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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 3 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Raid of Forrest's cavalry on the Tennessee river in 1864. (search)
xcused from commanding the fleet. I told the General that I could trust to the handling of my guns on land, but was not familiar with naval affairs. After some consultation, remembering having seen Captain F. P. Gracey's daring aquatic feat at old Fort Heiman a few days before, and knowing the Captain to be a gallant and skilled artillery officer and experienced steamboat man, I suggested that he be placed in command of the fleet. General Lyon, who was present, indorsed my statements, Captain Gracey was immediately sent for and appointed naval commander and placed in personal charge of the gunboat Undine. Colonel W. A. Dawson, an old steamboat captain and gallant cavalry leader, was placed in charge of the transport Venus, upon which the two twenty-pounder Parrott guns — Walton's battery — had been placed as armament. I accompanied General Forrest, with other members of his staff, on board the Undine when we made a trial trip to Fort Heiman, the Venus following. As we moved out
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Johnsonville. (search)
g my letter incorporate into your papers such parts as you considered of sufficient interest. I cannot, therefore, permit my letter to be read before the Society unless you will make this explanation. Truly your friend, F. P. Gracey. Captain Gracey's paper. My Dear Captain,--I am in receipt of your kind letter, wherein you informed me you would, on the 27th instant, read a paper before the Southern Historical Society, at Louisville, on the Johnsonville campaign, and that you woulnsonville. The cold rain up to the morning of the 3d had been incessant. The tramp of the cavalrymen over already muddy and broken roads made them almost impassable for artillery, and we were no doubt stuck fast on some red clay hill when Captain Gracey's boat went down, for we were unable to join General Forrest a half or three-quarters of a mile north of Johnsonville until near noon. In the meantime General Forrest had made a close reconnoissance of the positions along the river bank, abov
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Light Artillery of the army of Tennessee, General Joseph E. Johnston, June 10th, 1864. (search)
l    Goldthwaite'sCapt. R. W. Goldthwaite  Martin'sMajor MartinBledsoe'sCapt. H. M. Bledsoe    Ferguson'sCapt. R. T. Beauregard    Howell's1st Lieut. W. G. Robson  Cobb'sMajor CobbSlocum'sCapt. C. H. Slocum    Mebane'sCapt. J. W. Mebane    Gracey'sCapt. F. P. Gracey Lieut. Gen. Jno. B. HoodCourtney'sMajor CourtneyDouglass'Capt. J. P. Douglass     Garrety'sLieut. Phillip Bond     Dent'sCapt. J. H. Dent   Eldridge'sMajor EldridgeFenner'sCapt. C. E. Fenner     Oliver'sCapt. McD. OliverCapt. F. P. Gracey Lieut. Gen. Jno. B. HoodCourtney'sMajor CourtneyDouglass'Capt. J. P. Douglass     Garrety'sLieut. Phillip Bond     Dent'sCapt. J. H. Dent   Eldridge'sMajor EldridgeFenner'sCapt. C. E. Fenner     Oliver'sCapt. McD. Oliver     Stanford'sLieut. J. S. McCall   Johnston'sMajor JohnstonCorput'sLieut. W. S. Kaye     Marshall'sCapt. L. G. Marshall     Rowan'sCapt. Jno. B. Rowan  Major-Gen. Jos. WheelerRobertson'sLt. Col. F. H. RobertsonWhite's1st. Lieut. A. Pugh, Jr     Huggin'sCapt. A. L. Huggins     Ramsay's1st Lieut. B. B. Ramsay     Wiggin's1st Lieut. J. P. Bryant     Terrell's2d Lieut. DavisOne section. Reserve ArtilleryWilliams'Major