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immediately. I greet you cordially. All honor to our brave Massachusetts men! This was a request to send forward additional surgeons to take care of the wounded in General Banks's command. On the 4th of June, the Governor wrote Colonel George H. Gordon, Second Massachusetts Volunteers, who had command of a brigade under General Banks,— Permit me, in closing, to congratulate you upon your nomination to the rank of brigadier-general, and also upon the brilliant success achieved by drawal of our forces, with so little loss, from the heart of the enemy's country, and against a force so completely overwhelming. The Governor had written, the day before, to Senator Sumner, in favor of the confirmation, by the Senate, of Colonel Gordon's nomination, and hoped it would be unanimous. The letters written by the Governor from the first of January to the first of July, 1862, fill five volumes, of five hundred pages each: from these volumes we have made the extracts immediatel
nd Company B, of the same, at Somerville, Captain B. F. Parker, had tendered their services to maintain the peace, and were ordered to hold their men in readiness at their armories until relieved. Several companies, known as Drill Clubs and Home Guards, among which were the Horse Guards of Roxbury, the Reserve Guards of Cambridge, First Battalion National Guards of Boston, Massachusetts Rifle Club, Boston, and the Reserve Guard, Roxbury, tendered their services, which were accepted. Major Gordon, Eleventh United-States Infantry, in command of Fort Independence, came up with a company of his men, and offered the services of himself and command for any military duty. Captain Whiton's Company of Heavy Artillery, Massachusetts Volunteers, on duty at Fort Independence, also came to the city; and upon representations made by Major Rodman, United-States Army, in command of the United-States Arsenal at Watertown, this company was forwarded at once for guard duty at that important post
Jr., information that led to the arrest of officers and crew of the schooner Alliance, of Bear River, N. S., for aiding soldiers to desert from the camp on Long Island, some of whom were tried, and, through witnesses obtained by Mr. Howe's influence, were convicted of the offence. I learn that Mr. Howe is an applicant for a place in the Custom House. Please give him the benefit of any service this statement may do him with you. On the 15th of March, the Governor wrote to Brigadier-General George H. Gordon, formerly colonel of the Second Massachusetts Regiment, who had forwarded to him a list of the casualties in the battle of Olustee, Fla. I regret, with you, that our forces should have met with so heavy a loss for such a barren result, and would express my warmest admiration at the brave conduct of our troops in that action: both white and black seem to have acquitted themselves nobly. This letter reminds us of one of our colored soldiers who was severely wounded in t
having gone that morning to Washington. I found Lieutenant Sanborn in command. From Fort Meigs I had to make a journey of nearly six miles to Fort Lincoln, and to again cross the East Branch. Here is the headquarters of the Ninth Company, Captain Gordon. This company garrisons Fort Lincoln (which is within a mile of Bladensburg, and near General Hooker's old camp), Thayer and Saratoga. Captain Gordon and Lieutenant Currier had left, the day before I arrived, to attend a court in New JerseyCaptain Gordon and Lieutenant Currier had left, the day before I arrived, to attend a court in New Jersey, where one of the Ninth-company men was under trial for murder, he having shot a man in New Jersey while the company was on its way to Washington, It was now wearing late in the afternoon; and, as I had ridden about twenty miles, we drove over the Bladensburg pike to Washington, and arrived there at dark. There is an extension of these works on the Maryland side reaching as far as the Chain Bridge; but, as there are but two of our companies in them, I did not think I could spare another day
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 4: influence of Christian officers—concluded. (search)
r acting in a non-military and disorderly manner; and the commander-in-chief, General Lord Gough, entertained the charge, but, with the true spirit of a generous military man, he caused the state of Colonel Havelock's regiment to be examined. He caused the reports of the moral state of the various regiments to be read for some time back, and he found that Colonel Havelock's stood at the head of the list; there was less drunkenness, less flogging, less imprisonment in it, than in any other. When that was done, the commander-in-chief said: Go and tell Colonel Havelock, with my compliments, to baptize the whole army. Thank God that we had in the Confederate armies so many Christian officers—men worthy to take their places beside Havelock, Colonel Gardiner, Captain Headley Vickars, General George H. Gordon, and all of the Christian soldiers of history, and to exhibit the power of the Gospel in making men truer patriots, braver soldiers, and more influential leaders of their fellows
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 1: from Massachusetts to Virginia. (search)
