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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Story of battle of five Forks. (search)
on towards the west, and captured the greater part of the artillery and many prisoners. Warren then arranged his corps so as to preclude the possibility of these forces reuniting with the body of the army. It had happened that Fitz Lee, during the day, notified Lieutenant-General R. H. Anderson, who was at Burgess' Mill with Johnson's division, that the Fifth Corps was with Sheridan, and that Sheridan, now with overwhelming force, was pressing upon him. Anderson, in person, with Wise's and Gracie's brigades, moved to his relief, but as Warren had already crossed the White Oak road, the direct line of communication between the two places, and Humphreys (see his report) had sent Miles' division around on that road to confront the forces at Burgess' Mill, Anderson made a circuit around Miles and Warren, reached the neighborhood after Fitz Lee and Pickett had been routed, and without affording any assistance whatever added those brigades to the routed and disorganized, and left the righ
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fighting that was close by us. (search)
d by Major General Robert Ransom, was composed of Barton's Brigade, under Col. D. B. Fry; Graves' Brigade, under Brigadier-General Gracie; Kemper's Brigade, under Col. William R. Terry, of the Twenty-fourth Virginia Infantry; Hoke's old Brigade underendidly to the assault, and capturing five stand of colors and some 500 prisoners. The brigades most heavily engaged were Gracie's and Kemper's opposed to the enemy's right, the former turning his flank. (See War Records, Vol. 36, Part 2, p. 201). ral Robert Ransom says in his report: The conduct of the troops throughout was unquestionable, but the brigades of General Gracie and Colonel Terry (Kemper's), deserves special notice; also the regiment of Colonel Lewis, ,which he so gallantly ledy the brigades of Ransom's Division, other than a few references of the major-general commanding, the differences between Gracie's men and those of Colonel Terry cannot be settled by these reports. Captain Sumpter's account is from a soldier of wor
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Who captured Heckman's Brigade? (search)
e December, 1904, copy of the Confederate Veteran, a few days ago, I came across an article signed by Comrade Stansel, of Gracie's Alabama Brigade, in which he takes issue with Sergeant Marion Seay, of Company E, Eleventh Virginia Infantry, as to whoen there but a very short time when the Eleventh and Twenty-fourth Virginia Infantry were ordered to the front to relieve Gracie's Brigade, who were being badly cut up. In going forward we met a number of Gracie's men coming out, and they seemed to hGracie's men coming out, and they seemed to have been badly worsted. One of them, an officer, said: Hurry up, boys, they are tearing us all to pieces. We went forward until we got to the edge of the woods, where we opened ranks to let Gracie's men pass, and as soon as our front was clear of tGracie's men pass, and as soon as our front was clear of the Alabamians we went to work to give the Yanks the best we had. On account of the very heavy fog and smoke we could not see ten feet in front of us. Mr. Butler's boys made it hot for us for about an hour. They were about ten or fifteen feet above u