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s followed the railway to the White House, with fire and sword, and captured or destroyed the enormous supplies and the scattered encampments which had been gathered along that line of communication to McClellan's base of supplies. The steadily coming messages from Stuart soon satisfied Lee that McClellan must be seeking another base, but the question as to what one, he could not, as yet, decide. Two ways were open. He could reach the peninsula by the lower fords of the Chickahominy, as Grant did two years later. If he did this, it was necessary for Lee to remain north of the Chickahominy and pursue him toward Williamsburg. McClellan's alternative was to seek the James, which he was already doing, but unknown to Lee. The bold front presented by Porter was a serious obstacle in the way of pursuing McClellan's rear, so Ewell was ordered to hold Bottom's bridge, across the Chickahominy on the Williamsburg road, while Stuart watched the roads farther down leading to the peninsula.
Fredericksburg, was to maneuver Hooker from his almost unreachable stronghold between the Rappahannock and the Potomac, and bring him to battle at Chambersburg in Pennsylvania, in the Great valley, or at York or Gettysburg in the Piedmont region of the same State, thus transferring the destructive agencies of war to northern soil, where he could readily subsist his army on the country; and by a decisive victory cause the evacuation of Washington and compel the Federal government to withdraw Grant from the siege of Vicksburg. This was, doubtless, the identical campaign that Jackson had in view, and which he probably had discussed with Lee during the preceding winter, when he ordered the preparation of a detailed map extending from the Rappahannock to the Susquehanna. Lee's army at this time consisted of Stuart's cavalry corps, of about 6,000 men; the artillery corps, under Pendleton, with some 200 guns, and his veteran infantry, in all about 6,000 men, whom he had ready to march n
the closing days of April Early in that month Grant arrived at Culpeper Court House, having in minrs were given from the signal station. When Grant ordered his forward movement, on the 4th of Maand flanks of the movement. This, said one of Grant's subordinates, was the best clothed and best lank. Stuart informed Lee of the arrival of Grant's army, on the north bank of the Rapidan, oppoignal officer from Clark's mountain waved that Grant's columns were in motion toward the Confederat be joined. At the close of the 4th of May, Grant telegraphed, from Germanna ford, to Halleck, cike, with his advance but an hour's march from Grant's passing flank, on the same road, at the Wildiles south of the old Wilderness tavern, where Grant and Meade, accompanied by Assistant Secretary spect for defeating him as he turned back from Grant's on to Richmond. The three hours between 11 e 5th, and another on the morning of the 6th. Grant ordered these fresh troops to make attack on L[17 more...]
some other road, leading toward Richmond, that Grant might desire to follow. Grant's inaction led and when Stuart, later on, sent him word that Grant's trains were moving in the rear of his army, g support to the cavalry that was keeping back Grant's new advance. Ewell was held at the plank roe First corps near Spottsylvania Court House. Grant, in person, tarried with Hancock until noon, a energy had secured. At 1 p. m. of the 9th, Grant's dispatch, from near Spottsylvania Court Housk, when the fighting was very sharp. . . . General Grant's orders, last night, were not to renew ths, on the 11th, led Lee to the conclusion that Grant was about to draw back from the Spottsylvania ll, with telling effect, into every portion of Grant's advancing lines, breaking their ranks and ofhe famous battle of Spottsylvania Court House, Grant dispatched to Halleck: The eighth day of battlmade in the forenoon, with so much delay, that Grant and Meade were greatly dissatisfied; but when [38 more...]
. On the night of May 20, 1864, Hancock led Grant's third southward movement, far to the eastwarhat night, nearer to Hanover Junction than was Grant's advance at Milford station, although Dana waLee's knowledge. On the morning of the 22d, Grant telegraphed, from Guiney's station, the positistoppage in the Wilderness, which had diverted Grant toward Spottsylvania, far to the eastward, to day, repulsed a vigorous attack by Anderson. Grant's Second corps soon followed his Fifth and tooient. Lee's new disposition of his army cut Grant's army into two parts. Finding himself in thial unsuccessful attempts to break Lee's lines, Grant dispatched to Halleck, from Quarles' mills, onany promises as to a direct march on Richmond, Grant added a postscript: Even if a crossing is not ell punctu-ated them all along with artillery, Grant wrote: The enemy have fallen back from North Ah of the morning of the 26th, after telling of Grant's new movement, in these words: One of the mos[9 more...]
