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The Lottery business. --Oliver Crossmore was arraigned before the Mayor on Monday to answer the double charge of selling tickets and chances in a lottery, and associating with negroes in an unlawful assembly. The main facts of the arrest, which was effected in that part of the city known as "Solitude," were given a day or two since. Mr. Gilmer, as counsel for the accused, contended that no proof existed of the sale of lottery tickets or the companionship of negroes, and that there ought, therefore, to be no further penalty inflicted than the usual fine for an unlawful assembly. The Mayor said that these small lottery houses were becoming too common, and he was determined to break them up, if he had to post a sentinel at every suspected door. He imposed a fine of $20 upon Crossmore; also held him to bail in the sum of 200 to keep the peace for twelve months, and for his appearance to answer an indictment for misdemeanor.
to the Georgia Army. --Gov. Brown has appointed the following gentlemen as officers of the army of the Republic of Georgia, now being organized. The most, if not all, of them held posts in the United States Army: Brigadier and Brevet Major General David E. Twiggs, to command the Brigade; Col. W. J. Hardee, late of the U. S. A., Colonel of the 1st Regiment, and Col. W. H. T. Walker, late of the U. S. A. Colonel of the 2d Regiment; Chas. J Williams, Esq., Lieutenant Colonel of the 1st Regiment, and E. W. Chastain, of Gilmer, Lieutenant Colonel of the 2d Regiment. Captains McLaws, W. M. Gardner, and Alfred Cumming, late of the U. S. A., as Majors of the Regiments. Capt. John Jones, present State Treasurer, Quartermaster and Commissary General, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. The appointment of Captains and Lieutenants have been made from those late of the U. S. A. and civilians of the State. The army will consist of two regiments of Infantry, of 1,000 men each.
a in this crisis of public affairs.--Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, spoke for a short time in a humorous vein. He said that the editor of the Wheeling Intelligencer, a rank Abolitionist, was then present. He believed that Mr. Clemens, in the Convention, had followed the platform dictated by Campbell, the person referred to. He rated the Black Republicans soundly. Cries was made for Hon. J. M. Daniel, and that gentleman retreated. Col. Isbell, of Jefferson county, was next called on, and made a most inspiriting Southern address, and was most loudly cheered.--When this report closed, Mr. Gilmer, of Pittyslvania, was speaking, and others were expected to follow. A portion of the crowd, and the music, proceeded to the residence of Prof. Holoombe, on 6th street. The rumor that the anti-Union party intended to burn Mr. Moors in effigy, we could trace to no reliable source. Some 2,000 persons were engaged in the above impromptu demonstration, which is recorded as one of the signs of the times.
The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
gs, we have been told that"Mas abe" will be "conservative" in his administration; that he is going to evacuate Fort Sumter, (because he can't hold it any longer;) and that there has been a tremendous reaction in popular sentiment in some municipal elections in the Northern States. Among the various indications of pacific intentions, we recognize the appointment to the Premiership of that distinguished conservative, "Brother Seward," whose whole life, from the time of his controversy with Gov. Gilmer, in 1840, to the endorsation of the Helper Book, and his speech at St. Paul, Minnesota, has been one illustrious series of disinterested friendship and fraternal affection for the South. We see the manifestation of this same brotherly feeling in the appointment of Chas. Francis Adams and Wm. L. Dayton, both defeated candidates of the Black Republicans for the Vice-Presidency of the United States, to the most important foreign missions, those of St. James and St. Cloud. It is not less ev
ral, with great efficiency, and with marked benefit to our citizen soldiers. His first connection with military life was in 1827, when he was the confidential Aide-de-camp of Gov. Troup. He was subsequently elected a representative in Congress, but resigned before taking his seat, to accept a special agency tendered him by President Jackson as Commissioner of Indian Reserves in the Creek Nation. In the Cherokee District he also had a special military command under the administration of Gov. Gilmer, which he performed with credit to himself and with advantage to the public. More recently Gen. Sanford was appointed by the Georgia Convention as Commissioner to Texas, and through his able and zealous efforts the people of that State were fully aroused to the work of secession, which was soon nobly accomplished at the ballot box. Such a soldier, and such a gentleman of the most elevated character, seeking to serve his country as a private in her armies, is a sublime picture to contempl
ex. 22. Caroline and Spotsylvania. 23. Stafford, King George and Prince William. 26. Fauquier and Rappahannock. 27. Madison, Culpeper, Orange and Greene. 29. Louisa, Goochland and Fluvanna. 30. Nelson, Amherst and Buckingham. 31. Jefferson and Berkeley. 32. Hampshire, Hardy and Morgan. 34. Shenandoah and Page. 36. Augusta. 37. Bath, Highland and Rockbridge. 38. Botetourt, Allegheny, Roanoke and Craig. 39. Carroll, Floyd, Grayson, Montgomery and Pulaski. 42. Scott, Lee, Russell and Wise.--46. Ritchie, Doddridge, Harrison, Pleasants and Wood. 48. Upshur, Barbour, Lewis, Gilmer, Randolph and Tucker. 50. Brooke, Hancock and Ohio. The Faculty will proceed to fill the foregoing vacancies on the5th of July next. Applications for appointment, accompanied by proper testimonials, should be addressed to the Chairman, and should reach the University by the 30th of June. Should there be no suitable applicant from a District, the vacancy will be filled from the State at large.
