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Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 264 0 Browse Search
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any of the acutest arguments in defense of Johnson Grant thought were in reality perversions of Sewt in an unworthy cause; and the effort to send Grant to Mexico he always attributed to Seward. Theeen a Machiavellian triumph to have got rid of Grant at that juncture in affairs at home and at thelicy in Mexico. But though, as I have said, Grant never got over his dislike of Seward's course, while yet he refrained from giving the lie to Grant. Thus their relations, although after this pe But there were many even then who placed General Grant above the Secretary of State, and Grant hiGrant himself, in more important matters than rank or etiquette, was asserting his own consequence. He had—the Reconstruction policy; and in this defeat Grant was the principal figure and instrument. Gran Seward must have known the affront he offered Grant, and by the rejection of the Clarendon-Johnson indispensable to the salvation of the State. Grant's victories would have been useless, if not im[14 more...]
and Seward. He was an enthusiastic admirer of Grant, and took a lively interest in my history of td several manuscript chapters of my History of Grant. At the time of the inauguration it was undecutive Mansion, in charge of a portion of General Grant's unofficial correspondence, and also engae was far from intolerant at this crisis. General Grant was more inflexible. He had been used to lt, Sumner's course both surprised and angered Grant. In a conversation with Fish before Motley sa because he knew so well my relations with General Grant. But I wrote at once to the President aly. I told them that from my knowledge of General Grant I was sure he must be displeased, and that Mr. Fish ever knew of this circumstance. General Grant enjoined secrecy on me at the time, and I sident. A day or two after the letter arrived Grant asked his Cabinet if any one of them had a manntative American. The first Sunday that General Grant spent in London he was invited to a servic[15 more...]
umner had hoped to be Secretary of State under Grant. His anticipations, indeed, began earlier stigone conclusion from the close of the war that Grant should be the next President. In all ages theinto line and made a speech or two in favor of Grant during the Presidential canvass of 1868. Aftey had not been thrown together intimately, but Grant admired the steadfast position of the anti-slao that not only the simplicity and modesty of Grant were shocked by the pompous self-assertion andst. In the winter or spring of 1870, one of Grant's Cabinet said to him: General, you can get Staw the treaty, a peculiar humiliation to which Grant refused to submit. Late in the spring of 18hat the measure was lost. Twice before this Grant had told Fish that he meant to remove Motley; all. It was on the night of July 1st that General Grant desired Mr. Fish to request the resignatio deposed in the Senate in 1872. The same year Grant was re-elected by a triumphant majority. Sumn[19 more...]
Chapter 25: Grant and Gladstone. Grant and Gladstone achieved each his highest elevation atGrant and Gladstone achieved each his highest elevation at about the same time. The British Premier went into office in December, 1868, the American Preside of a Liberal by successive conversions, while Grant, from a man without pronounced political prefed was intended to indicate the good feeling of Grant's Government and its desire for amicable relatth his instructions. In the first months of Grant's Administration Sir John Rose, then the Canadg them. Everywhere the English people greeted Grant as the statesman who had initiated arbitrationier ever met except at the reception given to Grant at the house of the American Minister. There no especial conversation was possible, so that Grant never got a chance to see much of his great Ent the most important of modern nations will be Grant's greatest proof of statesmanship. For given f his Administration worthy of praise, this one makes it well for America that Grant was President [6 more...]
who served during the entire eight years that Grant was President. He entered the Administration nation and confirmation as Secretary of State; Grant had not waited for the refusal. The dispatch State, and all the adjustment was left to him. Grant approved of every step that was taken, though and Fish was always sturdily loyal. Even when Grant determined on a course that Fish would not perosed of Fish determined to leave the Cabinet. Grant's first term was approaching a close; the Presheavily when the subordinate accepted office. Grant was unwilling to part with his Secretary of Stthe time, was a waggish design on the part of Grant to surprise his friend. He was always fond ofhe full confidence of his chief; and he was by Grant's side when he left the White House. From the Executive Mansion the exPresi-dent and Mrs. Grant were driven to Fish's house, and remained for sevstrike them out altogether as he chooses. General Grant, however, revived after this and lived sev[18 more...]
hapter 27: Life at the White House. after Grant became President he did not for some weeks occest and notified them that the President and Mrs. Grant would receive the members of the corps and tsaying to me at a party at Mrs. Fish's, when Mrs. Grant was present: How different all this would be you see, was born in the middle class. General Grant, however, as President, desired to be reco place the newly-married man on the right of Mrs. Grant, although the Secretary of State was present dined out or gone to any private parties, but Grant declared at once that he did not intend to be as in America at the time and was anxious that Grant should make the visit. I proved to him that sred that the ceremony should be performed, but Grant persisted in his refusal. He went, however, tuth to a dinner, on each occasion giving him Mrs. Grant for a partner, but he maintained that democrland this same young man failed to call on General Grant. 'Tis true he was not in London, but he w