ossing of the Pamunkey, which he was confident Grant would now seek. The First corps followed, by t fall upon and capture Butler, while Lee held Grant in check, and that he could then come north of6 p. m.) waiting to hear Sheridan's guns. General Grant's present design is to crowd the rebel arm upon by the other party. Lee made reply that Grant should follow the regular course and ask for a on the part of the Union commander-in-chief. Grant delayed sending a flag of truce to General Leepture the Cockade City. On the 7th of June, Grant sent, as he reports, two divisions of cavalry,nchments, in front of Lee, for his rear guard, Grant, during the night of June 12th, began his retr power of the Confederacy. The condition of Grant's entire army, after this remarkable campaign,Harbor. Again on the 8th: Two officers of General Grant's staff are now with General Butler, makin Lee discovered, at daybreak of the 13th, that Grant had left his front After advancing his skirmis[50 more...]
from going in that direction toward Richmond to join Grant, and decided him to follow up the Valley to Lexingto, large reinforcements, consisting of two corps from Grant's army, were already beginning to arrive in Washingtrities at Washington the necessity for bringing from Grant's army a large contingent of veteran troops and placand campaign, and the withdrawal of so many men from Grant's besieging army; also to consider the heroic achievis time: He learned at the telegraph office that Grant was with Sheridan at Charlestown. Early's movementsrg It is evident that he held a different opinion of Grant, for on learning of his presence in the Valley he ex, also, Early himself returned. The appearance of Grant in this part of the theater of war was, in truth, inn in front of Richmond, and was a hindrance of which Grant was very anxious to rid himself. The battle of WSheridan's army had already gone to Richmond to join Grant, and that more of the same army were moving in that
e for four days against his repeated assaults, Grant drew back and commenced throwing up formidableis advance on Washington, brought confusion to Grant's plans, in the early part of July, as narratehis center. In his official report of 1865, Grant thus describes this battle of the Crater: isfactory treaty of peace. Early in August, Grant sent Sheridan, with the Sixth corps of infantrrepulsed, with the loss of 1,000 men; although Grant claims to have captured six pieces of artillere unsuccessful, and for which he paid dearly. Grant's loss in this affair was 2,300 men. Supposdential election with the report of a victory, Grant sent a column, consisting of 3,000 cavalry andd the musket barrel with an aim so steady that Grant's men scarcely ever lifted their heads from thits junction with the Boydton plank road, and Grant now had an unbroken line from the Appomattox trate courage. Heavy blows were inflicted upon Grant's solid lines, but numbers at last won, and th[37 more...]
uring the day, and but few were left to follow the gallant Gen. William L. Jackson, as, indulging a forlorn hope, he turned back toward the Valley. General Rosser, after having conferred with the secretary of war, John C. Breckinridge, at Danville, rode back to Lynchburg and disbanded his division. Nearly every house in all the region westward from Appomattox was full of soldiers returning to their homes, and of deserters and skulkers that were coming out of their holes. The cavalry from Grant's army reached Lynchburg on the 13th. The remnants of Jackson's and Lomax's divisions of cavalry, that had retired to the Valley, disbanded at Buchanan, on the 15th, until the 1st of May. On the 17th it was learned that General Hancock, in command of the Federal forces in the lower Valley, had invited all soldiers in that region, belonging to the army of Northern Virginia, to come in and be paroled on the same terms as were those that were captured at Appomattox Court House, saying that al
jective, hoping to thus place his army west of Grant and in a position to draw supplies from the de On the morning of the 7th, from Farmville, Grant, as he says, feeling now that General Lee's chllowing reply, dated the 7th: Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Grant: General: I have received your note army of Northern Virginia will be received. U. S. Grant. The Federal pursuit was resumed at thers loaded with supplies for Lee's army, writes Grant in his report. About midnight of that day, Ap 8th, the following note, of the 9th, from General Grant: Gen. R. E. Lee: General: Your noe loss of another life, I subscribe myself, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. On the morning of nd the laws in force where they may reside. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. Headquarters d army and take charge of public property, General Grant immediately ordered the rest of his army bged. In the interview which occurred with General Grant in compliance with my request, terms havin[20 more...]