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iment, shall be mustered into the Confederate service, unless armed; and, also, giving notice that General Carroll has been directed to muster out of service Colonel Gillespie's regiment. Believing as I do that the public interest requires that the department over which you preside should fully comprehend the practical operatiosbanded, we would to-day have been without a force to check the advance of the enemy, and our borders would have been open to the invaders. In reference to Colonel Gillespie's regiment, it is proper to state that General Carroll had reported it to me as armed, and I had ordered it to this place; and it is earnestly hoped that neirespect, your obedient servant, (Signed) A. S. Johnston, General C. S. A. Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War. It appearing in the correspondence that Colonel Gillespie's regiment had been raised under State, not Confederate authority, the secretary promptly revoked his order to disband it. His letter to Adjutant-General Whi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 15.63 (search)
oy this ancient device, it will be demonstrated further on that the turret of the monitors is a distinct mechanical combination differing from previous inventions. The correctness of the assumption that revolving batteries for manipulating guns on board floating structures had been constructed nearly a century ago will be seen by the following reference to printed publications. The Nautical Chronicle for 1805 contains an account of a movable turning impregnable battery, invented by a Mr. Gillespie, a native of Scotland, who completed the model of a movable impregnable castle or battery, impervious to shot or bombs, provided with a cannon and carriage calculated to take a sure aim at any object. It is further stated that the invention proposed will be found equally serviceable in floating batteries. Its machinery is adapted to turn the most ponderous mortars with the greatest ease, according to the position of the enemy. Again, the Transactions of the Society for the Promotion
king a pipe, when the attack commenced; it came so suddenly that he threw the pipe away, mounted his horse, and crossed the river as speedily as possible. Three battle-flags were captured, two of them covered with the names of battles in which the regiments owning them had been engaged. Prisoners were captured all along the road between Williamsport and Falling Waters, in which service the First Ohio squadron, under Captain Jones, acting as body-guard, as usual, took an active part. Sergeant Gillespie, of company A, being in advance, overtook a party of men trying to get off with a Napoleon gun; the horses balked, and the Sergeant politely requested the men to surrender, which order they very cheerfully obeyed. Seven men and four horses were taken with the gun. The caissons were filled with ammunition, and Captain Hasbrouck, of the General's staff, at once placed it in position, and used it upon the enemy — a whole brigade being then in sight. Another Napoleon gun was abandoned, a
ef of Artillery of General Bragg's staff; and Major Palmer also rendered distinguished service. An idea of the desperation of the fight may be had from the casualties in Govan's and Walthall's brigades, which suffered the largest loss of any two brigades in the army. But one colonel was left in command in Govan's brigade. Colonel Featherston, of the Fifth Arkansas, fell in the first engagement while gallantly taking a battery; Lieutenant-Colonel Baucum, of the Eighth Arkansas, and Colonel Gillespie, of the Seventh, were both wounded. Ten company officers out of twelve, in the First Louisiana and Eighth Arkansas, consolidated, were killed and wounded. In the two brigades one thousand and six hundred men and officers were killed and wounded in five desperate engagements. Eight field officers out of ten were killed and wounded in Walthall's brigade, and Colonel J. J. Scales, of the Thirtieth Mississippi, captured. In the Twenty-fourth Mississippi, Lieutenant-Colonel R. P. Mackel
elsewhere except in East Tennessee. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. L. Clay, Assistant Adjutant-General. First Lieut. Julius M. Rhett. No. 2.-report of Capt. H. M. Ashby, Company C, Fourth Battalion Tennessee Cavalry. Knoxville, Tenn., April 26, 1862. Sir: According to your order of the 16th I left Knoxville at 4 p. m., with about 40 men from my company and the same number of Captain Bradley's, and proceeded to Clinton, where I was joined by 40 men of Captain Gillespie's company, under Lieutenant King. I marched all night, reaching Jacksborough about sunrise next morning. Five miles above Jacksborough, at Big Creek Gap, I left Captain Bradley, with his command, to reconnoiter the country between that point and Fincastle, 5 miles above Big Creek Gap. there to await furother orders. With the remainder of my command I pressed on to Woodson's Gap, 6 miles beyond Fincastle, where I detached Lieutenant Gibbs, of my company, with 10 men, to guard th
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
