Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for U. S. Grant or search for U. S. Grant in all documents.

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ort Pillow Memphis first siege of Vicksburg Grant moves up the Tennessee to Pittsburg Landing SJohnston advances from Corinth, Miss. assails Grant's front near Shiloh Church Sherman and McClerhe unprotected side of one of his boats, Gen. Grant decided that the proper landing-place for the ions, and the next appointed for the attack: Gen. Grant directing the main body of his forces, underiety and trouble on the part of the Rebels. Gen. Grant's force had been increased by the arrival of time, the reopening of the Mississippi. Gen. Grant's victorious army, after a brief rest at Fornot long after reaching Savannah, Tenn., and Gen. Grant was thus restored to chief command. The renmith, an experienced and capable soldier, to Gen. Grant, so recently from civil life; and he had no fter sending back from Monterey a request to Gen. Grant for permission to send a mounted party to thed to be retired by command of Gen. Bragg. Gen. Grant, writing on the 9th, gives his losses approx[31 more...]
ard defenses of Vicksburg was determined on by Grant, who apprehended an attack on his rear by John; at the same time asking for reenforcements. Grant, when he received the first dispatch, immediatMcArthur's division, which had been ordered by Grant to reenforce McClernand, proved to be some milout for an attack by Jo. Johnston on his rear, Grant sat down to digging his way into Vicksburg fro a view to arranging terms of capitulation. Gen. Grant promptly responded, requiring an unconditioneir private property and their body-servants. Grant heard all that they proposed, then broke up thgly, after conferring with his Major-Generals, Grant sent by Gen. Logan and Lt.-Col. Wilson the folspectfully, J. C. Pemberton, Lt.-General. Grant rejoined, declining to fetter himself by any stion and insured the retention of Vicksburg, Gen. Grant embarked July 10-11. an expedition, underhile the siege of Vicksburg was in progress, Gen. Grant, compelled to present a bold front at once t[14 more...]
ith this, he was expected, in cooperation with Grant's efforts up the river, to reopen the Mississimiral Farragut, while at Brashear City, that Gen. Grant--then at his wits' end before Vicksburg — won afterward, and most fortunately, retracted. Grant's plan was to join teams and help Banks reducegement to which Gen. B. very gladly assented. Grant's corps designed to cooperate against Port Hud was advised by letter Dated the 10th. from Grant that lie had crossed the Mississippi in force,f Texas. So Banks, sending Gen. Wm. Dwight to Grant to explain his position, wisely decided to movenforce, in an emergency, or be reenforced by, Grant above. And Grant, on hearing all the facts asd to resist it. With Vicksburg proudly defying Grant's most strenuous efforts, and Lee impelling hias authentic. Banks, in reply, inclosed him Gen. Grant's letter, announcing the surrender; whereupor combustible. Gen. Banks now united with Gen. Grant in urging an immediate combined movement upo[1 more...]
ogramme suggested by him and concurred in by Gen. Grant: Gen. W. F. Smith's (18th) corps and Gen. Gipose between him and the Confederate capital. Grant had shown at the North Anna his aversion to sais corps. But new dispositions were made, and Grant and Meade, now at Cold Harbor, resolved that tichmond and threaten that city from the south, Grant hastened to Butler's headquarters to impel agarned upon Kautz; driving him out with ease. Grant, having hurried from the Army of the Potomac, ugh moments were inestimable — Smith paused Grant, in his final, comprehensive report, says: ks ; but such was not the general opinion; and Grant sent no more cavalry to the Rebel rear for mon of fatigue. The calm was broken at last by Grant, who ordered an advance by Warren on the left,ort Hell) covering the Jerusalem plank-road, Gen. Grant again sounded a general advance. While Gen.all. The merit which may be fairly claimed for Grant is that of resolutely undertaking a very diffi[27 more...]
normous, even lavish expenditure of force; but Grant's anaconda differed from that of Scott and McCsoners to Richmond; the residue paroled. Gen. Grant's comprehensive plan of campaign embraced a thus gaining time for the arrival of help from Grant. Early in the morning, July 9. Wallace'sng their guns, wagons, and 500 prisoners. Gen. Grant had already sent Aug. 2. Sheridan to Washe relieved, if that were deemed desirable; and Grant at once telegraphed to Washington to have Sher(Torbert's and Wilson's) were soon sent him by Grant; raising his force to nearly 30,000 men; while our army from the James — were so grave, that Grant hesitated to authorize a determined advance unvements would abundantly justify. I saw, says Grant, in his report, that but two words of instructnd a large Confederate tannery destroyed. Gen. Grant, in his letter of instructions to Gen. Huntedan reports this devastation, in a dispatch to Grant, as follows: Woodstock Va, Oct. 7, 1864-[6 more...]
