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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies. 329 1 Browse Search
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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Biographical note. (search)
giments which had been selected to make a night assault on the enemy's works. The position was gained, but Chamberlain found his line outflanked, and was compelled to withdraw under heavy fire. Shortly after the action at Cold Harbor, while still holding the rank of Colonel, he was placed in charge of six regiments, consolidated as a veteran brigade. With this brigade, he made a charge on the enemy's main works at Petersburg, as a result of which action he was promoted on the field by General Grant to the rank of Brigadier-General for gallant conduct in leading his brigade against the superior force of the enemy and for meritorious service throughout the campaign. Such promotion on the field was most exceptional, and there is possibly no other instance during the war. In this charge General Chamberlain was seriously wounded, and his death was in fact announced. His life was saved through the activity of his brother Thomas, late Colonel of the Twentieth Maine, and the skill and ti
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Introductory. (search)
e, but what was known and said and thought and felt,--not to say, suffered; and in its darkest passages showing a steadfast purpose, patience, and spirit of obedience deserving of record even if too often without recompense, until the momentous consummation. These memoirs are based on notes made nearly at the time of the events which they describe. They give what may be called an interior view of occurrences on the front of the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac, during the last essay in Grant's Virginia campaign. This was so distinctive in character, conditions, and consequences, that I have ventured to entitle it The last campaign of the armies. I trust this narrative may not seem to arrogate too much for the merits of the Fifth Corps. No eminence is claimed for it beyond others in that campaign. But the circumstance that this Corps was assigned to an active part with Sheridan during the period chiefly in view — the envelopment and final out-flanking of Lee's army warrants
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 1: the situation. (search)
d in the Army of the Potomac at the opening of Grant's campaign, as shown by the consolidated mornie's army, including cavalry, at the opening of Grant's campaign, was not less than 62,000; and at t killed and wounded in the first six months of Grant's campaign, than Lee had at any one period of fact), let me offer the solid testimony of General Grant in his official report of November 1, 1864eople were trying to make our men believe that Grant and Lincoln were making this long delay in froto strike a quick, bold blow at the enemy. Grant's change of base from the Rappahannock to the his rear as by those in his front. As for Grant, he was like Thor, the hammerer; striking blowpatience,--with us no doubt, and even with General Grant. He had to exercise it also, with himself man; but man must wait for them. With all Grant's reticence, we felt sure that he was preparin of our doubts and apprehension word came that Grant had brought Sherman to a conference at his hea[4 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 2: the overture. (search)
Chapter 2: the overture. Grant's general plan involved an alternative: to cut Lee's communications or turn the right flank of his entrenched line, and in case troops by the necessity of meeting our assault on their right. The scope of Grant's intentions may be understood from an extract from his orders to Sheridan, Maro this army or go on into North Carolina and join General Sherman. . .. General Grant evidently intended to rely more on tactics than strategy in this opening. ome out of his entrenchments and fight on equal terms. Sherman says he and General Grant expected that one of them would have to fight one more bloody battle. He a at Goldsboro was strong enough to fight Lee's army and Johnston's combined, if Grant would come up within a day or two. Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II., p. 325. Thi-Sheridan, Meade, and Ord commanding the Army of the James, subordinate only to Grant who was present in the field. The result of this the sequel will show. We
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 3: the White Oak Road. (search)
had been developed on the Quaker Road to lead Grant to change materially his original purpose of man's cavalry did not long hold this position. Grant's despatch to Meade, March 31st, Rebellion Recosition was made in face of the information of Grant's order of 7.40 this morning, that owing to th the White Oak Road to the west of them, which Grant had assured Sheridan was of so much importanceto give a cyclone edge to our wheeling flank. Grant's despatch to Meade, transmitting this, was a stakably. Warren was evidently impressed with Grant's desire to gain the White Oak Road in order tference on the rainy night of March 2gth, when Grant had announced that they would act together as do not know that Warren was then aware of General Grant's loss of interest in this movement for thto think that Warren knew of this last word of Grant on the subject of the White Oak Road, but, as e ready for a fight in the morning. This from Grant. 2. To fall back with the whole corps from[61 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 4: Five Forks. (search)