No man of any reputation, who expects to remain long in Virginia, as we predicted last week, took ground in favor of revolution. John S. Burdett, Carlile and Tarr, are the chiefs among the revolutionists. Men of State reputation will not hazard their good names in such a cause. There are about eighty counties in Western Virginia. Of these only twenty-seven--one-third --are claimed to have been represented; and of the twenty-seven, Marion, Wetzel, Barbour, Wirt, Lewis, Jackson, Roane, Gilmer, Upshur, and various others, will give majorities against division and for secession, and therefore were misrepresented. Then there are Frederick, Hampshire, Berkeley, and perhaps other counties, included in the twenty-seven, all of which will give four to one for secession, and would give ten to one against division, and therefore were most grossly and outrageously misrepresented. George Senseney, the only delegate from Frederick, acknowledged that he had not been appointed by any public
legate for Alexandria. Pittsylvania. Danville, May 23. --For secession, 407; against, none. For amendment, 348; against, 6. For House of Delegates--Gilmer, 362, Buford, 348; Finney, 28; Miller, 31. Pittsylvania Court House, 3 o'clock.--For secession, 210; Gilmer, 210; Buford, 144. Gilmer and Buford are probGilmer, 210; Buford, 144. Gilmer and Buford are probably elected. Norfolk county. Portsmouth, May 23.10½ A. M. --For Secession 659; against 70. For House of Delegates, Murdaugh and Wilson 930, Watts 122, Martin 112. [Second Dispatch.] Portsmouth, May 23. --The poll closed with 901 for Secession, and 74 for Union. Murdaugh and Wilson are elected to thGilmer and Buford are probably elected. Norfolk county. Portsmouth, May 23.10½ A. M. --For Secession 659; against 70. For House of Delegates, Murdaugh and Wilson 930, Watts 122, Martin 112. [Second Dispatch.] Portsmouth, May 23. --The poll closed with 901 for Secession, and 74 for Union. Murdaugh and Wilson are elected to the Legislature. There is some talk of tar and feathers being used on three obnoxious Union-loving men here. Nansemond. Suffolk, May 23. --Riddick is re-elected to the Legislature. Day is re-elected to the Senate. There is not a "Union" man to be found in the town. Ad valorem had 27 majority at this precinct.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.from North Carolina. Raleigh, May 27, 1861. Your correspondent had the pleasure on yesterday of attending the Convention now in session at Raleigh. A resolution was offered by Mr. Speed, of Pasquotank, to the effect that, under the circumstances of the case, it would be inexpedient for any member of the Convention to be appointed a member of the Congress of the Confederate States. Laid on the table. The body numbers among its members some of the most distinguished sons of the old North State, among whom I noticed Hons. Wm. A. Graham, Mr. Gilmer, and Ex-Gov. Reid. I was shown on yesterday by Hon. Mr. Edwards, President of the Convention, a telegram announcing the fact that President Davis was then at Montgomery. Yours, truly, Oats.
, I have been spending a large portion of my time in the "City of Oaks," and an interesting time we have had of it. The Convention, as you are aware, has now been in session just one month, and have agreed to adjourn on next Wednesday. A larger amount of business, considering its momentous character, has never before been transacted in the same space of time by any deliberative body.--A Convention composed of such men as Ruffin and Badger, Graham and Biggs, Brown and Satterthwaite, Reid and Gilmer, and Ashe and Gerrell, Osborn and Dick, Craig and Kittrell, Melane and Howard, Houston and Jones, Mares and Venable, and the President of the body, with scores of others but little less intellectual, could not be expected to permit any question of magnitude to be disposed of until it had been thoroughly discussed; and this has been done with an ability that I have never known excelled. This will account, and more than compensate, for any apparent delay in the dispatch of business. Hasty le
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