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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter IV (search)
e done in the matter I do not know. Yours truly, H. W. Halleck. None of our Western generals had then done anything very creditable and brilliant. Even Grant was the object of grave charges and bitter attacks. Powerful influences were at work to supersede him in command of the army in west Tennessee. Had there been anfor that season was ended. The question was What next? I took it for granted that the large force under my command—nearly 16,000 men—was not to remain idle while Grant or some other commander was trying to open the Mississippi River; and I was confirmed in this assumption by General Curtis's previous order to march eastward with itnesses not at present to be had can be brought forward. Upon learning this, after I assumed command of the department I ordered Herron to report for duty to General Grant before Vicksburg. In the meantime Herron wrote to the War Department protesting against serving under me as department commander, and got a sharp rebuke from
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter V (search)
In command of the Department of the Missouri troops sent to General Grant satisfaction of the President conditions on which Governor Gan response to a request from General Halleck, I at once sent to General Grant and other commanders at the front all the troops I could possibbut that I was willing to risk it in view of the vast importance of Grant's success. Thus I began my military operations by stripping the do it when the responsibility rested upon me. My loan of troops to Grant was returned with interest as soon as practicable after Vicksburg hrkansas River from that time forward. At that time I had met General Grant but once, and then for only a moment, and I have always assumed in which he said: The promptness with which you sent troops to General Grant gave great satisfaction here; and by the President himself, in ield to so promptly send a large general force to the relief of General Grant, then investing Vicksburg and menaced from without by General J
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter VI (search)
nts to Genl. Rosecrans and a large force to Genl. Grant, to assist in the capture of Vicksburg; andr and a force equivalent to the one sent to Genl. Grant, returned by him after the fall of Vicksbur come? Shall they be withdrawn from Banks, or Grant, or Steele, or Rosecrans? Few things have bend a large general force to the relief of General Grant, then investing Vicksburg and menaced froma despatch was received in Washington from General Grant, then commanding the Military Division of n being asked whom he wanted for that command, Grant replied: Either McPherson or Schofield. Amoown in Washington to be in the near future was Grant's elevation to the command of all the armies, n's to that of the Army of the Tennessee. But Grant alone, perhaps, had no right to anticipate thoatements. My personal acquaintance with General Grant was equally limited—we having met but oncehe felt no sympathy. In St. Louis I met General Grant, who was then so soon to be assigned to th[3 more...]
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter VII (search)
the troops at Knoxville effect of the promotion of Grant and Sherman letter to Senator Henderson a visit frtain it as far as possible. Early in February General Grant had proposed to give me 10,000 additional troopsr an attack, when, on the 15th, orders came from General Grant to send the Ninth Corps to the Army of the Potomprogram doubtless resulted from the promotion of General Grant to lieutenant-general and commander-in-chief, an this connection a very pertinent remark made by General Grant soon after he became President. My nomination ae a year and a half to get through the Senate. President Grant, as he handed me my commission, replied: Yes; aresident, the Secretary of War, General Halleck, General Grant, and General Sherman. I am willing to abide theng to my reputation one grain of falsehood. . . . Grant was here in the winter, and Sherman only a few days her, can command an army. I rather think if you let Grant alone, and let him have his own way, he will end the
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter IX (search)
a compact army of one hundred thousand men, as I witnessed them with the intense interest of a young commander and student of the great art which has so often in the history of the world determined the destinies of nations. After the capture of Atlanta, in September, 1864, General Sherman proposed to give his army rest for a month while he perfected his plans and preparations for a change of base to some point on the Atlantic or the gulf, in pursuance of the general plan outlined by General Grant before the Atlanta campaign was opened in May. But the Confederate commander took the initiative, about September 20, by moving his army around Sherman's right, striking his railroad about Allatoona and toward Chattanooga, doing some damage, and then marching off westward with the design of transferring the theater of war from Georgia to Alabama, Mississippi, or Tennessee. Sherman very promptly decided not to accept that challenge to meet Hood upon a field chosen by the latter, but t
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XI (search)
