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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 13: building a navy on the Western rivers.--battle of Belmont. (search)
stants. the Taylor, Lexington and Conestoga. Grant seizes Paducah. Commander Walke attacks the batteries near Columbus. battle of Belmont. Grant gains two victories in one day. efficient serviand this combined force was interposed between Grant and his transports. Some of the troops cried out we are surrounded. Well, said Grant, in that case, we must cut our way out as we cut our way ied the enemy, who disappeared in the woods. Grant pushed on to the landing and most of his men wed, and it was, for a time. undisturbed. Then Grant in person went to withdraw his reserve force, that the enemy fled in all directions. Thus Grant gained two victories in one day, and against donfederates admit having 7,000 men in action. Grant lost 485 in killed, wounded and missing; 125 ol into the enemy's hands, but in lieu of these Grant captured 175 prisoners and two guns. The Conf and Conestoga were constantly employed by General Grant, with the commanders mentioned, in making [14 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
anding positions of forts Henry and Donelson. Grant given permission to attempt the capture of the forts. Foote's gun-boats and the Army under Grant leave cairo. Landing of the Army at Bailey's F at Columbus, Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Grant knew the nature of these works better than anyegic movements, which amounted to nothing, but Grant kept his mind steadily fixed on these two fortheir fall would have. On the 23d of January Grant visited Halleck at St. Louis, and urgently requt the works at this point were unfinished. Grant's plan was to land and attack the enemy in therents on the night of the 5th of February, and Grant having an insufficiency of transports was oblill their attention to defending Fort Henry. Grant was ignorant of this withdrawal, and that nights on the west with two brigades. The rest of Grant's force, under Gen. McClernand, was to move atg: Relative to a vote of thanks to General Grant, Flag Officer Foote and others, for their [6 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 15: capture of Fort Donelson and battle of Shiloh. (search)
orders, &C. On the 8th of February, 1862, Gen. Grant telegraphed to Gen. Halleck: Fort Henry is oort; but at the earnest request of Halleck and Grant, he felt called upon to do what he could, and not have had a greater share in the honors. Grant was made a Major-General, and we only regret tan to the command of the district of Cairo. Grant commenced at once to concentrate his forces anr energy was not in the least diminished. Gen. Grant himself believed that the contest was to be ake me in tow. I will call at this place. General Grant will send the Taylor, Lexington, and Coneser Foote was requested by Generals Halleck and Grant to co-operate with the latter in an attack on is place, where I received a dispatch from General Grant, informing me that he had arrived the day three of them failed to obey the orders of General Grant and Commander Walke to accompany the Caroneveral transports with re-enforcements for General Grant of 8,000 men. About midnight Captain Walke[30 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 16: operations on the Mississippi. (search)
jor who handed me his sword, which I declined to receive, thinking it proper to consult with General Grant. I took the Major on board the tug and proceeded up to General Buckner's headquarters, where I found General Wallace. General Grant arrived about half an hour after the fort had surrendered. * * * Commander Dove seemed to have the proper idea on this occasion in declining to claim anything. Bryant, on an armed reconnoissance up the river, taking with him Colonel Webster, Chief of General Grant's staff, who, with Lieut.-Com. Phelps, took possession of the principal works and hoisted the Cumberland on Nashville, and just as he was about moving for that point Halleck telegraphed to Grant: Don't let the gun-boats proceed higher than Clarksville, an order in keeping with the conservat direct all the battles himself by telegraph, and to give as little authority as possible to General Grant. who being on the ground knew the exact situation of affairs. This was certainly not the w
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 18: capture of forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the surrender of New Orleans. (search)
ounted two thirty-two pounders. The ram Manassas, Lieut. A. F. Warley commanding, mounted one thirty-two pounder in bow. The foregoing, with two launches armed with one howitzer each, constituted the regular Navy command. Included in this division there were also the following sea-steamers converted into State gun-boats belonging to Louisiana. These vessels were lightly protected with pine and cotton barricades over the machinery and boilers. The General Quitman, commanded by Capt. Grant, mounting two thirty-two pounders; The Governor Moore, Commander Beverly Kennon, mounting two thirty-two pounder rifled guns. According to Commander Mitchell the above, being converted vessels, were too slightly built for war purposes. Attached to his command were the following unarmed steamers: The Phoenix, W. Burton, and the Landes. Subject to his orders, but chartered by the Army, were the small tugs Mosher, Belle Algerine, Star, and Music. The second division, the River Defe
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 21: capture of New Orleans.--first attack on Vicksburg by Farragut's fleet and mortar flotilla.--junction of flag-officers Farragut and Davis above Vicksburg.--ram Arkansas. (search)
ver, he has always got the best of them, and forced them to retreat. He reported yesterday that he had found five dead bodies in the swamp near him, and large quantities of shoes, knapsacks, muskets, etc., showing that he had driven them precipitately from the woods. I received a telegram yesterday from General Halleck, a copy of it is herewith enclosed, by which it appears that he will not be able to co-operate with us for some weeks yet. Flag-officer Davis received a letter from General Grant at the same time, at Memphis, stating that it was reported that Richmond was taken. Should this be true, no doubt but what Vicksburg will soon fall, but it must be by troops coming down in the rear. The city is sacrificed by the soldiers; it has been abandoned by the inhabitants. The ditch across the peninsula will soon be deep enough for the water to run through, unless the river should fall very fast. We are now in hopes of a little rise, a foot or so will accomplish the object.