ine-of-battle-ship Columbus had reached the coast from China with Commodore Biddle, whose rank gave him the supreme command of the navy on the coast. He was busy in calling in--lassooing --from the land-service the various naval officers who under Stockton had been doing all sorts of military and civil service on shore. Knowing that I was to go down the coast with General Kearney, he sent for me and handed me two unsealed parcels addressed to Lieutenant Wilson, United States Navy, and Major Gillespie, United States Marines, at Los Angeles. These were written orders pretty much in these words: On receipt of this order you will repair at once on board the United States ship Lexington at San Pedro, and on reaching Monterey you will report to the undersigned.--James Biddle. Of course, I executed my part to the letter, and these officers were duly lassooed. We sailed down the coast with a fair wind, and anchored inside the kelp, abreast of Johnson's house. Messages were forthwith dis
d and fifty. The mortality among horses was remarkable, eight or more of the mangled bodies lying around. Most of the dead men were much disfigured, evidently killed by shell — some ripped open, and their bowels upon the ground, others with heads cut open or limbs torn off. The rebel soldiers were gathered in crowds, evidently not much disheartened at being taken. They were composed of the following regiments: Twenty-fourth Texas, dismounted cavalry, Col. Wilkes; Twenty-fifth, same, Colonel Gillespie; Fifteenth, same, Colonel Sweet; Sixth Texas infantry, Colonel Garland, Colonel Taylor's regiment, and Colonel Darnel's. Six of the nine guns in the Fort belonged to Captain Hart's Arkansas battery, three pieces being twenty-pound Parrotts. The Commander-in-Chief of the confederate forces was Brigadier-General Churchill; Captain Ben. Johnson, Adjutant-General, Captain Wolf, Chief Quartermaster, Captain Little and Captain Brown, aids. Brigade commanders were Colonel Deshler, Colo
, Guy, Havron, Hart, Ingram, Jones, Kenner, Kennedy, Lea, Lockhart, Martin, Mayfield, McCabe, Morphies, Nail, Hickett, Porter, Richardson, Roberts, Shield, Smith, Sewel, Trevitt, Vaughn, Whitmore, Woods, and Speaker Whitthorne. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Brazelton, Butler, Caldwell, Gorman, Greene, Morris, Norman, Russell, Senter, Strewsbury, White of Davidson, Williams of Knox, Wisener, and Woodard. Absent and not voting--Messrs. Barksdale, Beaty, Bennett, Britton, Critz, Doak, East, Gillespie, Harris, Hebb, Johnson, Kincaid of Anderson, Kincaid of. Claiborne, Trewhitt, White of Dickson, Williams of Franklin, Williams of Hickman, and Williamson. an act to submit to A vote of the PEOple a Declaration of Independence, and for other purposes. section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That, immediately after the passage of this Act, the Governor of this State shall by proclamation, direct the sheriffs of the several counties in this State to o
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ney Hill, S. C. $50. Freeman, Warren F. 18, sin.; farmer; So Scituate. 10 Dec 63, 20 Aug 65. $325. Freeman, William H. 22, sin.; farmer; So. Scituate. 10 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Galloway, Silas Corpl. 26, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 26 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Gamrell, Charles S. 25, sin.; painter; Springfield, O. 12 May 63; killed 16 Jly 63 James Id. S. C. $50. Garnet, Hiram 20, sin.; laborer; Galesburg, Ill. 26 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Gillespie, Peter 20, sin.; laborer; Chicago. 26 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Goff, Charles H. 22, sin.; carpenter; Springfield, O. 12 May 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Gomes, Richard 17, sin.; laborer; Battle Creek, Mich. 17 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Cedar Rapids, Ia. Green, John 31, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 15 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Apl 65 Boykins Mills, S. C. $50. Green, John S. 25, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 15 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Authorities. (search)
2 Fullerton, Joseph S.: Atlanta Campaign, May 1-Sept. 8, 1864 62, 4 Gallimard, J. V.: Fort Morgan, Ala., Aug. 9-22, 1864 66, 7 Gamble, William: Harrison's Landing, Va., July 4, 1862 66, 7 Garrard, Kenner: Chattahoochee River, Ga., July 5-17, 1864 63, 5 Marietta, Ga., June 10-July 3, 1864 43, 4; 49, 4; 62, 10, 14; 65, 3 Geary, John W.: Goldsborough, N. C., to Washington, D. C. 86, 8-16 Savannah, Ga., to Goldsborough, N. C. 86, 1-7 Gillespie, George L.: Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864 69, 3; 99, 2 Dinwiddie Court-House, Va., March 31, 1865 74, 2 Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22, 1864 99, 2 Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 68, 3 Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864 69, 1, 2 Sheridan's cavalry operations, 1864-65 74, 1 Tom's Brook, Va., Oct. 9, 1864 69, 3 Waynesborough, Va., March 2, 1865 72, 3, 7 Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 99, 1 Gilliss, John R.: Cincinnati,
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