwick, 20; Stedman, 19. Franklin, Battle of, 160. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 282, Friend Thomas R., 356. Fusileer Francaise, 2. Garland, General S., killed, 199. Garnett, Captain James M.. 32, 61. Gettysburg, Battle of, 191, 200, 228, 288, 349. Georgia, Independent flag of, 236. Gibbes, Major, Wade Hampton, 73. Gibson, General R. L., 109. Gilchrist, Major R. C., 6. Gillem, General A. C., 125. Gilmor, Major, Harry, 12. Gilmore, J. R., 53. Gilmer, Colonel, 125. Gladden. General A. H., killed, 306. Glassell, U. S. N. Lieutenant, 330. Goldsborough, Lieut. Robert 135. Gordon, A. C., poem of, 183; Gen. John B., 19, 349. Govan, General D. C., 156. Granberry Gen. H. B., 156. Gregg, Fort, Assault and defenders of, 60, Grigsby, Colonel A. J., 23. Hale, Major E. J., 346. Hall, Major, Thornton, 17. Hardee, Major-General W. J