ides the moral strength due to the fact that it was Thomas's old corps,—the discrepancy in his own estimate would doubtless have been sufficiently overcome, and the line of Duck River at least, if not that of the Tennessee, as Sherman had assured Grant, would have been securely held until A. J. Smith arrived and Thomas could assume the offensive. Hood's force was ready to invade Tennessee in one compact army, while Thomas then had in the field ready to oppose it a decidedly inferior force, emonstrating the wisdom of all that had gone before, even including Sherman's division of his army between himself and Thomas before his march to the sea. Such is the logic of contemporaneous military history! In my long conversations with General Grant on the steamer Rhode Island in January, 1865, I explained to him fully the error into which he had been led in respect to Thomas's action or non-action at Nashville in December, and he seemed to be perfectly satisfied on that point. But he d
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XII (search)
nternal evidence that it must be under the War Department code, though written in a different key. It was a despatch from Grant, who was then besieging Vicksburg. It had been sent to Memphis by steamer, and thence by telegraph to St. Louis, the place from which Grant's army drew its supplies. A cipher despatch sent under the circumstances from Grant to me, who was not at that time under his command, must necessarily be of great importance. My staff officer at once informed me that it was iGrant to me, who was not at that time under his command, must necessarily be of great importance. My staff officer at once informed me that it was in some key different from that we had in use. So I took the thing in hand myself, and went to work by the simplest possible process, but one sure to lead to the correct result in time—that is, to make all possible arrangements of the words until ones for his army—and a most capable and efficient quartermaster he was. I had only a short time before voluntarily sent General Grant 5000 men, and I inferred that there was some connection between the incidents. The immense change in the whole mil
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XIII (search)
Chapter XIII Grant orders Thomas to attack Hood or relinquish the command Thomas's Corps commanders support him in delay Grant's Intentions in sending Logan to relieve Thomas change oh Hopelessness of Hood's position letters to Grant and Sherman transferred to the East financiaain army before disposing of Hood, contrary to Grant's first advice; to the discovery of Sherman's t first formed that the successor named by General Grant could be no other than myself—a belief foro sustain General Thomas was made known to General Grant, or to any one in Washington, either then ned armies of the Cumberland and of the Ohio. Grant had reached Washington from City Point, and Loes south of Nashville. Very truly yours, U. S. Grant (per Frank F. Wood). New York, Fen terminating the rebellion. My letter to General Grant was promptly followed by a telegram to Gener. The expectation and instructions of General Grant and General Sherman were that General Thom[13 more...]
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XIV (search)
such a place, so bold a commander as Hood might possibly attempt a raid into Kentucky, as the only thing he could possibly do except retreat across the Tennessee River, and thus abandon his cause as lost. It was this view of the situation by General Grant and the authorities in Washington that caused such intense anxiety on account of the delay of General Thomas in attacking Hood at Nashville. It was perfectly evident that Thomas could beat Hood whenever he chose to attack him, and that Hood her these orders were oral or written. No copy of them appears in the records, nor any mention of a personal interview with General Thomas or any of his staff. (Steedman was the man who published a falsehood about an alleged telegram from me to Grant about Thomas. See page 296.) General T. J. Wood's report, dated January 5, 1865, after describing the operations of the morning of December 16, says: After the dispositions above recounted had been made, the commanding general joined me near
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XV (search)
false Representations made to him their Falsity confirmed by General Grant. after I parted from General Thomas in Tennessee, having at of distinction to two of my brother officers of the army. When General Grant was inaugurated President I went with General Sherman in persont for nearly seventeen years. The following correspondence with General Grant shows the character of that slander, and its complete refutatioorth to your disadvantage in this article. Very truly yours, U. S. Grant. The article above referred to asserted that General Thomathat Schofield was playing the part of Judas by telegraphing to General Grant, at Washington, disparaging suggestions about the action of Thoo a number of our officers that . . . Schofield was intriguing with Grant to get Thomas relieved, in order that he might succeed to the commaman of honor, truth, and justice. The complete refutation by General Grant of the falsehood ended the hostility which had been shown towar
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