Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Goddin or search for Goddin in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Shocking tragedy--murder and Suicide. (search)
e to procure good homes and fair prices for all sent to him. Ample arrangements have been made to have them well cared for till hired out. He has practiced medicine for more than twenty years, and will, to avoid medical bills as far as possible, prescribe in all simple cases without charge. Much has been saved the present year by that course. Persons intending to patronize him will please notify him of such intention immediately. References: Richmond. Judge J. M. Gregory, Goddin & Apperson, Stephen Hunter, Samuel & Wilson. W. W. Wooldridge, R. T. Farish. Henrico. Col. S McRae, Dr. J. N. Garnette. James City. James H. Allen Norfolk. Dr. J. J. Simpkins. Louisa. John Hunter Accomac. Dr. P. F. Brown. Wm. H. B. Custis. Geo. W. Medge, King William. Ambrose White, Dr. L. Edwards. Albemarle. Elder Jas. W. Goff, Elder R. L. Coleman, Caroline. George Fitzhugh, Dr. C. Urquhart, Hon. D. C. Dejarnette, Henry George, Phil
and likely. Terms.--For the real estate, one-fourth cash; balance at 12, 18 and 24 months, for negotiable notes, interest added secured by a trust deed, or title retained. For the Slaves, 4 months credit, for approved, endorsed, negotiable paper, interest added. James Lyons, Trustees. John B. Young, Trustees. P. S.--As Executors of Mrs. Martha Storrs, dec'd, we shall, at the same time and place, sell all of her Personal Estate, consisting of the following 7 valuable slaves, viz: 2 Men, 2 Women, 2 Girls and 1 Boy. Also, 1 Carriage and Harness, and 1 Cow. Terms--Cash. Ro. O. Williamson, Executors. A. S. Storrs, Executors. de 13 P. S.--Will be added to the above two able-bodied active, middle aged Farm Hands. Postponement.--In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, the foregoing were yesterday postponed to, and will take place this day, at 11 o'clock A. M., (if fair; if not, the next fair day thereafter.) Goddin & Apperson, Aucts. ja 1