Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Gilmer or search for Gilmer in all documents.

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ur right, but continuous on our left, with defences for our light artillery, were laid off by Major Gilmer--engineer of General A. S. Johnston's staff, but on duty with me at the post — around the reamy senior officer, reached that station. The works were laid off with judgment and skill, by Major Gilmer; were well executed, and designed for the defence of the rear of the works; the only objectioand to save a quarter; that no officer had a right to cause such a sacrifice. Gen. Floyd and Maj. Gilmer I understood to concur in this opinion. I then expressed the opinion that we could hold ouad from thirty thousand to forty thousand on the field. I must acknowledge my obligations to Major Gilmer, engineer, for the especial and valuable services rendered me in laying off the works, and thuted my orders under trying circumstances throughout the long and continued conflicts; and to Major Gilmer, who accompanied me throughout the entire day. Also, to Capt. Parker of my staff, whom I assi
ruggle, it is equally true that there is scarcely a locality within our limits which could not have done, and which cannot now do, more. Many weeks before this crisis in our affairs, Gen. Johnston sent a highly accomplished and able engineer, Major Gilmer, to Nashville, to construct fortifications for the defence of the city. Laborers were needed for their construction. I joined Major Gilmer in an earnest appeal to the people to send in their laborers for the purpose, offering full and fair cMajor Gilmer in an earnest appeal to the people to send in their laborers for the purpose, offering full and fair compensation. This appeal was so feebly responded to that I advised Gen. Johnston to impress the necessary labor; but owing to the difficulty in obtaining the laborers, the works were not completed-indeed, some of them but little more than commenced-when Fort Donelson fell. Under the act of May sixth, 1861, I raised, organized, and equipped a large volunteer force, but under the Military League and the act of the General Assembly, it was made my duty to transfer that army, with all of our mun