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ities. Accomactie.Albemarle261 Alleghany101Alexandria446 Amherst175Amelia21 Appomattox342Augusta2330 Barbour587Bath57 Brooke278Berkeley83 Brunswick186Botetourt1 Caroline211Bedford429 Carroll378Buckingham22 Charlotte47Campbell314 Clarke47Chesterfield456 Cumberland3Culpeper1 Doddridge204Charles City814 Essex29Dinwiddie135 Fauquier47Elizabeth City83 Franklin213Fairfax7 Frederick352Fluvanna32 Floyd35Greenbrier490 Gloucester164Hardy510 Goochland189Henry99 Greene457Highland47 Gilmer160Henrico700 Greensville13James City88 Hampshire184Jefferson501 Halitax766Londoun1253 Hancock200Marshall117 Harrison260Monroe175 Isle of Wight609Montgomery287 King George42Nansemond58 King and Queen256Nelson336 King William173New Kent94 Lewis355Norfolk City547 Lunenburg275Norfolk county255 Madison760Northampton20 Mecklenburg471Nottoway57 Marion768Ohio285 Matthews57Petersburg747 Northumberland74Portsmouth118 Orange48Powhatan98 page796Prince George52 Pleasants23Princess Anne
734360 Tucker992223 Upshur58933154 Warren46227612 Warwick32720 Washington117891655 Williamsburg434924 Wood83283256 Wythe79561722 Wetzel60790153 Westmoreland1604384 Wirt25515016 wise331028 York902275 135 counties and cities69,51169,60914,855 69,511 Bell's majority88 the following are the unofficial majorities reported from the counties not yet received at the capitol: Bell's majorities. Braxton48 Giles159 Mason277 Nicholas275 Pendleton167 Raleigh159 Webster (New co.) 1,085 995 90 88 Breckinridge's Major's Buchanan120 Calhoun266 Gilmer152 King and Queen255 Roane18 Hampshire184 995 Bell's clear maj. In the counties, official and reported, 178 the following is the vote as it stood in 1859, in the counties not heard from: Letcher. Cabell91 Wayne51 142 Goggin. Clay41 Wyoming93 McDowell82 216 142 74 Goggin's majority in counties not heard from. *This is the vote with one precinct to hear from.
the city of Richmond; by Mr. Anderson, of authorizing the Little Kanawha Navigation Company to extend their improvement to the falls of the Little Kanawha river, in the county of Braxton; by Mr. Money, of incorporating the Berkeley Border Guards volunteer company. Petitions presented an referred. The following petitions, &c., were presented and referred: By Geo. M. C. Porter, memorial of the Directors of the Holliday's Cove Turnpike Company, asking amendments to their charter; by Mr. Gilmer, petition of officers of Company A, 101st Regiment, Virginia Militia, praying reimbursement on account of money expended by them in the purchase of accoutrements; by Mr. Crane, petition of the 107th Regiment, Virginia Militia, praying the privilege of muster and training of so much of the same as is within the county of Tucker; by Mr. Cassin, petition of Alfred J. Bean, and others, asking to be released from the payment of security money; by Mr. Christian, petition of Trustees of Alleghany
etition of Capt, Kenney, of the Rockingham Rifles, asking to be allowed pay for equipments purchased by them; by Mr. Haymond, the petition of J. H. Showalter, for refunding a sum of money erroneously paid as tax. Federal Relations.--The following gentlemen were announced as the Joint Committee on the part of the House to consider and report what action should be taken by the State in the present crisis: 1st District, Mr. Segar; 2nd, Mr. Rives; 3rd, Mr. Tonilin; 4th, Mr. Collier; 5th, Mr. Gilmer, of Pittsylvania; 6th, Mr. Burks; 7th, Mr. Barbour; 8th, Mr. Duckwall; 9th, Mr. Miller, of Shenandoah; 10th, Mr. Wallace; 11th, Mr. Bassell; 12th, Mr. Caperton; 13th, Mr. Hopkins. For the State at large, Messrs. Robertson and Haymond. Secession of Mississippi.--The Speaker announced a communication from the Governor, which was read as follows: Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates: At a late hour last night, I received a dispatch from the Hon. Wm. S. Barry. Presid
