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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the campaign of the Carolinas. (search)
tuted after April 9th, upon which date it was partly reorganized. Army of Tennessee.--General Joseph E. Johnston, General G. T. Beauregard (Second in command). Escort: Capt. E. M. Holloway. Hardee's Corps, At Bentonville consisted of the divisions of Hoke, McLaws, and W. B. Taliaferro. Maj.-Gen. Lafayette McLaws was assigned April 10th to command the District of Georgia. Lieut.-Gen. William J. Hardee. Escort and Scouts, Capts. W. C. Raum and J. B. L. Walpole. Artillery, Col. A. J. Gonzales. Brown's (late Cleburne's) division, Maj.-Gen. John C. Brown. Smith's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James A. Smith: 1st Fla. (consolidated 1st, 3d, 4th, 6th, and 7th inf., and 1st cav.), Lieut.-Col. E. Marshburn; 1st Ga. (consolidated 1st, 57th, and 63d Ga.), Col. Charles I. Olmstead; 54th Ga. (consolidated 37th and 54th Ga., and 4th Batt'n Ga. Sharp-shooters), Col. T. D. Caswell. Govan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. D. C. Govan: 1st Ark. (consolidated 1st, 2d, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 19th
h by the enemy to certain and easy victory. To the professional resources, skill as an artillery officer, intelligent and indefatigable zeal and assiduity of Brigadier-General Ripley, commanding the First military district, and specially charged with the defence of the harbor, much is due for the completeness of the defence, and the proud results of the seventh of April. He was ably seconded by his subordinate commanders, whose services he has fitly noticed in his own report. To Colonel A. J. Gonzales, Chief of Ordnance and Artillery, and Major D. B. Harris, Chief Engineer, and Major W. H. Echols. Provisional Engineer corps, and their several assistants, I return my thanks, for valuable services in their respective departments. I have also to record my obligations to the Honorable William Porcher Miles, representative in Congress, for constantly exerted services, in securing for the defence of Charleston so many of the heaviest guns wielded so effectually. The Confederate St
as at Fort Johnson; and Castle Pinckney had been placed under the charge of an officer whose name we have not been able to procure. A few days previous to the bombardment, the general commanding had announced, in general orders, the names of the officers composing his staff. They were Major D. R. Jones, Assistant-Adjutant-General, Captain S. D. Lee, Captain S. Ferguson, Lieutenant Sydney Legare—of the Regular staff; Messrs. John L. Manning, James Chestnut, Jr., William Porcher Miles, A. J. Gonzales, and A. R. Chisolm, and Colonels L. T. Wigfall, of Texas, and Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia—of the Volunteer staff. Though the opening of hostilities had, for the last two days, been almost hourly expected by officers and men of the various commands, and by the whole population of the city of Charleston, still, so good was the tone of the troops, so confident of the result were the non-combatants, that when the last message of the commanding general had been delivered, notifying Major A
n operating the Drummond lights, established at the extremities of Sullivan's and Morris Islands. The venerable and gallant Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia, was at the Iron Battery and fired many guns, undergoing every fatigue and sharing the hardships at the battery with the youngest of the Palmettos. To my regular staff—Major D. R. Jones, C. S. A., Captains Lee and Ferguson, C. S. A., and Lieutenant Legare, S. C. A.; and my volunteer staff, Messrs. Chisolm, Wigfall, Chestnut, Manning, Miles, Gonzales, and Pryor—I am much indebted for their indefatigable and valuable assistance, night and day, during the attack, transmitting my orders in open boats with alacrity and cheerfulness to the different batteries, amid falling balls and bursting shells. Captain Wigfall was the first in Fort Sumter to receive its surrender. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, Brig.-Genl. Comdg. Appendix to Chapter VI. Headquarters Department of Alexandria, Va
ordinates. He prepared a series of questions, which were officially submitted to them, and thoroughly discussed at his headquarters. The conclusions arrived at were as follows: in the Office of the General Commanding the Department, Charleston, Sept. 29th, 1862. At a conference to which General Beauregard had invited the following officers; Com. D. N. Ingraham and Capt. J. R. Tucker, C. S. N., Brigadier-Gen'ls S. R. Gist and Thos. Jordan, Cols. G. W. Lay, Inspector-Genl., and A. J. Gonzales, Chief of Artillery, and Capt. F. D. Lee, Engrs., Capt. W. H. Echols, Chief Engineer, being absent from the city: The Genl. Commanding proposed for discussion a number of queries, prepared by himself, in relation to the problem of the defence of the Harbor, Forts, and City of Charleston, against the impending naval attacks by a formidable ironclad fleet. It was agreed to separate the consideration of these questions, so as to discuss— 1st. The entrance, i. e., all outside of a