dson, and a desperate street-fight ensued, in which our loss was 130; that of the enemy reported by them at 50, and by our side at 300. They carried a good part of the town, but could not take the fort, and were finally repelled by reenforcements from below. The place was evacuated, by order from Vicksburg, soon afterward. Gen. Jo. Johnston, commanding in northern Georgia, having dispatched two divisions of Hardee's corps, under Stewart and Anderson, to the aid of Polk in Mississippi, Gen. Grant, still commanding at Chattanooga, sent forward Feb. 22. the 14th corps, under Gen. Palmer, to counteract this diversion. The divisions of Jeff. C. Davis, Johnson, and Baird, moved on the direct road to Dalton; Stanley's division, under Gen. Crufts, moving from Cleveland on our left, and forming a junction with Palmer just below Ringgold. The advance was resisted, but not seriously, at Tunnel Hill and at Rocky-Face ridge; whence Palmer pressed forward, against continually increasing re
omas intrusted with the defense of Tennessee Sherman turns southward. Gen. William T. Sherman, at the instance of Lt.-Gen. Grant, succeeded him in command of the military division of the Mississippi, embracing the four great departments of the Oharch 14, 1864. he repaired at once to Nashville, where he met the Lt.-General, and accompanied him so far as Cincinnati — Grant being then on his way to Washington to direct thenceforth our operations generally, but more especially those in Virginiael main armies could spare troops to reenforce the other. When Sherman received April 30. his final instructions from Grant, it was settled that the campaign should open with May; and Gen. Sherman set forth May 6. accordingly from the Winter enemy's parapets that he could not show a head above them. If these be sound reasons, they at least as fully justify Grant's order to assault at Cold Harbor: Kenesaw being a palpable Gibraltar, which Cold Harbor is not. Sherman did not choos
int; March 27. where he met in council the President, Gens. Grant, Meade, &c.; returning as hurriedly to his army at Goldse non-belligerent world. Early in the Autumn of 1864, Gen. Grant proposed to Gen. Butler the dispatch of Brig.-Gens. Weit resolved on and preparation for it partially made. But Gen. Grant now left the front for a flying visit to his family in N inlet, 18 miles north, or nearly east of Wilmington. Gen. Grant, it is clear, had not designed that Butler should accompd 55 wounded. Butler reports that we took 300 prisoners. Grant was profoundly dissatisfied. In the first place, he had not was still off Fort Fisher, and ready for a fresh attempt, Grant promptly determined that it should be made. Designating Gets. Gen. Terry was first apprised of his destination by Gen. Grant, as together they passed down the James. The new expele preparing to obey, received Jan. 14. an order from Gen. Grant to report forthwith at Annapolis, Md.; whither he procee
ves up from Pensacola routs Clanton at Mitchell's creek Spanish Fort besieged its garrison driven out desperate assault on Blakely the works carried, with 3,000 prisoners Mobile evacuated fate of the ram W. H. Webb. Wilson — Canby. Gen. Grant's comprehensive plan of campaign for the Winter and Spring of 1864-5 embraced a combined demonstration from north and south upon Alabama; which State, save at its northern extremity, had thus far suffered less from the ravages of war than any pConfederacy but Texas. The movement at the south was impelled and directed by Gen. Canby, commanding at New Orleans; that at the north was led by Gen. James H. Wilson, under the direction of Gen. Thomas, whose cavalry Wilson had been detached by Grant from the Army of the Potomac and sent West expressly to command, with results that did credit to the Lieut.-General's sagacity and judgment. Gen. Wilson's cavalry command, after the expulsion of Hood from Tennessee, was collected at Eastport,
in command in the Valley, was instructed by Gen. Grant to open the campaign of 1865 in Virginia by s. Thus, instead of shaking himself free from Grant's gripe, Lee had only tightened it by this boln more difficult and hazardous than before. Grant had already Dated March 24. prepared, if no0 cavalry, acting under orders directly from Gen. Grant. The 9th (Parke's) and one of Ord's divisio had at length suspected the true character of Grant's strategy, and had himself, with a part of hirable terms. But now the purpose and value of Grant's tenacious, persistent extensions of his lefted his retreat, first sending this response to Grant, which reached him at Farmville next morning: trains, and sending word to Griffin, Ord, and Grant, that the surrender or destruction of Lee's enthat negotiations were then pending between Gens. Grant and Lee for a capitulation. Gen. Grant, unsuccessfully, before Gettysburg, and baffled Grant's bounteous resources and desperate efforts in[24 more...]