Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Gillmore or search for Gillmore in all documents.

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ment was cut off from the rest and scattered. Gillmore. Brigadier-General. The entire rebel fors morning received a second despatch from General Gillmore, dated this morning, from Slagal's Ferry,loss will not fall short of five hundred men. Gillmore, Brigadier-General. The alacrity with wh account. Lexington, Ky., April 2. Gen. Gillmore and staff returned from the front last nigck Creek, twelve miles from Somerset, when Gen. Gillmore reached him with his body-guard and the Sear-guard. The skirmishing then commenced, Gens. Gillmore and Carter with Wolford and the body-guardinto the road to cut off Capt. Stowe, when Gen. Gillmore, at the head of his body-guard, charged dorlwind, and they turned off another road. Gen. Gillmore and guard entered the town, and held it unttack upon them. There we were joined by General Gillmore the next morning with some two hundred anmountain howitzers and two Parrott guns. General Gillmore took the chief command, but General Carte