rd Districts with as little delay as possible. I have the honor to be, Major, very respectfully, your obdt. servant, Jno. F. O'Brien, A. A. G. 3. Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., July 9th, 1863. Colonel A. J. Gonzales, Chief of Artillery, etc., etc.: Colonel,—The Commanding General directs that you hold the siege-train in readiness to move at a moment's notice. I have the honor to be, Colonel, very respectfully, your obdt. servant, Clifton H. Smith, A. A. G. 4. Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., July 10th, 1863. Colonel A. J. Gonzales, Chief of Artillery, etc., etc.: Colonel,—You will repair forthwith to inspect the heavy batteries on James Island, commencing with Fort Pemberton, to determine, on consultation with their Commanding Officers, what are their most pressing wants; and if they can be supplied, you will inform these Headquarters by courier. You will determine, also, whether in any c
igadier-General Jordan, my Chief of Staff, and Colonels Gonzales, Chief of Artillery, and Lay, C. S. Inspector-inspected this day, with General Pemberton and Colonels Gonzales and Lay, the defensive lines on James Island ftour of inspection, with General Pemberton and Colonel Gonzales. Stopped at Rantowle's Station to inspect wor September 24th.—I inspected this day, with Colonel Gonzales, the line of works on the Neck to defend the cis day visited, with Brigadier-General Mercer, Colonel Gonzales, Chief of Artillery, and Captains Echolls and he has fitly noticed in his own report. To Colonel A. J. Gonzales, Chief of Ordnance and Artillery, and Majort, Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff. P. S.—Colonel Gonzales can furnish a section of guns from his field-tto the Savannah River, covering Augusta. 7. Colonel Gonzales will assign the field artillery now in South Cve (5) to Coosawhatchie, fourteen to report to Colonel Gonzales at Pocotaligo, and two (2), manned by militia-
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 2: (search)
al Ripley, assisted by the planters, caused the upper branches of the Broad, and the other rivers toward Charleston to be obstructed, and meanwhile stationed the troops at his command at points covering the landings. General Drayton, with a part of Martin's regiment of cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Colcock, and Heyward's and De Saussure's regiments, was watching Bluffton and the roads to Hendersonville. Clingman's and Radcliffe's North Carolina regiments, with artillery under Col. A. J. Gonzales, Captain Trezevant's company of cavalry, and the Charleston Light Dragoons and the Rutledge Riflemen, were stationed in front of Grahamville, to watch the landings from the Broad. Colonel Edwards' regiment and Moore's light battery were at Coosawhatchie, Colonel Dunovant's at Pocotaligo, and Colonel Jones', with Tripp's company of cavalry, in front of the important landing at Port Royal ferry. Colonel Martin, with part of his regiment of cavalry, was in observation at the landings on
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 5: (search)
he greatest pleasure to co-operate with you in anything that you may suggest, and to offer you all the resources of the State that I may be able to command. After an inspection of the harbor defenses, and the lines and work on James island, General Beauregard reported the result of his examination in the following letter, of date October 3, 1862, addressed to Adjutant-General Cooper at Richmond: Accompanied by Major-General Pemberton, Brigadier-General Jordan, my chief of staff, Colonel Gonzales, chief of artillery, and Lieut.-Col. George Lay, on a tour of inspection, under orders of the war department, on September 16th I proceeded to inspect the harbor defenses, beginning with four new sand batteries, in barbette, near the west end of Sullivan's island, bearing on and commanding the floating boom under construction across the channel thence to Fort Sumter. Those batteries are not finished, but two guns, 10-inch columbiads, were in position, one only being ready for service a
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
ow a lawyer in Darlington; Frank Early, of Savannah, Ga.; Louise, Sallie, Addie, and Abner Bland. Captain Floyd is now commander of Camp Darlington, at Darlington, S. C., and well deserves the ease and honors he has won. Arthur Peronneau Ford Arthur Peronneau Ford was born in Charleston, S. C., in 1843. He received his education at Charleston and at Aiken, S. C., and was employed in a counting house in Charleston when the war began. He enlisted in April, 1861, as a private in Colonel Gonzales' siege train, which was later changed to a battery of light artillery and assigned to Maj. Edward Manigault's battalion, known as the Eighteenth South Carolina battalion. Upon the reorganization of the army he re-enlisted in his command for the war, and served as a private until February, 1865, when his battalion was changed from light artillery to infantry. Immediately after the change they participated in a severe engagement on James island, in which the casualties exceeded forty pe