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. The following is a list of its officers and privates: Captain, E. R. Dorsey; 1st Lieut. S. H. Stewart; 2d Lieut. R. C. Smith; 1st Sergeant, W. H. Rodgers; 2d do., William Smyth; 3d do., Sterling Murry; 4th do., J. G. Sterrett; 1st Corporal, J. Berryman; 2d do., M. J. Jonannes; 3d do., Jos. Polk; 4th do., Chas. Arnold. Privates: W. H. Murray, A. J. Inloes, C. J. Postley, J. C. Laughlin, Andrew Gies, D. L. Thomas, C. A. Scott, C. H. Sloan, L. Feast, Jas. McClelland, F. A. Thornton, S. Gazaway, H. Golder, W. Reinhardt, G. W. E. McCabe, F. A. White, A. F. West, J. Anderson, W. H. Norfolk, J. C. Selfman, P. P. Johnson, C. F. Wilson, D. D. White, R. Fitzgerald, F. McHoward, C. E. Inloes, S. W. Jones, J. E. Osborne, E. L. Howard, J. W. Johnson, D. R. Berry, F. Arnold, A. A. Williams, B. H. Morgan, T. S. Latimer, O. Lisson, G. Slater, Jr., F. Voss, R. Grogan, S. Friendewald, H. Comter, H. C. Scott, C. J. Conrad, W. P. Thomas, Wm. Goldsborough, R. P. Johnson, --Larabee, J. D. Hyland.
distance. At the edge of a dense pine thicket they were reinforced, and made one more desperate stand. But it was of no avail; for, with a loud shout, the brigade pressed on, and scattered them in every direction, and the battle of Manassas was won. I am unable to give you an accurate list of the killed and wounded in the brigade, but can give a pretty correct list of the killed and wounded in the Maryland Regiment, as given me by an officer of that regiment: Company A, Captain Wm. Goldsborough.--Killed — John Swisher, shot through the head; James Hicks, head shot off; both belonging to Washington county, Md. Several members of this company were also slightly wounded by pieces of shell, which were constantly bursting over the regiment. Company C, Captain E. R. Dorsey.--None killed. Wounded--Sergeant John Berryman, shot through the body and badly wounded; John Codd, severely wounded by being struck in the groin by a piece of shell. They both belong to Baltimore. Sev
ay night the division of Gen. A. P. Hill was engaged, and the whole Federal force retreated, the pursuit being kept up for a distance of some five miles. Heavy and rapid firing was heard after midnight, and the supposition is that a battle took place immediately on the Rappahannock river, near the line of Fauquier county. The prisoners were sent back to Gordonsville, whence they were transferred by railroad to Richmond, guarded by a detachment of the 1st Maryland regiment, under Capt. Wm. Goldsborough. According to the statements of prisoners, the force under Pope amounts to 40,000 men. Gen. C. S. Winder was a nephew of Gen. John H. Winder, the commander of the Department of Henrico, and was probably the youngest Brigadier in the Confederate army. The city was full of rumors yesterday of a battle on Sunday, but after the most diligent inquiry we could learn nothing definite concerning it. Certain it is, that heavy firing was heard in the direction of the Rappah
pplications for their return having been refused. Affairs in Norfolk — Newspaper suppressed. The Norfolk Union was suppressed on the 1st inst., by Gen. Vicle, for publishing a burlesque proclamation, which was calculated to bring Commodore Goldsborough into ridicule. The Union was afterwards allowed to continue its publication upon apologizing for what had been done, and publishing the subjoined communication from Rear Admiral Goldsborough; U. S. Flag Ship Minnesota, Norfolk, VaRear Admiral Goldsborough; U. S. Flag Ship Minnesota, Norfolk, Va. Aug. 2, 1862. --Sir: In the Norfolk Union, of yesterday, there appeared a vile and profane communication purporting to be the substance of one recently written by me to you. As I have never before this moment addressed to you a line upon any subject whatever, and as I never to my knowledge, had the pleasure of exchanging even a word with you, I have only to say, with regard to the above, that if you have received one of the kind, it is a forgery, and alone worthy of the vulgar and ridic
peror By the earliest opportunity I shall have the honor of giving you further details of this reception — unequalled in history — which has all the importance of a political event, and of which the celebrity will be enormous. Forry. Miscellaneous. The colored male population of Detroit and the surrounding country have fled to Canada to avoid the draft. D. H. Craig has retired from the position of manager of the New York Associated Press, which he has held for thirteen years. There was considerable frost in Indiana about the middle of last month, which did a vast deal of damage to the crops. The harvest prospects in Ireland, this year, are represented as uncommonly favorable. Rev. Peyton Harrison, formerly of Richmond, has been sent to Fort McHenry, to be tried for corresponding with persons in the South. Among the recent deaths in Baltimore is that of William Goldsborough, for twenty-seven years an officer in the Farmers' and Planters' Bank