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 24: Second attack on Vicksburg, etc. (search)
Mississippi squadron. guerilla warfare. General Grant's plans. the Army and Navy co-operate. eon his arrival at Cairo, sent a message to General Grant, at Holly Springs, Miss., informing him ofsufficient force of gun-boats to accompany it. Grant's plan was to embark Sherman from Memphis, wheed at Helena, Arkansas, by ten thousand more. Grant himself would march from Holly Springs with son would naturally march from Vicksburg to stop Grant at Granada until reinforcements could be throw had drawn off nearly all his forces to oppose Grant's advance on Granada, thus leaving Vicksburg we should leave nothing untried that would help Grant to carry out his plans. Those plans were wellthe swamp beneath the heights of Vicksburg. Grant had left Holly Springs with a large Army at thman in his attack on that place. This was all Grant proposed to do, although it was suggested that in case Pemberton retreated before him, Grant would follow him up. Grant moved towards Granada [9 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 25: capture of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post. (search)
le loss of life. McClernand on hand. expedition up the White River. St. Charles deserted. munitions of war captured. Grant assumes command of all the forces. The expedition against Arkansas Post arrived at a point four miles below the enemy'issing. The guns of the fort were silenced by the fleet, and Admiral Porter received the sword of its commander. General Grant did not approve of this movement on Arkansas Post when he first heard of it, as he thought it improper to divert the and these peculiarities became so offensive to Generals Sherman and McPherson, and to Admiral Porter, that they urged General Grant to take command himself as the only chance for the success of the enterprise, and in consequence, the latter hastenedJohn Darragh and Richard Fengler; Acting-Gunner, Louis Fredericks. Receiving ship New national. Acting-Masters, Alex. M. Grant and O. H. Pratt; Acting-Ensign, John Hill; Acting-Master's Mate, Wm. C. Herron; Acting-Engineers, W. H. Price, James
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 26: siege of Vicksburg. (search)
r general. These and many other considerations induced General Grant to take the command of the Army at Vicksburg himself. dealt with, that they soon withdrew to other parts. General Grant soon saw that Vicksburg could not be taken by the Army ne time received orders to march up to Vicksburg and assist Grant, and so envelop the city, but for some reason this movemented. This was a great disappointment to the admiral and General Grant, but she was blown up next night by a Yankee ruse, and y,that this was to be a long and tiresome siege, and so General Grant viewed it. A naval contingent could not do more than General Williams departed he left only a dry ditch. General Grant being anxious to get transports past Vicksburg, determi mouth of the canal, and prevented any work upon it. General Grant now hit upon a new expedient — which was to deepen Lakel of the enemy's means that could not be carried away. General Grant sent an Army contingent along with the gunboats to assi
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 27: expedition through Steele's Bayou and Deer Creek. (search)
es. Grand Gulf fortified. a council of war. Grant's decision. the rams run the batteries the that locality. The route was examined by General Grant and Admiral Porter, and being found appare ever existed in any part of the world. General Grant, though disappointed in the result of thisassage of the Port Hudson batteries. From him Grant obtained information of affairs at the latter federates evacuate it. On hearing this, General Grant thought of sending an army corps to co-opeghts. There was no foot-hold for an army, and Grant thought a better chance of turning Vicksburg mood ones — in writing; and McClernand, to whom Grant had spoken on the subject,wrote a letter. andce was about to be undertaken. This plan of Grant's seemed to those around him to be full of danloquence, not to undertake the rash movement. Grant listened to them respectfully, and when the lamy will move to-morrow at ten o'clock. When Grant was asked how he would get the transports past
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