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from Fredericksburg informs us that on Wednesday, week ago, the British flag waving over the Vice-Consul's house was torn down by Yankee officers. What the cause for this outrage was our informant was unable to learn, but immediately upon it Mr. Goodrick, the Vice-Consul, demanded a pass to go to Washington, which was refused. On Thursday he was put under arrest, and sent to Washington in that manner. This high-handed act on the part of the Yankees was strongly protested against by Mr. GoodrMr. Goodrick, and in all probability it will arouse the temper of John Bull. A few other items have also been given us. Gen. Shields has been ordered to proceed to Yorktown, and thence to the Chickahominy. The Yankees are getting a great many goods to Fredericksburg, but none but the lower class will buy them. A short time ago Major J. Horace Lacy visited his home in Spotsylvania, and sent for his wife, who was in Fredericksburg. While waiting, a man named McGee piloted twenty-five of the Yankee cava