Massachusetts Infantry, but then designated as a regiment to be commanded by Major Gordon. The steps that followed in their order, make up the history of the organuestion as you can, so that we may prepare to go. Yours, Wilder Dwight. G. H. Gordon. On the thirtieth of April I received from Philadelphia the following despatch:-- Geo. H. Gordon, 20 Court Street, Have got authority. See full despatch to Governor Andrew. Rush right forward. Home to-morrow evening. Wilder enty-fifth of April he had written the Secretary of War, In addition to raising Gordon's regiment, we can send you four thousand more troops within a very short time that the traditions and even necessities of regular army service, by which Colonel Gordon seems to have interpreted an act of no significance when judged of by the llth of Massachusetts, Adjutant-General's Office, Boston, July 2, 1861. Colonel George H. Gordon, commanding Second Regiment Mass. Volunteers: Sir, By direction
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 2: Harper's Ferry and Maryland Heights—Darnstown, Maryland.--Muddy Branch and Seneca Creek on the Potomac—Winter quarters at Frederick, Md. (search)
g out of Camp Andrew on our last morning there, We look to you, Colonel Gordon, that you return again in safety all these young men to their hsponsibility upon me; but this was in Maryland, at Sandy Hook. Colonel Gordon, Dr., the bill read. The items varied, but there was a monotonespatch, which I read by the light of the officer's lantern:-- Colonel Gordon, I am directed by Colonel Donelly to send a messenger to yousoon returned with the sleepy message from General Porter, that Colonel Gordon has his orders. Tell him to come down to the telegraph offiegiment, it excited a spirit of emulation in another. To equal the Gordon boys in drill and discipline was an aspiration of the Thirteenth; the especial camaraderie of the volunteers branded us as Regulars, --Gordon's Regulars. And this reputation was known throughout the Army of t You look incredulous. So I am, said the citizen. I thought Colonel Gordon was fifty years old, and as savage as thunder. I should like
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 3: through Harper's Ferry to Winchester—The Valley of the Shenandoah. (search)
vain, for hardly had I lost myself when an orderly, galloping through my camp, halted at my tent, with despatches for Colonel Gordon. With matches ready, I struck a light and read as follows : General Abercrombie will put his brigade immediwill be sent out from these headquarters. Two squadrons of cavalry and two sections of artillery will report to Colonel George H. Gordon, who will command the entire force, subject to further orders from these headquarters. Let not a moment be lost. By command of Major-General Banks. R. Morris Copeland, Maj. Vols., A. A. G. Colonel Gordon will comply with the above order. By command of General Abercrombie. Geo. B. Drake, A. A. G. In a moment I had shivered into my shoes, ordeoomed up another orderly, galloping as if for life, and I read, from the headquarters of the Fifth Army Corps to Colonel George H. Gordon: Send forward your battery with'all possible despatch. And still the cry was, On they come; as yet again the or
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 5: return to Strasburg (continued)—Banks's flight to WinchesterBattle of Winchester. (search)
46th Pennsylvania, 28th New York, 5th Connecticut--numbered 1,700 ; Gordon's (third) brigade--2d Massachusetts (27 officers, 580 enlisted men)lly of the Twentyeighth New York. The Second commanded by Colonel George H. Gordon, of the Second Massachusetts. of infantry at Strasburg, cod me to add to it a battery. Strasburg, 5.45 P. M., 23d May. Colonel Gordon, Commanding Brigade, etc.: Sir,--You will direct a section olonel Ruger of the Third Wisconsin, Headquarters, 9.45 P. M. Colonel Gordon: Sr,--I sent a note about an hour ago to Colonel Ruger to ha was on the march,--1 It was eleven. Colonel Donelly in front, Colonel Gordon in the centre, and General Hatch in the rear. See Banks's ofters Department of Shenandoah, Strasburg, Va., May 24, 1862. Col. Geo. H. Gordon, Commanding Brigade: Sir,--Our information this morning sbeen overthrown, and could not be transported for want of animals. Gordon's Report. and pontoon boats, blackened heaps of rice, beef, and bre
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 6: battle of Winchester (continued)—Federal retreat across the Potomac to Williamsport. (search)
was a major in the Second Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Colonel Gordon of Massachusetts, who is, I believe, said the Major, an old friigade, General A. S. Williams's division, and will relieve Colonel George H. Gordon, Second Massachusetts Volunteers, who on being relieved wihis unlqualified approval of the manner in which Colonel George Ht. Gordon has discharged the duties of brigade-commander. In organization, d in recommending for the appointment of brigadier-general, Colonel George H. Gordon, commanding Second Massachusetts Regiment. Colonel GordColonel Gordon has for the last three months filled the position asked for him, having been in command of the Third Brigade of Williams's division. The hfrom the Secretary of War. Winchester, Va., June 15. Brigadier-General Gordon will proceed at once to Washington, and report to the Secr-General's Office, Washington, June 18, 1862. 9th. Brigadier-General George H. Gordon, U. S. Vols., is assigned to duty in the Department o
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