900; also of General Sheridan, p. 93; and General Grant, p. 0028. General Grant afterwards staay's damage. This was in a despatch sent by Grant to Sheridan at about 2 P. M. on the 31st of Marren Court, p. 1313. He told me also that Grant had given Sheridan authority to remove Warren and will at once report for orders to Lieutenant-General Grant, commanding Armies of the United Statom dire experience, and, for which we had also Grant's quite recent sanction, The order to entrensified by his staff officers, and adopted by Grant without feeling necessity of further investiganed on more accounts than one to find that General Grant in his notice of our action that afternoontoo implicitly to those whom he liked. If General Grant was to honor us by his notice at all, we stifying an arbitrary act of authority. If General Grant could have looked into the case, he would ing sense of his approaching end compelled General Grant to finish his book in haste. However pain[8 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 5: the week of flying fights. (search)
se of which to ordinary minds seems inscrutable. From the extreme right where Grant had so carefully placed us in order that the Sixth Corps might be next to Sheriuts us again into immediate contiguity with Sheridan and his cavalry, where General Grant had led us to fear we were not harmonious, as the good Sixth Corps was. Butof the rest of our army as we had been north of it the day before. Meantime Grant, now at Farmville, sends word to Humphreys confronting Longstreet and Gordon one Potomac would have ended matters there, before they went back. But perhaps Grant thought there had been bloodshed enough, for that evening he writes a note to Leat. But we had never seen anything like this. Now we realized the effects of Grant's permission to push things, --some of these things being ourselves. But the moff. We have the road and the mood to make the most of it. We did not know that Grant had sent orders for the Fifth Corps to march all night without halting; but it
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 6: Appomattox. (search)
as Lee in his splendor and his sadness. It is Grant! He, too, comes with a single aide, a staff oand pick them up after they had gone; but that Grant did not think this quite respectful enough to my. Griffin added in a significant tone that Grant wished the ceremony to be as simple as possiblrsuit being resumed on the morning of the 8th, Grant wrote to Lee a second letter, delivered throug for the South to lay down their arms. General Grant must have felt that the end was fast cominto Grant, asking an interview on the basis of Grant's last letter, and Meade reading this, at once to be — that is, by a messenger out-galloping Grant. There is not much choice for Lee now. Grant hostilities until he could somewhere meet General Grant, and himself took the shortest road for Apr presumptuously advising against it. Here General Grant promoted me on the field to Brigadier-Geneent should dictate. Lincoln's magnanimity, as Grant's thoughtfulness, had already impressed them m[20 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 7: the return of the Army. (search)
Washington, April 15, 1865. The President died this morning. Wilkes Booth the assassin. Secretary Seward dangerously wounded. The rest of the Cabinet, General Grant, and other high officers of the Government included in the plot of destruction. I should have been paralyzed by the shock, had not the sense of responsibilion. They probably have means to get possession of the capital before anybody can stop them. There is nothing for it but to push the army to Washington, and make Grant military dictator until we can restore constitutional government. This may be smiled at now, as the habit is after the peril has passed, especially on the part orkest year, 1864; and farther on, amidst the funereal pines, the spot where I was laid on boughs tearfully broken for what was thought my last bed, but where, too, Grant touched me with the accolade and woke new life. We passed also the gloomy remnants of the great outworks-well known to us — where our comrades of the Second,
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
inth, by the circumstance of its commander outranking all other generals except Grant, although of late often with us, was not incorporated with our army until the talong the Appomattox before which Lee was forced to face to the rear and answer Grant's first summons to surrender. We know them well. So it seems do these thousan the death-strewn flank of Pickett's charge, through all the terrible scenes of Grant's campaign, to its consummation at Appomattox. In its ranks now are the survivthe twice wrought marvels of courage at Fredericksburg, and the long tragedy of Grant's campaign of 1864; then in the valley of the Shenandoah with Sheridan in his rthen the magnificent First Vermont Brigade, under that sterling soldier, General Lewis Grant; as their proud heads pass, we think of the thousand six hundred and for Brigade, once of Neil and Bidwell, with the fame of its brave work all through Grant's campaign, led now by Sumner's 1st Maine Veterans, of which it is enough to sa