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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. 2 0 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., What the women of Medford are doing in the present War crisis. (search)
16 the committee made 2,731 Red Cross dressings, which were stored in Boston for future use. These have since been forwarded for use among our wounded at the front. Last but not least among the useful agencies is the Medford Branch of the Metropolitan Chapter of the American National Red Cross, organized April 23, 1917, at the Armory, with the following officers:— Chairman, Mrs. Charles Holyoke. Vice-chairman, Miss E. Josephine Wilcox. Secretary, Miss Harriette McGill. Treasurer, Sidney Gleason. It started under favorable circumstances with four hundred Medford members who had been engaged in Red Cross work. Others rapidly became interested and now its membership is one thousand plus. Headquarters are established at the library annex on High street, in front of which floats the familiar badge of the original society, a red cross on a white ground, chosen out of compliment to the Swiss Republic, where the first convention was held in 1863, their colors, a white cross on
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Medford Historical Society. (search)
R. Catherin, Mrs. Willard Dalrymple. Julia W. Dalrymple. Charles T. Daly. Annie P. Danforth. Louise G. DeLong. Edward B. Dennison. Jessie M. Dinsmore. Henry B. Doland. Frederick H. Dole. Lucy E. Draper. Charles B. Dunham. Annie E. Durgin. John A. C. Emerson. Will C. Eddy. Wilton B. Fay. Wilson Fiske. George O. Foster. Blanche Foster. Viola D. Fuller. George S. T. Fuller. Ella J. Fuller. Frederick W. Fosdick. Eliza M. Gill. Adeline B. Gill. Frank S. Gilkey. Sidney Gleason. Hall Gleason. J. H. Googins, Mrs. T. P. Gooding, Mrs. Charles M. Green, Dr. J. N. Gunn. Charlotte B. Hallowell. Velma L. Hamlin. Catherine E. Harlow. Life Member. David R. Harvey. Samuel C. L. Haskell. George S. Hatch. Charles M. Hayden. Martha E. Hayes. John H. Hooper. E. V. Hooper. Elizabeth W. Howe. D. Webster Johnson. Philip A. Jerguson. Charles S. Jacobs, Mrs. Frances E. Jackson. George H. Lane. Carolyn R. Lawrence. Life Member. Rosewell B. Lawre
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 29., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Cushing. Charles T. Daly. Miss Mary E. I. Davenport. Mrs. H. Abbie Dearborn. Edward B. Dennison. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Charles B. Dunham. Will C. Eddy, Newton. Life MemberAlbert W. Ellis. Life MemberMrs. Alma L. Ellis. John A. C. Emerson. Hon. Wilton B. Fay. Wilson Fiske. Hon. Frederick W. Fosdick. George O. Foster. Mrs. Blanche W. Foster. Mrs. Viola D. Fuller. George S. T. Fuller. Mrs. Ella J. Fuller. Edward J. Gaffey. Miss Adeline B. Gill, Waltham. Sidney Gleason. Hall Gleason. Miss Annie Gleason. Mrs. T. P. Gooding. Mrs. J. H. Googins. Dr. Charles M. Green. J. N. Gunn, New York City. George J. Hackett. Miss Charlotte B. Hallowell. Life MemberMiss Catherine E. Harlow. David R. Harvey. Samuel C. L. Haskell. George S. Hatch. Miss Martha E. Hayes. Life MemberMrs. Charles S. Jacobs. Philip A. Jerguson. D. Webster Johnson. J. Stevens Kadesch. George H. Lane. Edward H. Larkin. Life MemberHon. William B. Lawrence. M