Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for U. S. Grant or search for U. S. Grant in all documents.

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ion, a few weeks after Paducah. Several times Grant suggested the feasibility of capturing Columbuorce to assist in driving them into Arkansas. Grant accordingly sent Colonel Oglesby, on the nightsued for the first time only two days before. Grant had but one general officer in his command, Mcng for nearly four hours; during all this time Grant was with the skirmish line; his own horse was flustered, with the intelligence. Well, said Grant, if that is so, we must cut our way out as we ded, there was any thing to do but surrender. Grant, however, remarked: We have whipped them once,line was in a corn-field, not fifty yards from Grant, and already firing on his transports. He satome a rebel, and was serving on Polk's staff. Grant mentioned having ridden out and met the rebel captured guns and the prisoners carried off by Grant, and the fact that men were sent back to gathebel victory. Long after, many who looked upon Grant as one of the greatest of soldiers, declared t[24 more...]
arrived on the 1st of February, and on the 2d, Grant started from Cairo, with seventeen thousand mand for your brilliant success On the 7th, Grant's cavalry penetrated to within a mile of Fort ing to the impassable state of the roads, said Grant, it is entirely impracticable to move the baggck's staff, but detailed as chief engineer for Grant during this campaign. The 13th was occupieperiority in numbers, made no effort to molest Grant, allowing him to continue the investment at hipits to cover our men.–McPherson's Report. Grant slept in a negro hut that night, and Smith, wisent situation of affairs at this station; but Grant replied: No terms except unconditional and immn brigade of troops was aboard, and he invited Grant to go with him and look at his soldiers, of whory. The Secretary of War at once recommended Grant for a major-generalcy of volunteers, and the Pinstantly, and the whole country applauded. Grant immediately recommended Smith for a major-gene[73 more...]
ck's instructions in full for this expedition. Grant received these instructions on the 2d, and on hington. I have had no communication with General Grant for more than a week. He left his commandame. A few days later, Halleck transmitted to Grant copies of the following correspondence: Heaand by bad roads, and he had no knowledge that Grant was in. any extraordinary danger, or had any ins are given for their transfer to this place. Grant to Halleck, He had made his arrangements to thfrom Buell, dated the 4th of April, requesting Grant to remain at Savanna, on the 5th, as he would ned that the Yankees would catch hell soon. As Grant was riding back from the front to Pittsburg Lahole force between fifty and sixty-regiments. Grant estimated the enemy's strength at sixty-five tthe enemy. When Sherman asked for cartridges, Grant replied that he had anticipated this want, anduell's arrival, when it did occur, afforded to Grant; no doubt that Grant looked long and anxiously[134 more...]
command in the field disagreeable position of Grant siege of Corinth evacuation of Corinth by thup his success, although repeatedly ordered by Grant to pursue he finally obeys pursuit ineffectuosition to be susceptible to such an attack as Grant had recommended, in vain. A great battle, wer events, which, nearly two years later, made Grant, Halleck's own successor in supreme command. tur towards Chattanooga. This subtraction put Grant entirely on the defensive. He had possession in advance of Grant's order. Soon afterwards, Grant himself learned that the enemy was in full retillery they had captured the day before. When Grant arrived at Iuka, at nine o'clock A. M., the pupushed out about five miles, towards Chewalla, Grant having ordered him to attack, if opportunity o. In both the battles of Iuka and Corinth, Grant directed the movements, until the troops arrivccesses, and the public feeling was improved. Grant, however, did not receive the credit which was[62 more...]
Military importance of the Mississippi river Grant proposes movement into interior, against Vicksent Sherman moves by river against Vicksburg Grant's communications cut and Holly Springs capturerch, and to which of the places mentioned, and Grant promised to move so that they might arrive sim quoted in reference to Sherman's movement and Grant's promised cooperation . There has been a misurate. Telegraph what are your present plans. Grant answered at once, on the 8th: General She same paper: It may be necessary (looking to Grant's approach), before attacking Vicksburg, to reur line of operations. At the Yallabusha, General Grant may encounter the army of General Pembertoempt the assault, when he knew, not only, that Grant never intended to support him in its tactical he 2d of February, Halleck wrote to Banks: General Grant's forces have been for some time operating even towards Grant, his legitimate superior. Grant was, besides, the commander of the department,[114 more...]
