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Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 20: Congressman and Governor. (search)
f the earlier proclamations, and after examining them found one that just suited me. It was the proclamation of Governor Christopher Gore in 1810. I knew something of his history. He was a very learned and pious man, a graduate of Harvard College,ed appropriate to my condition, and its tone was admirable. It covered every point except one, and that I inserted. Governor Gore asked the people to abstain from all secular labors, but went no further because the clergymen of that day did not used against that learned and pious man and not against me. I was glad that I made the selection of the proclamation of Governor Gore, because I could throw all the blame for want of piety or proper religious sentiment that might appear in that document upon him, and I claim no credit about the matter except for the selection of the proclamation of Governor Gore, which seemed to me to be the best of those I examined. I heard that after the publication of my statement in the newspapers pretty
nteers to lead expedition against Petersburg, 672; his timidity, 677; fails to attack Petersburg, 678; ordered to Washington, 679; orders Chaplain Hudson to New York, 834; publishes a book, 834; conspiracy with Hudson, 835; reference to, 833, 858, 871, 891. Glisson, Capt. O. C., aids Butler, off Hatteras, 343, 347. Gloucester Point, troops concentrated at, 638. Golden Gate, schooner Parallel, exploded, 776. Gordon, of Georgia, reference to, 882; tribute to, 882-883. Gore, Governor, Christopher, Butler isues Fast Day Proclamation of, 970, 974. Gourgand quoted, 997. Grace, Archie, at Drury's Bluff, 663. Gracie's brigade, reference to, 704. Graham, Brigadier-General, raid of, 618; destroys Confederate signal stations on James River, 640; battery of artillery, 679; reconnoitres Fort Fisher, 774; reference to, 792; reports to Butler, 794. Grant, Gen. U. S., manner of taking Vicksburg, 455; disobeys Halleck's orders, 459; proposed junction with Curtis, 463; dec