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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
te Duke of Gloucester he styled a d—d bore and fool, and told an odd story of the duke extracting at table from Wilberforce, by means of blunt and princely impertinence, the account of Necker offering his daughter, Madame de Stael, in marriage to Pitt. He also mentioned that, at the time Lord Chatham made his celebrated speech against employing Indians, Speech of Nov. 18, 1777, in reply to Lord Suffolk, who had justified the use of all the means which God and Nature put into our hands. Goodrich's Select British Eloquence, p. 138. Lord Bute had in his possession letters from Chatham, when William Pitt, in which he boasted of employing Indians successfully, and exclaimed, Sing lo Poean! by means of Indians we have got the trick. Brougham, you know, is the author of the article in the last Edinburgh on Chatham. July, 1838, Vol. LXVII. pp. 436-460, Character of Lord Chatham. He spoke of the article at table this morning, and seemed to be quite interested in the character of that