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defiling across the Appomattox to its relief; and when, in the morning of the 16th, at 6 o'clock, Birney and Gibbon advanced their lines to reconnoitre, they found their old antagonist confronting them before the Avery House. During the forenoon, in the absence of Gen. Meade, Hancock was instructed to take command of all the forces in front of Petersburg and reconnoitre, with a view of finding a vulnerable point. This was done, and the hill occupied by the Hare House Spelled H-a-i-r on Gilmer's (Rebel) map. was decided upon by Gen. Meade, who had now arrived, as the best place to attack. The assault was made by the Second Corps at 6 P. M., and some ground gained, but with heavy loss. The enemy made several desperate but futile efforts to retake the lost ground. On our arrival at the City Point Railroad, late in the afternoon of the 15th, we heard from cavalry videttes our first intelligence concerning the capture of the outer works of Petersburg. The sun was just setting w