Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 1, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James H. Grant or search for James H. Grant in all documents.

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from his front Saturday afternoon, towards Smithfield, and that it was probable they were abandoning the Shenandoah Valley. General Sheridan says that he captured one hundred prisoners and killed and wounded one hundred and fifty of the enemy, facts which would indicate that there was a severe fight as the rebels were retreating. Stanton, in a dispatch to Dix, dated 29th of August, says: The latest intelligence from the Shenandoah Valley represents that a large part of the rebel force there has been withdrawn to Richmond. The latest reports from General Sherman represent that thus far his recent movement to occupy the rebel lines of supply has been successful. Miscellaneous. General Heintzelman has issued an order forbidding the shipment of arms, etc., into Ohio, Indiana and Illinois for sixty days. Beast Butler has gone North on a short furlough. Mrs. General Grant has arrived at City Point. The latest quotation of gold in New York is 242.
dings, occupied respectively by John J. Binford and T. F. Minor as stables, R. S. Robeson as a carpenter shop, and Henry Stanard, a free negro, as a snack and fruit store. These tenements were very old; and being attached to each other, in an incredibly short time the flames enveloped the whole block in a blaze, rendering it impossible for the fire-engines to do any good. The ground upon which they were built, and all of the shanties, except the stable owned by Mr. Minor, belonged to Mr. James H. Grant. At one time the large four-story brick building, owned by John J. Binford, and occupied in part by the Sentinel newspaper, was in great danger; but the firemen directed their streams upon it, and prevented it from sustaining any other damage than the loss of the rear window-sashes, frames and glasses. Albert Brooks lost one fine horse, six pigs, a wagon, four double sets of carriage harness, and about two thousand weight of hay; Henry Stanard lost about fifteen hundred dolla
r fifteen hundred, though this is a promise. He says this is acknowledged to have been the most desperate fight of the war, resembling Spotsylvania in character, though the numbers engaged were of less importance. Meade telegraphs that the --guard has come in, who report that the field is filled with rebel dead, and says this shows how severely they were punished. Meade says the --guard talked with rebel officers, who said the rebel losses were greater than ever before during the war. Grant says the loss on the Weldon road is a blow which the enemy cannot stand. Stanton estimates the rebel loss in the last two weeks at ten thousand, and says the Federal loss is heavy: The Herald of the 29th has also been received. Sheridan telegraphs that Early left his front on Friday last, falling back to Smithfield or Middleburg. He also reports capturing one hundred prisoners, and inflicting a loss on the rebels of one hundred and fifty, killed and wounded. The Her old says