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The Daily Dispatch: May 3, 1864., [Electronic resource], From the Peninsula.--the enemy Landing at West Point. (search)
Gen. Grant's report. We lay before our readers this morning Gen. Grant's report of his operations around Chattanooga, including the battles of Lookout Mountain Gen. Grant's report of his operations around Chattanooga, including the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. It is a document of great historical interest, is correct in most of its statements, evinces unusual candor and modesty for a Yankee officer, adifference between the two relating to the partial suppression of the fact by Gen. Grant that his left wing was severely repulsed at Missionary Ridge by Hardee, and tar guard retired to Dalton, whither the main army had already retreated. Gen. Grant must have been misled by his subordinates in regard to the number of prisonerart of the report relates to the half-starved condition of the Yankee army when Grant arrived at Chattanooga, and the loss of Lookout Valley and Brown's Ferry by the Confederates. The confession of Gen. Grant upon these points is remarkable, and shows that the valley and ferry were the key to his whole position, and that if we h
The News. From the Army of Northern Virginia, if the indications do not deceive us, the news is important. The plans of the enemy are gradually unfolding to view. On Sunday last, the white forces of Burnside's command was between Manassas Junction and Catlett's Station, and no doubt by this time he is well up with the main body of Grant's army. This movement, together with other manœuvres of the enemy, prove plainly that the great combination by which the Yankees expect to capture Richmond is complete. We reported yesterday a skirmish, in which the Yankees got worsted, at Carter's Station, near Bristol, Tenn. It appears that they have not stopped falling back since their accident, but have retreated to Morristown, burning all the bridges behind them. Our forces were still pursuing. Several skirmishes had occurred since the fight at Carter's, but so fleet of foot were the enemy that our forces had not succeeded in overtaking their main body. It is hoped that they may y
Gen. Grant's official reportof the battles of Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, and Missionary Ridge. Headq'rs military dithey be fed after they get even one day east of here. U. S. Grant, Major General. To Major General A. E. Burnside.only army to resist the onward progress of the enemy. U S Grant, Major General. The reconnaissance and its results pre carrying your infantry and artillery over the creek. U S Grant, Major General. Gen Sherman's instructions and movemenbe able to make the trip to Cleveland or thereabouts. U S Grant, Major General. To Major Gen W T Sherman. Sherm of Tennessee, in the field, Nov. 20, 1863. Maj Gen U S Grant, commanding United States forces, &c, Chattanooga: Genessary for operations in this section; and, inasmuch as General Grant has weakened the forces immediately with him in order tave the honor to be, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant, U S Grant, Major General, United States Army,