as also returned from the Committee of Propositions and Grievances, on the resolution to change the place of holding election in the Sperryville precinct of Rappahannock county. Agreed to. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented and referred: By Mr. Thompson, the petition of Geo. C. Bowyer, and others, asking to have refunded to them certain money paid by them as sureties, &c.; by Mr. Watson, the petition of citizens of Pulaski in reference to the Southwestern Turnpike; by Mr. Gilmer, of Pittsylvania, the petition of officers and volunteers composing Company "H," 101st Regiment Virginia Militia, praying to be relieved from attending regimental musters; by Mr. Rives, the petition of citizens of Surry for the formation of a rifle volunteer company; by Mr. Saunders, the petition of Henry R. Jones, for an increase of salary as Clerk of the Virginia Penitentiary. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry into expediency were read and referred, viz: By Mr. McGe
ns' men, and fired into a crowd of retreating citizens, killing Mr. S. H. Miller. On the same day, (Thursday,) they landed at Guyandotte in force, estimated by an eyewitness at 400, and also dropped 100 at Meadow Bottom. This force is now on the advance, magnified to 1,500. From Ripley, the county seat of Jackson, they are advancing also, in numbers estimated at not less than 1,200, while Glenville is in the hands of the hostile force, which I informed you in my last was waging war in Gilmer. This force is intended to get behind this point, or make a movement upon it, so as to lock us up in the Kanawha Valley. For ourselves, we are in no wise alarmed at these well-planned movements of the enemy. They have all been foreseen, and, as far as circumstances permitted, anticipated. The very finest spirit prevails, and the country boys are beginning to take down the deer-skin shot-pouch and shoulder that female instrument which "allers flings her lead whar you holl her." called a m
reenbrier Raleigh, and Fayette shall confederate the Twelfth District. Wythe, Smyth, Gravson, Washington, Scott, Lee, Wise, Bachanan, Mellowell, Hogewell, Bland, and Russell shall constitute the Thirteenth District. Kanawha, Legan, Boone, Wayne, Cabell, Putasm, Mason, Jackson, Roane, Clay, Scholng, Braxton, Wirt, and Wyoming shall constitute the Fourteenth District. Lewis, Wood, Pleasants, Tyler, Ritchie, Rockdridge, Upshur, Randolph, Webster, Bulger Barbour, Harrison, Taylor, Gilmer, and Calboun shall constitute the Fifteenth District. Ohio, Hancock, Brooke, Marshall, Wetzel, Marion, Monongalia, and Preston shall confederate the Sixteenth District. Each of said districts shall choose one representative in the Congress of the Confederate States. Another ordinance of the Convention July 1st, authorizes the qualified voters of the Commonwealth, who may be absent from home in the military service, to vote at the places of their encampment for Electors for Pre
C. S. District Court. --The Court yesterday heard the argument of P. H. Aylett, Esq., District Attorney, in reply to Mr. Gilmer, on the constitutionality of the Sequestration law Some progress was made in the Admiralty case entitled Isaac Williams, Henry Forrest, David Williams, and Benjamin Briggs vs sloop Betsey Richards. A number of cases have lately been entered on the docket. Messrs. Sidney S. Baxter, Andrew Johnston and Walter Harrison quatined as Attorney to practice in this Court.
C. S. District Court. --The case of the Confederate States against C. W. Purcell and others, to sequestrate the sum of $15,000, due by the defendants to Ashmead and others, alien enemies, was under consideration yesterday. The argument was continued by Mr. Gilmer for the defendants, and concluded by Mr. Aylett, for the Government. Decision to be rendered hereafter. The Court adjourned over to Monday next.
ters by a majority of nearly, if not quite, one hundred to one, and a new Convention, the members of which have just been chosen, will assemble at Wheeling on the 26th inst., to ratify the action of the people. The new State will be called the Kanawha, and will contain a population of two hundred and ninety-two thousand, including about eight thousand slaves. It will be composed of the following counties: CountiesPopulation. Logan4,938 Wyoming2,865 Raleigh3,367 Fayette5,997 Nicholas4,626 Webster1,555 Randolph4,990 Tucker1,428 Preston13,312 Monongalia13,048 Marion12,721 Taylor7,463 Jackson8,306 Roanoke8,048 Calhoun2,502 Wirt3,751 Gilmer3,759 Ritchie6,847 Ohio22,422 Brooke5,494 Barbour8,959 Upshur7,292 Harrison13,790 Lewis7,999 Braxton4,992 Clay1,787 Kanawha14,575 Boone4,840 Wayne6,747 Cabell8,020 Patnam6,301 Mason9,185 Wood11,016 Pleasants2,945 Tyler6,517 Doddridge5,203 Wetzel6,703 Marshall13,001 Hancock4,445 Total population281,786
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