ll as to the difficulties of the commander. Grant's problem now was, to obtain a footing on the , threw shells all over the peninsula, and, as Grant had predicted, erected batteries which commandeat force of sixty or seventy thousand men, at Grant's disposal, had accomplished absolutely nothinnt south of that. As early as February 4th, Grant had written to Halleck about this route: There him unanswerable, in favor of such a course. Grant, however, believed that a retrograde movement,mmanders. Its existence was not disclosed by Grant, until Sherman himself publicly related the inties must be summarily punished. Extract from Grant's General Order for this movement. (See Appenorps. In fact, during this entire campaign, Grant constantly directed the quartermasters and comoved from Perkins's plantation on transports. Grant's headquarters, on the 24th, were with the advls was struck as many as forty-seven times. Grant had witnessed the bombardment from a tug in th[94 more...]
ield of Champion's hill McClernand's advance Grant's arrival Hovey's attack battle of Champion'prevent any damage to this depot by the enemy, Grant, on the night of April 29th, ordered McPhersont soon drove the rebels from their position on Grant's left, and sent them in precipitate retreat th dry ground upon which to operate, apparently Grant's most natural course was to march direct uponerson forwarded both dispatch and messenger to Grant. Accordingly, that afternoon, McPherson was dithe soldiers, and moved on cheerfully. When Grant's orders reached McClernand, that commander had, instead, to march against Dillon's, and cut Grant's communications with the Mississippi. At feparated from the main army by the rapidity of Grant's advance after the battle, and found no chancurred which rendered obedience impossible; for Grant was, at this moment, in possession of Grand Guher and greater victories. See Appendix for Grant's correspondence with the government, in regar[216 more...]
t all along the line McClernand's dispatches Grant's replies renewal of the assault Second failfortifications and into the region occupied by Grant. The stiff hard clay of which the soil is coere really in a condition to obey the order of Grant, except at the point where Sherman had reachedelected for the artillery. On the 20th, also, Grant sent Admiral Porter word: A gunboat playing onshort time he might be strong enough to attack Grant in the rear, and, possibly, in conjunction witMississippi, without resistance. So, although Grant certainly expected to succeed, he felt now, ashis chances for receiving aid from outsiders. Grant also wrote to Admiral Porter, on the 21st: I ef gallantry, Griffith was next day promoted by Grant to a first lieutenancy, thus literally, like aMcPherson would make a diversion in my favor. Grant replied: If your advance is weak, strengthen i reenforce others. The position occupied by Grant, during most of the assault, gave him a better[35 more...]
as few men as possible. This indifference to Grant's approach became, at some points, almost ludi siege has to be raised to do it. To Sherman, Grant said: Use all the forces indicated, as you deek, Johnston would have been obliged to assault Grant's rear, under the same disadvantages that Grannce to national troops against the rebels; for Grant now, in part, faced east, and the men of the St changing her disloyal sentiments. She asked Grant, tauntingly, if he expected ever to get into Vre never was any difficulty about knowing what Grant meant; a child could understand his orders. Pemberton sat with his generals; they saluted Grant, but not one offered him a chair, though all haluted the ears of the departing prisoners. Grant's orders were: Paroled prisoners will be sent sissippi; although, at the close of the siege, Grant's numbers were more than equal to those of Pem, was necessary to perfect the achievements of Grant. Sherman's whole loss was less than a thous[106 more...]
e armies. At the outbreak of the rebellion, Grant was not an abolitionist. Those in favor of ned first to free, and then to arm the blacks, Grant was ready to cooperate. Like most of the succaving stolen and appropriated slave property. Grant, however, was determined to protect all those ugust, in obedience to orders from Washington, Grant sent Ord's entire command, the Thirteenth corpy cut off. On the 29th, Halleck telegraphed to Grant: The enemy seems to have concentrated on Rosech of the Secretary of War that, as soon as General Grant is able to take the field, he will come to Cairo, and report by telegraph. Grant replied from Columbus, Kentucky: Your dispatch from Cairo 's obstinacy and insubordination, by giving to Grant almost absolute control of the forces and opereo. H. Thomas, the next in rank in that army. Grant was offered his choice of the orders, and did ch a movement. The secretary at once directed Grant to immediately assume his new command, and to [52 more...]