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wanting to abolish slavery, was exerting a secret power for the dissolution of the Union. Mr. Goode, of Bedford, desired to enter his protest against the views submitted by the gentleman from Roed, and put its heel on those measures which he alleged as reasons for not uniting with them. Mr. Goode, in proceeding, summed up the aggressions of abolitionism, and remarked, that on Monday next ageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?" Mr. Goode, while enforcing this point of his argument in words of thrilling effect, was heartily applaudsted Mr. G. to suspend his remarks, and ordered the Sergeant-at-Arms to "clear the galleries." Mr. Goode appealed to the President to countermand the order, but he declined. In compliance with txandria, moved that the resolutions under consideration be laid on the table until morning, as Mr. Goode did not desire to proceed with his remarks this afternoon. The motion was agreed to.
was inimical to the riches of Virginia and the whole South, and the interests of the people of Richmond." The object of the meeting being as quoted above from the hand-bills, an invitation was extended to "every true Southern man to be in attendance," at 8 o'clock, corner of Mayo and Franklin streets. An immense crowd of citizens assembled at the hour named, and led by a band of music, proceeded to the Exchange Hotel, where they were addressed in strong Southern State- rights speeches by John Goode, of Bedford, and Wm. F. Gordon, Jr., of Albemarle. Both gentlemen said, no matter what the Convention did, the people of Virginia would go with the South. Cries were made for Goggin, Wise, Morton, and Montague. An announcement was made that Gov. Wise was too much indisposed to speak, and a motion was carried to adjourn to the Spotswood House. On passing the American Hotel sundry groans were given for Mr. Moore. At the Spotswood House, Col. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, apologized for
, relating to the national troubles, was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. A report fixing the compensation of officers was adopted. Mr. Moore, of Rockbridge, submitted resolutions demanding from the North security against future wrongs; opposed to going into any Confederacy which had for its objects the re-opening of the African slave trade, free trade, or direct taxation; and proposing to go into Confederacy on the basis of the Crittenden resolutions, or their equivalent. Mr. Moore sustained his resolutions in an anti-secession speech, which was replied to by Mr. Goode, of Bedford. Before the last-named gentleman concluded, the President was compelled to give an order to clear the galleries, in consequence of a popular demonstration, and the further consideration of the resolutions was postponed to this morning. Mr. Burdett, of Taylor, in view of the interruption, introduced a resolution proposing an adjournment to Staunton, which was promptly laid on the table.