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unded in the fact, which has since been amputated. He is now in the hands of the enemy. These facts were learned through flag of truce.--Gen. Walker is a native of Florida. From Northern Virginia. Many reports were in circulation yesterday in regard to the situation of affairs in Northern Virginia, but the only reliable information from that quarter is given in the letters of our army correspondents and the telegraphic dispatches which we publish this morning. It is believed that Grant, having thrown away 50,000 men in front of Gen. Lee without accomplishing anything, is now endeavoring by a strategic movement to reach the Peninsula, with a view of advancing on Richmond from that route, taking for his base West Point, which he might have occupied at the commencement of the campaign without the loss of a man. Be this as it may, we have a General in command whose eye is constantly watching the movements of the invader, and who will not fail to take advantage of every opportu
nd Fredericksburg railroad. The opinion prevailed at the time that Grant was trying to throw his army to the east side of the Mattapoul, andt was best for the army and worst for the enemy. Accordingly, when Grant commenced the assault this morning upon what was formerly our right way open to an advance, as he had hoped he would do. The truth is, Grant, while a bold leader and an able commander, is no more a match to oified, when we recollect how quickly and successfully he penetrated Grant's designs and anticipated him at the Wilderness, and especially whe from the Second and Sixth corps, who, in response to a call from Gen Grant, had volunteered their services in the attack. If the Federal arhese are believed to be the last reinforcements that can be sent to Grant, unless a portion of the forces operating in North Georgia and agailligence of the defeat of Butler by Beauregard, may have influenced Grant to order the attack. Augur's troops, like Burnside's "black spirit
s lines. Before going far, the enemy threw forward their skirmishers. An engagement, lasting a few in moments ensued, when our men fell back, and nothing else was done along our infantry lines during that day. Late that afternoon, the enemy having advanced some cavalry near to Stanard's Mid, on the telegraph road, our cavalry met them and hold them in check. Early yesterday morning, about daylight, a picked command of Yankees, composed. It is said, of volunteers who were called on by Grant in person, inside a faint of a purpose to assault our but they had scarcely mole their appearance on Lowell's which our artillery opened upon them with grape, shrapnel, and case shot. commanded the enemy's column, but their performances reflected little credit upon that nerve and dash for which Yankee claim that Hancock is noted. So feeble was the attack that our officers were both to be have that if was meant in earnest. The enemy advanced but a short distance, when they engaged
point which he will prefer to the south bank of the North Anna. There he may still protect for a time the Virginia Central Railroad against the urgent advance of Grant in front, resuming his connection with Gordonsville and with Richmond, and again deferring for a few days his inevitable retreat. But Gen. Sheridan's dispatchmmensely accelerates its progress. The arrival and Reception of Major General Sedgwick's remains in New York. The body of Major General Sedgwick, killed in Grant's army, arrived in New York last week. He was a Connecticut Yankee, and there was a general turning out of New Englanders to lament over him. The Herald has the f army that his communication with Richmond was broken, and no rations could be drawn from thence, and he advised them to capture supplies from our army. Gen. Grant had captured, up to yesterday, about six thousand prisoners. Part of a regiment was captured entire. It was composed of men who had been exchanged but a few wee
The New York Herald, of the 16th, was received Saturday night. It contains' very little of interest not even the closing quotation of gold on the 14th, which we presume was published in the Sunday's issue. The Herald's army correspondent, under date of 14th, gives the following mild statement of the losses in Grant's army to that date: The 2d corps has lost 1100 killed, 7000 wounded, 1400 missing. The 5th corps has lost 1200 killed, 7500 wounded and 1300 missing. The 6th corps has lost 100 killed, 6000 wounded, and 1200 missing. The total losses of these three corps amount to 27,700. Burnside's losses are nearly in the same proportion, and swell the total to about 35 000. The proportion of slightly wounded is extraordinarily large. The only allusion to the terrific fight of Thursday, 12th, is contained in the following extract from the same letter: Hancock captured 4000 prisoners, as stated, and my informant counted 18 pieces of cannon taken by him, and be
and at one time our line of skirmishers had possession of the enemy's wagon train, but were compelled to relinquish it, not however, until we had brought off some of their mules. The fight lasted until 9 o'clock at night, when Ewell fell back to his original position, having lost in the engagement about 150 wounded, about 30 killed, and a few missing. The prisoners report the enemy's loss much heavier. We captured about 100 prisoners. Not a gun has been fired to-day. It is supposed Grant is awaiting reinforcements in order to renew the attack. To-day matters have been quiet all day.--Yesterday Meade sent a flag of truce to Gen. Lee, thanking him for sending him Wadsworth's body, for which he applied by flag of truce during the Wilderness fight. Meade, on the 13th, issued a congratulatory order to his troops. He claims that Lee has now abandoned his last entrenched position, which he had so pertinaciously held, suffering a loss of 18 guns, 24 colors, and 8,000 pris
"Lee has got one eye on him, (Butler,) and, I am afraid, is smart enough to foil all Grant's plans. Would to God he was on the Union side, for every one acknowledges him to be the greatest and most successful General in the country." [Yankee letter found at Fort Drowry.] "Lord what have I done that my enemies praise me?" was the exclamation of the inspired pensman, under circumstances, it is to be presumed, somewhat similar to that in which Gen. Lee is placed. How the great Virginian will receive this tribute we are not prepared to say positively. But we think we can guess. Yankee slander may be endured--Yankee lies hurt nobody--Yankee vituperation is quite equivalent to the general applause of the rest of mankind. But Yankee praise is altogether intolerable. The victim of it may well proceed at once to a rigorous self-examination; for he may feel assured that though he be innocent of any dishonorable action, the Yankee believes him either guilty or capable of it. Ge